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What sega genesis could do all atonce the snes just can’t

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10 hours ago, Wayler said:

I always admire everyone who take their time to read and try to comprehend a J-Mu topic. And then respond in a constructive way even. I just find it easier to let AI make a visual interpretation of a subject that the master of linguistic thinking has given us. 


7 hours ago, OldSchoolRetroGamer said:

😆Just now I copied the entirety of the first post and pasted it into CoPilot A.I. Obviously, it only accepted up to a certain point (character limit reached by "3,i later on trought that snes audio was CD" ) interestingly though it did display it into paragraphs 😁 I mention this as a suggestion if the OP cannot be bothered he might consider letting CoPilot add the paragraphs. More oddly, it produced this output in response (not joking):


Utterly flippin' genius.  Why has no one done this before?!  This is a true breakthrough.

On one hand here we have Wayler who was able to take the broken brain response and used that with AI to create that jumble into a picture representation.  And then you have OSR there, and using another AI was able to take a mess and made it actually legible and interesting to read.


I only now have more questions though.  Did in both cases AI finally have to come along so far as to not actually melt the server rack to decipher this?  And if it didn't cause some major use of the services, should we be afraid that AI could come up with this so quickly that it's become so smart you can't even hide messages in code anymore meaning we're one step closer to the well...skynet.

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8 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

as if nobody takes me serious at all that’s how it felt like to me


You can not be taken seriously, you talk nonsense and type gibberish.  Learn how to use a translation engine, or write in frigging Dutch (Although I am beginning to think your typing would not look any different, hence the broken brain!).

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9 minutes ago, CPUWIZ said:


You can not be taken seriously, you talk nonsense and type gibberish.  Learn how to use a translation engine, or write in frigging Dutch (Although I am beginning to think your typing would not look any different, hence the broken brain!).

Calm down!:lol:

 He is the way he is.:ponder:

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2 hours ago, CPUWIZ said:


You can not be taken seriously, you talk nonsense and type gibberish.  Learn how to use a translation engine, or write in frigging Dutch (Although I am beginning to think your typing would not look any different, hence the broken brain!).

I am NOT talking nonsense am just telling the truth.

and for everybody whose exaggerating about my “poor” writing and/or claiming that i cannot do it any better, those ones should be ashame on their selfes.

if they think this is bad, well how about looking at my writings on other sites 20 years ago wich was sooo bad that i almost can’t make it out my self, but despite that the courage did kept me going on writing stuff.

now back to the main topic, let’s imagine for a moment if the snes was a neogeo mvs system with games such as supermarioworld,killer instincc,streetfighter 2 etc,, on it at higher quality, then maybe it would,ve only sold 20 million units or less because of it’s high price,

but what if the snes a pce engine with thosecsame games on it, along with straight nes backwards compatibility , then those games would,ve lacked an extra background layer but it would,ve costed less and maybe it would,ve sold over 56 million units or more,

and lastly if the snes was a genesis instead then the sales wouldn’t have dropped but the it still would,ve be slightly cheaper while those games like supermarioworld and donkeykong country would,ve still looked and sound close to an actual snes as we know of today and nobody would,ve complain about the lack of mode7, so in that regard i don’t think it would,ve make much a difference in the outcome except if the snes was based on the neogei mvs system wich would,ve resulted in a negative outcome in terms of sales, but still trough it’s eventually abaut those games, if people really really wanted that specific game and the system to play it, they definitely would break the bank to get that amount of money to get an $650 system, the general consumer would probably spare their patience and try to save money for such expensive system wich would,ve only slowed sales down but still,  it’s interesting to imagine all of this.

anyways it is what it is now and history cannot be changed, only been reimagined🤣

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1 hour ago, NE146 said:

Well in case you like to feed in the AI  with my “poorly” written english text, well let’s see if that AI could turn my dutch text into english so here it goes,


ik ben al dat eeuwige gezeur van de vele atariage leden over mijn spellingfouten of de manier over hoe ik sins jaar en dag over bepaalde di ngen denk, echt helemaal daadwerkelijk spuugzat, ik bedoel waarom niet?

is het niet iets heel unieks om bepaalde dingen vanuit ‘n bepaalde perspectief te bekijken en/of te beoordelen zonder enige kwaadaardige bedoelingen?

waarom moet ik dan toch vaak van alle kanten sarcastische bijdehante opmerkingen krijgen over bepaalde dingen die ik schrijf, vinden zij het dan soms zo stom om bepaalde dingen vanui ‘n ander perspectief te bekijken om te zien of het andere gevolgen zal kunnen hebben gehad voor de toekomst en/of deze gevolgen nou wel of niet veel verschil hadden uitgemaakt?

kijk ik ben gewoon persoonlijk geeriteerd geraakt over het feit dat bijna iedereen op youtube of waar dan ook dezelfde vergelijkbare verhalen vertellen over hun ervaring met de nes,de snes of sega genesis ongeacht hoe anders en uniek zij het ook vertellen, het komt allemaal op het zelfde neer, het is allemaal 1 grote pot nat, kijk in eerste instantie vond ik het allemaal wel leuk, maar na de zoveelste keer had ik er uiteindelijk genoeg van, ook omdat die titels hoe anders ook per youtube kanaal vaak op het zelfde neerkomt en ik heb daar persoonlijk na zoveel jaar echt schoon genoeg van, laten zij meer eens deze spelcomputers vanuit ‘n andere perspectief bekijken, eens wat anders dan iedere keer weer het zelfde verhaal op verschillende manieren te moeten aanhoren, tja ook al zullen de fans daar niet blij om zijn, maar ik heb gewoon zoiets van 1 keer iets anders, en ik ben ervan overtuigd dat ik niet de enige ben , tja ook al wilt 99% het niet anders, ik bedoel ik heb soms ‘n beetje het gevoel alsof we in ‘n digitale dictatuur leven, als er van ons word verwacht dat wij het zelfde moeten gaan denken als de rest over ‘n bepaalde computer systeem, en zo niet dan wirden we van alle kanten afgekraakt en belachelijk gemaakt en er word ook nog eens flink over jou geroddeld, vooral dat laatste daar kan ik mij echt pissig link om maken, ik vind dat jammer en onnodig want iedereen heeft zijn eigen mening daarover, waarom respecteren wij dat niet?

als iemand zegt dat hij de genesis beter vind dan de snes, dan ga ik daar als snes fan niet meer zo moeilijk over doen zoals 20 jaar geleden,



well here are my dutch text and i will be not surprised if the ai translation of it to english will be good🤣

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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, CPUWIZ said:



Keine Lust mehr mit Dir, Du hast Probleme die mich nicht interessieren, viele Leute sind voellig genervt mit deinem Bloedsinn.

All diese Typen sollten einfach nicht so sein

Jammern, ich bin für immer ihr

kluge sarkastische Fotze

Ich beschwere mich wirklich mehr als alles andere

Ich habe es satt, ich verstehe nicht, wie sie sich fühlen

kann so verdammt schlimm sein

Dazu sage ich nur das

einfache Wahrheit, die sie als

Etikettierungsunsinn, auch überrascht

Es ist mir so, dass wenn ich etwas von einem mache

bestimmte perspektivische Sichtweise, das tun sie

als unrealistisch ansehen, und das solange

Ich begann immer noch schmerzhaft nachzudenken

darüber, wie so ein anderer

nicht so aus der Perspektive

klingt unrealistisch, ich meine warum

Jeder schaut sich YouTube oder Spiele an

Website immer mit der Nase

in der gleichen Weise? Lass sie sein

guck in die andere Richtung,

die gleiche Geschichte über die gleiche Sache noch einmal hören zu müssen🥲🤣

Edited by johannesmutlu
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You know what would be great? If Atari put a Ryzen 7800X3D in the 2600 back in 1977. Wouldn't that be amazing? Man, the system would have been so much more capable and been able to have games that actually looked like the boxart. I'm so pissed off that Atari didn't do that. Can you believe they didn't do that? Those boxes were blatant false advertising that they tricked me with! What a simple thing they could have done to make the machine more powerful, and I can't think of any reason that they wouldn't have. That's why, despite being one of the most important consoles of all time, the 2600 is a big disappointment.


That's you. That's what you sound like.


You're not talking about "another perspective," you're talking about a poorly-informed fantasy and trying to legitimize it by calling it a perspective.


Reality is reality. The reason everything winds up sounding the same is that these things happened and we know why they happened. That's it.

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To be fair to J-mu, I think I understand where he is coming from. You see, there was great confusion over language and pronounciation in the 1950s Netherland that eventually lead to civil unrest and riots. The supreme council finally (and wisely) decided that the minute details didn't matter. They instead stipulated that an old coin, a potato and a grasshopper should be placed in the mouth at all times so that everyone can understand each other. 


The council also commissioned a comic book to be published about the event. I believe "Ik ook Tout" is mandatory reading for all citizens nowadays. 


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5 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

Well in case you like to feed in the AI  with my “poorly” written english text, well let’s see if that AI could turn my dutch text into english so here it goes,


well here are my dutch text and i will be not surprised if the ai translation of it to english will be good🤣

I have to be honest, translated that came off much more coherent, structured (with paragraphs) and mostly sensible. 

Sadly, I still see overall just the same conversations that have gone on endlessly and just do not hold any appeal or interest for me and I would guess most here. Perceptions, comparisons, projections, it's all in the past and best left there imho. While I DO appreciate clarity in the ramblings, filling in the missing gaps I was trying to understand it just confirms the banality of the subjects and ideas you are attempting, my opinion anyway. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Carry on. 

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Oh You guys are gonna dig this one!...


GoldLeader's had one too many...Evn trough


I think AI might just be agreeing with Johannes here!   Sure scoff away scofflaws!..You rapscallions probably think I'm just blowing smoke up in here,  but I just smoked some really good drugs so now I cab speak ummmb Dutch...I just can't seme to write in Englisch as my laptop keeps spraying text wherever it pleases..


Well here's some results for the weary


Hallo daar AI, Hoe gaat het met je maatje? Hoe dan ook, je bent AI en zo (deze AI is tenslotte een wonder, weet je) Dus van welk videogamesysteem geniet jij als computer-brainjoy (AI thingamabob) met heel je hart? , wat wil je me vertellen oh Groot en Heerszuchtig AI-systeem??




And then AI says:



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7 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

well here are my dutch text and i will be not surprised if the ai translation of it to english will be good🤣

I don't understand Dutch but just looking at your text, I immediately notice the lack of periods and capital letters that make texts more readable. So I suspect you're also hard to read in your native language as well, which would explain a lot.

For example, consider this part (of one of your English posts):

8 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

and lastly if the snes was a genesis instead then the sales wouldn’t have dropped but the it still would,ve be slightly cheaper while those games like supermarioworld and donkeykong country would,ve still looked and sound close to an actual snes as we know of today and nobody would,ve complain about the lack of mode7

Would it be so hard to type this instead?



And lastly if the SNES was a Genesis instead, then the sales wouldn’t have dropped but the it still would've been slightly cheaper, while those games like Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country would've still looked and sounded close to an actual SNES as we know of today, and nobody would've complain about the lack of mode 7.


And lastly™️, you never explained why your replace most periods with commas (',,,') and apparently quotes as well for some reason. 🤨 On what are you typing??? A ZX Spectrum??


Even though I admit it's mean to make fun of you, the problem is you don't seem to make ANY effort to listen to what we say, or to at least explain yourself. 😔 (and please don't talk about the SNES and the Genesis in your replay, I don't care)

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17 hours ago, Trinity said:

Calm down!:lol:

 He is the way he is.:ponder:

Look, just because Simple Jack err Johannes is special, doesn't make it alirght.


I don't know dutch, but this is interesting.


I use brave and it has a built in translator, so I read what CPUWIZ said clearly it came out concise and to the point that people are fed up with it.  Yet his reply, it's disturbing enough for sure.  As assumed, he's not writing the best in his own language as it's broken there too, not as broken.  The translation reads better than his attemps here, so I got the entire argument and included personal insult thrown in there too calling CPUWIZ a cunt.  I'll be curious to see where this goes if it hasn't already gone there.

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13 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

Well in case you like to feed in the AI  with my “poorly” written english text, well let’s see if that AI could turn my dutch text into english so here it goes,


ik ben al dat eeuwige gezeur van de vele atariage leden over mijn spellingfouten of de manier over hoe ik sins jaar en dag over bepaalde di ngen denk, echt helemaal daadwerkelijk spuugzat, ik bedoel waarom niet?

is het niet iets heel unieks om bepaalde dingen vanuit ‘n bepaalde perspectief te bekijken en/of te beoordelen zonder enige kwaadaardige bedoelingen?

waarom moet ik dan toch vaak van alle kanten sarcastische bijdehante opmerkingen krijgen over bepaalde dingen die ik schrijf, vinden zij het dan soms zo stom om bepaalde dingen vanui ‘n ander perspectief te bekijken om te zien of het andere gevolgen zal kunnen hebben gehad voor de toekomst en/of deze gevolgen nou wel of niet veel verschil hadden uitgemaakt?

kijk ik ben gewoon persoonlijk geeriteerd geraakt over het feit dat bijna iedereen op youtube of waar dan ook dezelfde vergelijkbare verhalen vertellen over hun ervaring met de nes,de snes of sega genesis ongeacht hoe anders en uniek zij het ook vertellen, het komt allemaal op het zelfde neer, het is allemaal 1 grote pot nat, kijk in eerste instantie vond ik het allemaal wel leuk, maar na de zoveelste keer had ik er uiteindelijk genoeg van, ook omdat die titels hoe anders ook per youtube kanaal vaak op het zelfde neerkomt en ik heb daar persoonlijk na zoveel jaar echt schoon genoeg van, laten zij meer eens deze spelcomputers vanuit ‘n andere perspectief bekijken, eens wat anders dan iedere keer weer het zelfde verhaal op verschillende manieren te moeten aanhoren, tja ook al zullen de fans daar niet blij om zijn, maar ik heb gewoon zoiets van 1 keer iets anders, en ik ben ervan overtuigd dat ik niet de enige ben , tja ook al wilt 99% het niet anders, ik bedoel ik heb soms ‘n beetje het gevoel alsof we in ‘n digitale dictatuur leven, als er van ons word verwacht dat wij het zelfde moeten gaan denken als de rest over ‘n bepaalde computer systeem, en zo niet dan wirden we van alle kanten afgekraakt en belachelijk gemaakt en er word ook nog eens flink over jou geroddeld, vooral dat laatste daar kan ik mij echt pissig link om maken, ik vind dat jammer en onnodig want iedereen heeft zijn eigen mening daarover, waarom respecteren wij dat niet?

als iemand zegt dat hij de genesis beter vind dan de snes, dan ga ik daar als snes fan niet meer zo moeilijk over doen zoals 20 jaar geleden,



well here are my dutch text and i will be not surprised if the ai translation of it to english will be good🤣

Ok smart ass challenge accepted...  DeepL has the most accurate translation/detection language space online, and well here you go...


I am really and truly fed up with all the eternal whining from the many atariage members about my spelling mistakes or the way I have been thinking about certain things for years, I mean why not?

Isn't it something very unique to view and/or judge certain things from a certain perspective without any malicious intentions?

Then why do I often get sarcastic snide remarks from all sides about certain things I write, do they sometimes find it so stupid to look at certain things from a different perspective to see whether it will have had different consequences for the future and/or whether these consequences would have made much difference or not?

it all comes down to the same thing, it's all one big pot of cake, look at first I liked it, but after the umpteenth time I finally had enough of it, also because those titles however different per youtube channel often come down to the same thing and I personally after so many years have really had enough of that, let them look at these game consoles from a different perspective, something different than having to hear the same story over and over again in different ways, well even though the fans won't be happy about that, but I'm just like once something different, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, well even if 99% of them don't want it any other way, I mean sometimes I feel like we live in a digital dictatorship when we're expected to think the same as everyone else about a certain computer system, and if we don't we're going to be picked on from all sides and ridiculed and gossiped about, especially that last one it really pisses me off, I think it's a shame and unnecessary because everyone has their own opinion about it, why don't we respect that?

if someone says he likes the genesis better than the snes, as a snes fan I'm not going to make a big deal about it like 20 years ago,


YUP I can understand that far easier.  Next?  It was even nice enough to retain all your commas and still is easier to read.

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5 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

I don't understand Dutch but just looking at your text, I immediately notice the lack of periods and capital letters that make texts more readable. So I suspect you're also hard to read in your native language as well, which would explain a lot.

For example, consider this part (of one of your English posts):

Would it be so hard to type this instead?

And lastly™️, you never explained why your replace most periods with commas (',,,') and apparently quotes as well for some reason. 🤨 On what are you typing??? A ZX Spectrum??


Even though I admit it's mean to make fun of you, the problem is you don't seem to make ANY effort to listen to what we say, or to at least explain yourself. 😔 (and please don't talk about the SNES and the Genesis in your replay, I don't care)

You must be kidding, are you saying that even if i would write sruff in my own dutch languange that it would be still difficult to read by other dutch people???

you got to be absolutely kidding simply because you can’t speak or read dutch so you can never know how you are supposed to write stuff in dutch.

and for writing stuff in english, am already doing that for years on youtube or etc,, and i didn’t got any complains about it, and because of that am surprised with all those discussions about it here and getting of topic.

Sure it could always improve it but still aslong people would understand it then it shouldn’t be a big problem i suppose.

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10 minutes ago, Tanooki said:

Look, just because Simple Jack err Johannes is special, doesn't make it alirght.


I don't know dutch, but this is interesting.


I use brave and it has a built in translator, so I read what CPUWIZ said clearly it came out concise and to the point that people are fed up with it.  Yet his reply, it's disturbing enough for sure.  As assumed, he's not writing the best in his own language as it's broken there too, not as broken.  The translation reads better than his attemps here, so I got the entire argument and included personal insult thrown in there too calling CPUWIZ a cunt.  I'll be curious to see where this goes if it hasn't already gone there.

Hahaha you got to be freakin kidding me, you telling me that because of the AI not to be able to translate my sutch properly well into english that you will conclude that even my dutch writing is bad???

hahahaha you probably must have used a translator 1.0. 

nobody in this universe will ever convince me that even my dutch writing is bad🤣🤣

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4 hours ago, OldSchoolRetroGamer said:

I know what the problem is, finally figured it out, we need to do what johannesmutlu did as illustrated below. Free your mind guys and it will all be clear! 



Yeah exactly, just free your mind but in a realistic way,

so for instance NO bullclaims like “the snes is a 32bit system” or saying that “the playstation is 64bits” etc,,,

because then we will lying all around🤣

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5 minutes ago, johannesmutlu said:

Hahaha you got to be freakin kidding me, you telling me that because of the AI not to be able to translate my sutch properly well into english that you will conclude that even my dutch writing is bad???

hahahaha you probably must have used a translator 1.0. 

nobody in this universe will ever convince me that even my dutch writing is bad🤣🤣

No I'm saying the AI translated what you wrote better than you can do on your own.  I can read that far easier.

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7 minutes ago, johannesmutlu said:

nobody in this universe will ever convince me that even my dutch writing is bad🤣🤣

I believe that.  😁  Speaking of things that nobody in the universe will ever convince you of, is there a reason you always use a comma instead of period?   Like this key . doesn't exist so you always punctuate with ,   Is that a Dutch to English translation sort of thing, like Dutch language always uses commas and never periods or something?


And what's up with so many ,,,,,,, ?   Is that something that's acceptable in Dutch and just not translating well to English?



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