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Jaguar Carrying Case - Foam Insert Replacement


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It would be interesting to see if anyone knows or has any spare inserts although considering how rare the carry cases are I think it unlikely.

Additionally is yours starting to degrade through use or age of the material? Because if the latter, then surely even if someone does know where to get original replacements form being the same age and material I would expect that they would also be staring to degrade.


There may be somewhere you can get one custom cut, otherwise you are probably looking at having to use replacement foam insert for flight cases, if you get the pre cut ones you can pull out sections about 1 inch square to make approximately the correct cut-out's. I am not sure how you would get a nice cut on it if doing it yourself on it for the correct shape as I would think a hot wire would make a horrible melted mess as it works better on polystyrene and it is too thick (deep) to use a knife. 

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