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That was weird...there were some Tipi images added to my post, and I didn't do it....WTF?


In any case, SFC set lowered to $90. It is a really nice set...I just don't need it. Hope someone picks it up! 


BTW, it does work with Super Everdrives and plays all SNES games through one of those if you have one :)

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Ehhh I'm aware of what the SFC can and can't use, and yeah you could use the actual power supply fine (I used a JP power on a PCE for years, JP duo too and they're both far less robust systems.)  The thing is, the exterior including the cart slot are just all superficial -- SFC = SNES (both are NTSC)  I'd love the thing, but to be fair, I just don't have a place for it, especially with the TV I've got my AV Famicom on which in that case has things the US system can't do without modification of the hardware if not more to do such stuff.  I'd love to bump into a SFC and have the chance, but at whatever price online unless it's so irresistible not to, it doesn't make sense as it would likely just sit on a shelf. :(


So again if anyone is worried about it, works just fine as is even with the sega power supply in this case to run whatever cart will fit in the slot.  If you have US games though, needs adapter to get around it because otherwise you'll be using it with the top off or destroying the slot with a file to get those games in there.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Wayler said:

Why are you killing it? Why, why?


What the hell are you talking about? You are not "killing it" by using a 9V power adapter as long as it is a quality adapter. 1V difference is nominal. I have been using the same Genesis power supplies with these since launch, so don't be so dramatic. What really "kills it" (or your house) is using the original 100V power supplies in US outlets without a step-down transformer....which I have seen way too many people do over the years.

Edited by eightbit
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2 hours ago, eightbit said:

What the hell are you talking about? You are not "killing it" by using a 9V power adapter as long as it is a quality adapter.

Ah yes, I see now where I have erred in my communication. It is sometimes hard to judge what is enough and what leaves too much for interpretation. Allow me to clarify. 


To all potential bueyers: this machine is not dying but merely suffering from prolonged mental anxiety. The internals are just fine but the psychological state is severely compromised, having been subjected to currents coming from a rival company. 


But all is not lost! The machine will be returned to its formal glory with these simple remedies. First, use your best and brightest sharpie and label that power adapter as SNES (or SFC if that is more to your liking). Secondly, a harty diet of original exclusive games is required. Important note: No multi-platform releases during this detox-phase. With this and a couple of years of therapy, the machine will be as good as new. 


Apologies again for the confusion. Perhaps now my original post can be read in the intended tone. I'll try to be more clear in the future, certainly in cases where a potential business transaction is taking place. 

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