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The Robot Force, back in the saddle

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If you don't remember, round early 2017, I came up with the Robot Force, a trio of robot characters who would star in my stories for Atari 2600 games. Captain TOM, Commander DAN, and RUBY. TOM and RUBY came from Toonami; DAN was original. Well, I've brought the idea back and fleshed it out a bit. As you can see, part of the first story is on my blog (I previously posted that chapter on Giant in the Playground.)


I've also introduced the Scoundrels, an evil counterpart of the Robot Force helmed by another Toonami character. There are stories where you play as them, as well.


Captain TOM

The leader of the Robot Force and the inevitable dude in distress. Captain TOM is an egoistical, bumbling, lazy and complaining robot who is more interested in partying and romancing women than saving the galaxy. He acts jerkish to his crew, but usually apologizes after he’s taken by the bad guys and more often than not transformed into their kind. Even then, he’s mastered flying the Wingman. (Captain TOM would be voiced by Michael Rye, Green Lantern on the Super Friends, as TOM's actual voice actor Steven Blum voiced Green Lantern in Injustice 2.)


Commander DAN

The second-in-command of the Wingman. Commander DAN is smarter than Captain TOM in a sense that he doesn’t get himself in trouble as much as TOM does. Commander DAN has a fighting spirit and avenges his friend to whatever captors come their way. Commander DAN is also smart enough to check the status of the Wingman, sending reports to Dr Activision. (Commander DAN would be voiced by Wayne Morton, the voice of Benjy from Hanna-Barbera's The Thing.)



The most lovely, charismatic woman, RUBY is Captain TOM and Commander DAN’s assistant. When Captain TOM is out of the picture, RUBY takes over pilot duties in order to find her friend. She knows how to decode transmissions, usually leading to the whereabouts of Captain TOM. RUBY may even have a crush on Captain TOM. (RUBY would be voiced by Sally Struthers, since she voiced teenage Pebbles Flintstone, who I imagine RUBY to sound like.)


Commander Swayzak

The snarky and diabolical leader of the evil Scoundrels, Commander Swayzak is a sentient computer virus who’s the polar opposite of Captain TOM: he’s smart, never gets kidnapped, and is quite militaristic. He matches wits with Captain TOM every time they cross paths. Commander Swayzak is also a ladies’ man of sorts, usually competing with Captain TOM for the girl of the week. Nevertheless, he has been described as both brutal and needlessly sadistic. (Commander Swayzak would be voiced by Bill Scott; yes, the original Dudley Do-Right, because Swayzak's voice in Toonami's review of Rez was C. Martin Croker impersonating Dudley Do-Right.)



The second-in-command of the Scoundrels. Jargon is a tech genius, able to invent ways for his group to conquer the galaxy. Commander Swayzak usually sends him to spy on the Robot Force because of his ability to turn invisible, which means no one can see him. If Jargon ever fails Commander Swayzak, he’ll end up regretting it, as Swayzak knows how to reprimand him the most. (Jargon would be voiced by Don Messick, since he was the most prolific '80s VA.)



The assistant to Commander Swayzak and Jargon. Shriek is a rebellious, unbridled woman with the ability to produce sonic booms with her screams. She also has super-strength, enough to knock down Commander Swayzak when she feels he’s screwed up. She’s often the comic relief in the Scoundrels. Shriek also has a one-sided crush on Commander Swayzak, though she flirts with Captain TOM to disarm him during fights. (Shriek would be voiced by Sherry Alberoni, since she has that sort of voice Shriek would have, and she was also Wendy Harris.)



The Wingman’s holographic, self-aware AI. Clara provides the information on the Robot Force’s destinations, and also gives hints to saving Captain TOM. She also acts as the medic if Captain TOM is injured or sick. Clara can represent herself via a full-bodied matrix in these situations. She also has a crush on the Scorcher’s AI, Dave. (Clara would be voiced by Jean Vander Pyl, since she was Rosey.)



The Scorcher’s holographic, self-aware AI. Dave is every bit as merciless and cruel as Commander Swayzak, agreeing with his decisions and giving hints on how to pull off the Scoundrels’ latest scheme. He has a full-bodied matrix, as well. He takes great pride in his ability to send Clara into paroxysms whenever she hears his voice, but he just might have feelings for her. (Dave would be voiced by Vic Perrin, since he was NOMAD.)


  • Worm War I: Captain TOM, Commander DAN and their lovely assistant RUBY are determined to explore every sector of space. They came across a planet called Teriyaki, which recently became overcome by evil sentient, giant worms that are scheming to conquer it. Captain TOM unfortunately got captured by them and they turned him into a worm. Commander DAN and RUBY learned of Captain TOM's painful transformation, and set off to rescue him. As DAN, you must fight the hordes of worms in order to rescue Captain TOM. This could be Worm War I.
  • Communist Mutants from Space: Captain TOM, Commander DAN, and the lovely RUBY came across the planet Rooskee, where a strange Mother Creature and her army of Communist Mutants dwell. The Mother Creature kidnapped Captain TOM and irradiated him with her malevolent energy, transforming him into a Communist Mutant. With their own lives at stake, Commander DAN and RUBY immediately come to the rescue. As RUBY, you must shoot down all of the Communist Mutants, including a transformed Captain TOM, with your Starpath Supercharger.
  • Cosmic Swarm: Captain TOM, Commander DAN, and the lovely RUBY arrive at a planet called Waypoint. However, the once-peaceful Waypoint is overrun with giant alien termites! They capture Captain TOM and ferociously bite him, filling him up with their venom which is slowly mutating him into one of their kind! You are Commander DAN, fighting against the termites in hopes of returning Captain TOM to normal. Captain TOM is starting to morph, there’s no time to lose!
  • Encounter at L-5: Captain TOM, Commander DAN, and their lovely assistant RUBY land at the planet L-5, which is under attack by the evil Megalytes! They abduct Captain TOM and make him their slave. With Captain TOM cleaning spaceship floors, who’s going to destroy the Megalytes? Commander DAN and RUBY will! You control both robots, and the object is to shoot down as many Megalyte ships as possible. Otherwise, Captain TOM will be theirs forever.
  • Fantastic Voyage: Captain TOM has fallen ill to a mysterious, intergalactic disease. As Commander DAN and the lovely RUBY, your objective is to shrink down and enter Captain TOM’s body to destroy the disease, located in his stomach. As the pain becomes more and more intense for Captain TOM, the walls of his stomach close in, and touching the white blood cell lined walls will disintegrate you. This is a matter of life and death — will Commander DAN and RUBY survive, or will Captain TOM stay sick?
  • Galaxian: Captain TOM, Commander DAN, and the lovely RUBY are caught in an invasion of the Galaxians! The evil alien race imprison Captain TOM and challenge Commander DAN and RUBY to save him. You’re RUBY, and you must shoot down the hordes of Galaxians in order to save Captain TOM.
  • Kamikaze Saucers: A race of evil aliens called the Kamikaze have kidnapped Captain TOM. They’ve injected him with a highly contagious lifeform that transformed him into a grotesque space monster. As Commander DAN, you and your lovely assistant RUBY must fight off the Kamikaze saucers in order to cure Captain TOM. Go for it!
  • Killer Satellites: Killer satellites are invading Earth! Their hypnotic, high-pitched frequency has brainwashed Captain TOM and forced him to obey their every command. As the lovely RUBY, you have to use your otherworldly missiles to strike down the satellites so that Captain TOM breaks free of their control. Good luck, RUBY… Captain TOM is counting on you!
  • Laser Blast: Captain TOM has been kidnapped by the malicious Yexxens. With their infectious radiation, they turn him into one of them, making him go through a painful transformation. Commander DAN must bomb their bases, which is where you step in. You control him, using many bombs to destroy the Yexxens’ operations. Will you rescue Captain TOM? Or will he remain a Yexxen forever?
  • Megamania: Where a nightmare becomes a reality! Captain TOM dreams he’s fighting off a horde of weird objects that are coming for him! As Captain TOM, you must shoot them before they reach you. Hopefully you wake up before that happens, or else who knows what they’ll do to you?
  • Plaque Attack: The sequel to Fantastic Voyage, the lovely RUBY now must enter Captain TOM’s mouth to stop painful microscopic bacterial aliens. She has her Plaque-Blaster ready to rumble, which will also clean Captain TOM’s robotic teeth. Will she complete her mission, or will Captain TOM continue to be troubled by this intense pain?
  • Planet Patrol: A team of robots hire Captain TOM to join the Planet Patrol. He accepts, although he misses his crew. You play as Captain TOM, defending your home planet of Earth and fending off alien saucers. If you make it through the day, perhaps they’ll let you leave. So do your best!
  • Artillery Duel: An evil group called the Scoundrels have arrived in space; the leader, Commander Swayzak, absolutely hates Captain TOM's guts. He challenges him to a duel of Vapourizers, the most powerful artillery gun in the galaxy. Against Commander DAN and RUBY's wishes, Captain TOM takes it on. As Captain TOM, you must destroy Commander Swayzak with your Vapourizer before he destroys you, but you've got to predetermine your shots! Who will win?
  • Laser Gates: Commander Swayzak launches an evil scheme to destroy the Cryptic Computer that maintains peace in the galaxy by setting off its failsafe detonators. As Commander Swayzak, you invade the computer's mainframe, battling its defense systems to ultimately reach that goal. First the Cryptic Computer, next the world!
  • The Earth Dies Screaming: Captain TOM has been kidnapped by the Trillians, malicious aliens bent on destroying the earth. As Commander DAN and the lovely RUBY, you must shoot down the Trillians' attack bases and fight your way thru their Kamikaze Satellites and waves of fighters. Will you save Captain TOM? Or will the earth die screaming?
  • Fast Food: As part of a scheme to develop a deadly virus, Commander Swayzak enters Captain TOM's body to analyze his stomach contents. You play as Commander Swayzak, using a device to copy Captain TOM's stomach contents. Watch out for purple antibodies; they'll knock you into submission! Will Commander Swayzak win this time? That's for me to know and you to find out!
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