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Atari 2600 Tarzan released!


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51 minutes ago, Ballblaɀer said:

I’m pretty sure you can’t go vine to vine directly, I think you must grab the tree in the middle in between.

Doh!  That makes sense.  That's how the CV and 8-Bit versions work too.  I guess I was thinking of Jungle Hunt.

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4 hours ago, Rom Hunter said:

Excellent news and great article!

Will add the ROM to the database tomorrow.


Thank you! I suppose this is a stupid question, but will this play on the portable Atari or is the 16k beyond its limitations?

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I probably missed it (though I did attempt to read everything) - but is the original banking scheme for Tarzan (either 12K or 16K with the doubled bank) documented somewhere? I'm more interested in that than the actual game :)


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26 minutes ago, wavemotion said:

I probably missed it (though I did attempt to read everything) - but is the original banking scheme for Tarzan (either 12K or 16K with the doubled bank) documented somewhere? I'm more interested in that than the actual game :)

Hotspots are $fff0, $fff1, $fff8, $fff9

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Phwoar! What a treasure that has been uncovered. Retrieving and reviving the ROM image off a 40 year old EEPROM might be one of the heights of digital archaeology. I'm hoping for someone to find the Super NES Commanche prototype one day.

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52 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

Hotspots are $fff0, $fff1, $fff8, $fff9

Thanks Thomas! Has an 'official' name been given to the scheme? I suspect you guys will go with something like 0189... but please at least consider JANE :)

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11 minutes ago, wavemotion said:

Thanks Thomas! Has an 'official' name been given to the scheme? I suspect you guys will go with something like 0189... but please at least consider JANE :)

That’s just golden! I love it.

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I was playing this quite a bit last night as it really is fun.  I think I was able to get through about 4 times before my timer ran out.  The hunter is ruthless at that point since if you get shot right in front of him.. that's it because he shoots again just as you get up due to the timing being the same. I was able to land a punch on him once to get out of the loop but lost a lot of time in the process. 


My only complaint is how dark the last 'boss' screen is on the palette to the far right.


Anyway, here is the best I've manage to get when playing last night. I started from game 1.



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27 minutes ago, magnusfalkirk said:

Is there a copy of the manual for the 8 bit version available anywhere, or can you use the 2600 manual to play the computer version?

Not that I'm aware of but since the 8-Bit version is almost identical to the Colecovision version I'd use that manual.

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21 hours ago, Tempest said:

I also took a look at the Atari 8-Bit proto

Has there ever been any signs of JWDA may have planned a C64 version of this Tarzan game too? I see they're credited to at least two entries in GB64, Big Top and Q*Bert's Qubes so it doesn't seem entirely unlikely. Coleco also published WarGames for the C64 (and A8) as well as Family Feud so that would also line up.


I don't see any ties between JWDA and the Martech team, except for the reused title graphics, whether those were a property of Coleco or the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate.

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Just now, carlsson said:

Has there ever been any signs of JWDA may have planned a C64 version of this Tarzan game too? I see they're credited to at least two entries in GB64, Big Top and Q*Bert's Qubes so it doesn't seem entirely unlikely. Coleco also published WarGames for the C64 (and A8) as well as Family Feud so that would also line up.


I don't see any ties between JWDA and the Martech team, except for the reused title graphics, whether those were a property of Coleco or the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate.

You've got me.  C64 stuff isn't my area.  I don't think JWDA would have done the C64 version as it would have most likely been a clone of the CV/Atari 8-Bit versions, neither of which were done by them.

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Aha, true. Still intriguing with so many hints pointing in the same direction, if that never was on the roadmap. However this ludography of 4D Interactive Systems doesn't mention the C64 so perhaps that was a blind spot for them which would explain why no such prototype might exist. While Moby has one C64 entry, it looks to be a user conversion of a PET/CBM game as it completely lacks graphics or colours.

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4 minutes ago, carlsson said:

Aha, true. Still intriguing with so many hints pointing in the same direction, if that never was on the roadmap. However this ludography of 4D Interactive Systems doesn't mention the C64 so perhaps that was a blind spot for them which would explain why no such prototype might exist. While Moby has one C64 entry, it looks to be a user conversion of a PET/CBM game as it completely lacks graphics or colours.

It doesn't mention them doing the Atari 8-Bit port either.  I wonder who did it then?  Whoever did it had to have had access to the CV version as they're identical other than the expected changes in some graphics.  Since the CV version was released so late there really wasn't time for a separate team to examine it and do their port based on it.  That makes me think they must have done the Atari 8-Bit version in conjuction with the CV version.

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