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Looking for a Frank Schafer from Germany re 1090XL

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Sorry about this odd post.  If there is a Frank Schafer on this forum, please PM me.  I am unable to email him....


If somebody knows him, please let him know I am trying to contact him.  I can't find him on facebook either.






Edited by reifsnyderb
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Well, I have been unable to get in contact with him.


Long story short is that today I received a 1090XL back that I shipped to him on April 25, 2024. 


It was returned with a label stating:  "regarding UPU Art. 17-104.1.1 (former RL 123.1.1) exceeded maximum dimensions"


So, I looked this up and found this Gem:


Article 17-104
Limits of size
1 The limits of size of items other than postcards, aerogrammes and small packets are given below:
1.1 maxima: length, width and depth combined: 900 mm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed
600 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm; in roll form: length plus twice the diameter: 1,040 mm, but the
greatest dimension may not exceed 900 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm


This is in a 314 page .pdf file:  https://www.upu.int/UPU/media/upu/files/aboutUpu/acts/05-actsRegulationsConventionAndPostalPayment/actsRegulationsToTheConventionAndFinalProtocol.pdf



Ok.  So, the combined dimensions cannot exceed 900mm.  It would be nice to know this.


So, what's the size of the box I shipped it in?


The box is a little de-formed, but I measured it at about 17 inches x 8 1/2 inches x 8 1/2 inches.  Adding them together, I get 34 inches or 864mm. 


Now I am not a math wizard but 864mm is well under 900mm.


So, for $46.35, I was able to send a package through German customs and have it returned over a month later because it was "considered" to be oversized.


I am still attempting to contact Frank Schafer, one e-mail address bounces back and another isn't returned.  Messages to two Frank Schafers, on Facebook, haven't been returned either.  I'll have to let the Tindie people know.










Edited by reifsnyderb
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1 hour ago, reifsnyderb said:

It's even worse when they don't even follow their own rules.

I had a very similar thing happen when dealing with German RWTUV back in the 90's. They had red tagged a bunch of chillers that my company at the time had made and sold to Hella of Germany. When it came time to try to make things right with their regulations and directives, we had to purchase a professionally translated version of those docs as reference ($$$). Then we even paid to have RWTUV to send two of their guys to overview the process (more $$$).


So in one of the directives that they had taken issue with, it stated quite clearly that a YELLOW indicator would signify something that had safely been automatically shut-down, and did not require human intervention - essentially just acting as a status indication for what had caused that situation to occur. However RWTUV insisted that it should be a RED indicator instead.


So looking up the definition of when a RED safety indicator was called for we found this... A RED indicator is mandatory where human intervention is required. So this essentially was a situation where there was no automatic shut-down, and a person would need to do so manually in order to overt a dangerous situation from occurring.


Our system only lit up the YELLOW indicator after it had automatically shut-off the system, so there was no need for someone to do so after the fact. Thus the YELLOW indicator by their own rules was the correct one to be used for the situation.


However it didn't matter, because no matter how many times we tried to convey this, RWTUV insisted that the indicator needed to be RED. In the end they won and we lost, having to retrofit all our systems with a RED panel mount LED in place of the YELLOW one. And because of how the boards and the panels mated to each other this was a major cost for us (yet more $$$).


So like you pointed out, they can't even follow their own rules ;)


This also reminds of the hypocrisy concerning the diesel emission tests being faked by a prominent car manufacturer in the same country. Basically a double standard.


EDIT: I should probably add that no country is immune to not consistently following their own rules. I've seen plenty of that here as well. Basically anything that gets created and/or governed by committee is vulnerable. Just comes down to the nature of humans.

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