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Stampede appreciation thread

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Back when I was a kid, my parents loved country music, and I hated it. By extension I hated everything cowboy-related (although for some reason I enjoyed watching "Hee-Haw"), so I had no interest in this cowboy video game.


But when I started seriously collecting, naturally I ended up getting myself a copy of Stampede. And, naturally, I LOVE it! It's like a sideways version of Kaboom! Very creative idea. (I enjoy playing it on the Intellivision as well, although I think the Atari version is superior.)


So... who else loves Stampede?


(I think I'll fire up Stella for a game right now... the 2600 is packed up for the move.)

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They are annoying... but lots of points!


It's a Pavlovian response. I am 29 years old. I know points in a video game mean NOTHING. But I still get excited when I hear all of those points ringing up...


That's what I love about the game. The sound it makes as it racks up the score :D


Plus the gallopping sound effect is cool too.



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Stampede is one of those games that I've always wanted to like but I'm so poor at playing it, the game just frustrates me :mad:


I did pick up some playing tips but I've never topped more than 2300 (Game 1) as a score - most of the time my scores are only three figures long *sighs* :roll:



Stampede Simpleton

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It's a Pavlovian response. I am 29 years old. I know points in a video game mean NOTHING. But I still get excited when I hear all of those points ringing up...


What?! Points mean everything! Well, that's a bit overboard, but I'm a huge fan of game high scores.


I used to struggle to figure out what I didn't like about modern video games. The move from 2D to 3D... the switch from simple elegant concepts to more complicated "need a 200 page manual to play" model. But then it hit me. They have, for the most part, removed the concept of scoring and/or high scores from games. Some games still have a high-score, but most games don't focus on it (Super Mario World has a high score but most people couldn't even tell you the order of magnitude of thier scores - even those of us who love the game since the primary goal has been changed from perfect skill to last as long as possible to one of simply completing the game). Games are now judged on how long it will take you to "complete" it. Classic video games are not completed, generally (though some are - e.g. Pitfall)... they are played infinitely to the point of doing better and better -- and that's measured by high scores. I'm not concerned about beating someone else's high score, but I do love the challenge of surpassing my personal best!


And Stampede is great! Hard, but very fun to play.

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It's a Pavlovian response. I am 29 years old. I know points in a video game mean NOTHING. But I still get excited when I hear all of those points ringing up...


What?! Points mean everything!




I just meant that in the greater scheme of life, a high score in a video game has no real value. (Not that I don't still get excited over them.)

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stampede was recycled into one of the game parts in c=64 aliens (as were many other activision games,) (worm whomper always reminded me of an alternate stampede also, as the game in aliens reminds of stampede and worm whomper,) just them being aliens made the game more compelling to me. that would be a neat gfx hack of stampede :-) maybe ill have to try that hacko thingy some day.


anyone else remember c=64 aliens, and its many borrowed sub games?

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It is a great game! I loved it as a kid and played it again when I first got back into classic gaming. (Maybe "got back into" isn't a correct term because the first time was when it was "State of the Art" but I digress....) As for the earlier comment about the annoying Black Calves, just remember that they can only show up when there is a "hole" so herd appropriately and control where you leave "holes"! :)

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I have to admit this is a game that I only discovered (or actually maybe it would be more accurate to say TRIED PLAYING) only a couple of years ago. I mean, I was around when this game was released but I avoided it like the plague. Why? Because 1) It wasn't an arcade conversion.. which is what I was mainly interested in 2) It wasn't SPACE! What kid in the 70's/early 80's wanted anything western? I wanted spaceships and shooting! 3) And bad enough it wasn't space.. it was western.. no interest 4) It looked amazingly similar in style to other Activision offerings at the time like Barnstorming, Grand Prix, etc. So it seemed like just altered graphics to me. 5) Activision had given me a bad taste after buying Freeway :lol:


But anyway, I digress.. I recently tried it.. (yes it was on Activision Anthology and it was ONLY because I was collecting the virtual patches.. otherwise I never would've started it up) and it is great!! I never realized how the gameplay worked but it sure is challenging (a lot more challenging than a lot of 2600 games). And it's a great game to try and compete for high scores. I was definitely impressed how I could gone the past 20 years and not so much as even TRIED the game. I guess it was that western thing that I just always passed it by. Anyway, ironically of course I had 2 Stampede carts in my collection.. one came to me in a bulk win and another.. well, I don't know where I got it. But at least I was able to play it on a real vcs after realizing how good the game was on Activision Anthology :D Hello horse galloping sounds :P

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I Love this game too! IMO, game 1 becomes impossible at around 35,000(when you begin the 8th new herd of cattle). The dogies become absolutly stubborn and refuse to herd forward even one time. The Jerseys and Gurnseys cannot even be held at bay for a moment. They will run right through the horse. I've gotten 51,000 on game 3 due to more frequent appeareances of the Angus(ie-more points). Then the stubborn cattle again thwarted my best efforts! At this point the bottom row of cattle cannot even be roped if they get NEAR your horse! I've entered this part of the game with maxed extras(9) many times, and I manage to survive only a brief few seconds. I suggest all serious gamers give this one a look! Is there a secret that I've yet to discover? Does anyone have any hints on surviving this level in the game? If you have the Worship the Woodgrain CD's for your supercharger, you can play a hacked version of Stampede that does not have a "stray count" and see exactly what I mean when you get to the impossible part. I've even tried to practice using the hack and this makes me all the more confident of its immense difficulty! :idea:


I am at a loss to even speculate how Todd Rogers maxed this game(99,999)! It is truly a marvel! It is with gaming feats such as this that Todd is truly set apart from other mortal gamers. :)

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Stampede was one of the few games I had back then--still have it along with all my other original games.


I played it so much that I can't play it anymore. I'm burnt out on it.


It's sad that it holds true for all the games I had in my original collection. I never get them out and play them.

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Stampede is one I'll always remember just because of the patch. My brother and I played it until 2am one night determined to get the score for the patch. When I finally hit it, it was then we both realized there was no film in the polaroid. We drove to 7-11, (well, he drove...I was like 13) paid some outrageous amount for film, came home and found my mom in the living room....SHUTTING OFF THE TV!

Fortunately we walked in just in time since the Atari was next! She thought we had both gone to bed and left everything on. GOD was that close!

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