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Jaguar Rotary Controller

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Hi, I am trying to mod a Jag controller to allow me to use a rotary stick with Tempest. I have installed the rotary stick underneath the D Pad and added a switch to the right. No matter what I do the rotary stick does not register (I have enabled the setting in Tempest), at best it turns the player ship a little but does not move it. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? In the pic the switch is no longer wired in but I had it so the ground was going to a middle pin and then the rotary left and right went to the top 2 pins and then the bottom 2 pins connected to the solder points on the board. - getting an error trying to upload pics but will keep trying

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It sounds like you are trying to switch it between Rotary and D-pad modes, otherwise why have a switch, if so then if you truly have the centre contacts of the switch wired to GND (0v) I would say that at best that is not a good way to to do and at worst is just is wrong and likely to cause problems. As the centre contact of the switch connect to the pairs at each end then without seeing exactly how you have/were trying to connected it I think what may be happening is that by connecting GND where you have you are keeping both the Left/Right outputs of the Rotary at 0 so no change movement will would be registered.


It sounds like you are using a double pole double throw switch (DPDT) in which case I think the best way to wire that with the minimum alteration the PCB/original circuit would be... 

  1. Find D13 (Left) & D14 (Right), disconnect the end with the line on them from the PCB and connect them each to one of the centre contacts of each row on the switch instead (make a note of which Row is for Right and which is for Left)
  2. Connect one pair of contacts at the end of the switch to where disconnected ends of D13 & D14 were connected to the PCB (connects D13 & D14 to the Left/Right D-pad switches (restore standard controller connection/operation).
  3. Connect the pair of switch contact at the other end of the switch to the Rotary switch inputs A & B (connects D13 & D14 to the Rotary) and connect the ground/common connection of the Rotary to the J0 strobe (Pin 4, on the Cable connector, pin 1 should be indicated by P1 or a possibly a dot). This should ensure that the Rotary switches will only affect the controller output when the rotary is being read. 

 There are probably other ways/places to connect that I think the above is the best way and I don't have a controller PCB to hand to be able to describe an alterative method.

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Hey thank you for the response, sorry for the delay but was not notified someone had posted!


I THINK I get what you mean so will give it a go, just to clarify are you saying disconect the left and right of the ribbon cable from the pcb and attach them to the switch (middle row) then attach 2 wires from the switch to the now vacant pins on the PCB and then attach the remaining 2 pins on the switch to the rotary? I have managed to upload pics now!


The other pic with twisted wires is the example I was trying to follow









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1 hour ago, choobathingy said:

Just to add to this, I have tried without the switch as per the pictures attached above. Wired as shown and still not working. It's not something silly like the pad needing to be used in port 2 in order for the rotary to be recognised?

To be honest I am not sure as I rarely play Temest 2000 with a Rotarty. However as one of the images you posted was by Zerosquare. I perforemd a search to see if there were written step by step instructions (to see where he is connecting to), but it is just the image, although in the post below it on Jagware he also posted...


To use rotary controllers in Tempest 2000, you first need to enable the hidden option. But if you only have one controller, you're stuck, because you need to have two controllers connected and hold the Pause button on both.


So that may be part of the problem, however if you trying to follow the Zerosquare mod, as it appears you are because...

  1. The method I outlined above requires removing one end of D13 & D14 from the PCB and the images you posted show them to still be in place and
  2. You posted an image realting to his rotary mod

then you may have connected the Rotary to the wrong place.

The image of Zerosquares mode you posted clearly shows the wiring going to a row of contacts that are slanted, and on the main keypad PCB, and you appear to have connected them to the D-pad PCB. Maybe they are the same place in the circuit just at different points (I don't know without taking a controller appart and checking), but if you are going to follow a guide then I would suggest the best way to eliminate any problems such as incorrect wiring would be to connect to the same points as the guide you are following.

You might also want to check the data sheet for the Rotary you are using, although the connections are probably in the same positions as the one Zerosquare used it would be a worth double checking to ensure you have not miss connected it.


You can modify the controller the way Zerosquare has and I think most people do, but my method isolates the rotary from the D-pad. The slight advantage of that is that if the switch breaks and stops switching it will function as either a Rotary or a Standard controller so you know where you are, whereas when paralleling the Rotary with the L/R buttons if the swich fails and is stuck in Rotary mode you can have control problem using the controller with non-rotary games as knocking the rotary accidently out of its 11 position would result in L or R being active then you have to scramble to find the correct rotary position while the game is running.

But it is a matter or personal prefernce.


I find your choice of location for the rotary to be an odd one, bacuase if you are using the controller with a game that requies using keypad butons 4, 7 & * the position of the rotary would restrict your access to them using your Left thumb.  Maybe it works for you but it look awkward to me, like you would only be holding the controller with your Right hand as the rotary is where your thumb pad would go to ehlp you grip the Left side of the controller.

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Hey thanks for the response.


I have multiple controllers so I have already enabled the secret option in Tempest to allow rotary control.


I have 2 pro pads so use then for most things but wanted the addition of a rotary controller.


I did follow the example and connected to the same place in diagram but had the same issue.


If it is best to just have the rotary replace the D Pad how would that be wired? Do I just splice into the same points and remove the rotary or do I also need to disconnect some connections?

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Posted (edited)

Not sure what way you are trying to wire the controller but if you are using a "B" series controller, follow this pic.

To see what series controller you have, look at the back of the controller. It will have a serial number on it.



Edited by Machine
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, choobathingy said:

Ok will do! Is it possible there is a problem with controller? It worked fine playing other games with D Pad before I started trying to add a rotary stick

If so, your controller is OK, and should work fine if you undo the modifications you've made.


To make troubleshooting simpler, I'd suggest removing the switch and resoldering the diodes as they were.


Check that the controller now works fine with non-rotary games.


Then check that the wires are soldered in the right place, using a non-rotary game:

- connecting the "common" wire to one of other two wires should act as pressing Left

- connecting the "common" wire to the remaining wire should act as pressing Right


Finally, connect the wires to the rotary encoder and test it with Tempest 2000 in rotary mode:

- if it works: success! You can now install the switch.

- if it works, but backwards: swap the A and B wires

- if it misbehaves: either common and A are swapped, or common and B are swapped

Edited by Zerosquare
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Pheewwww I have tried your suggestions and I am happy to say the rotary stick works and with a switch 🙂


Thank you all for your input! Looks like my left and up were bridged and also when assembling the metal of the rotary bottom was making contact with the PCB!

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On 6/6/2024 at 10:11 AM, choobathingy said:

Pheewwww I have tried your suggestions and I am happy to say the rotary stick works and with a switch 🙂


Thank you all for your input! Looks like my left and up were bridged and also when assembling the metal of the rotary bottom was making contact with the PCB!


I don't care for the switch version. I get it saves a little money, but Jaguar controllers are not rare and New/Old stock is still being sold. They are more comfortable mounted where the Dpad was.

Glad you are up and running. You need Rebooteroids. Great game with a rotary or a d-pad. Lots of fun.


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