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theWall Homebrew

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Hi , the wall is two players game inspired by the Berlin Wall.
The aim of the game is to erase the wall.
At each turn the player (left or right hammer) can select any of the bricks using the Joystick . Once positioned on the brick that you want to remove , press fire.
The selected brick and all the upper bricks that rest on it will be erased.
The player who removes the last brick wins.


Regards Alberto



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Fun game and nice graphics! Some feedback:

  • An option for an AI computer component would be great.
  • After the intro screen I sometimes press the fire button a bit too long, which navigates to the game-screen and at the same time removes the brick that the crosshair is pointing to, which was not my intention. You can fix this with some button debounce logic.
  • Moving the crosshair vertically feels a bit weird, as the x-position also changes. What if you position the crosshair in the center of the left (or right) half of a brick, so moving vertically doesn't change the x-position? Moving horizontally you can still use steps of a brick's width.
  • When the games ends, it would be nice to show who was the winner.
Edited by Dionoid
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12 hours ago, Dionoid said:

Fun game and nice graphics! Some feedback:

  • An option for an AI computer component would be great.
    "Yes , but i don't find a good way to do."
  • After the intro screen I sometimes press the fire button a bit too long, which navigates to the game-screen and at the same time removes the brick that the crosshair is pointing to, which was not my intention. You can fix this with some button debounce logic.
    "No it's not an error. To change the initial wall I remove random bricks (1 to 4) to have different screens game. You are right because I forgot to explain in the description's game."
  • Moving the crosshair vertically feels a bit weird, as the x-position also changes. What if you position the crosshair in the center of the left (or right) half of a brick, so moving vertically doesn't change the x-position? Moving horizontally you can still use steps of a brick's width.
    "I prefer keep the cursor centered on the brick for aesthetic reason."
  • When the games ends, it would be nice to show who was the winner.
    "When the game ends, the hammer displayed is the winner (hammer left wins player1 hammer right wins player 2)"

HI Dionoid thank you for feedback.

I answerded to your question

Regards Alberto

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11 hours ago, jab said:

An option for an AI computer opponent would be great.
"Yes , but i don't find a good way to do."

Maybe a good start is to have the computer opponent do random moves?

11 hours ago, jab said:

After the intro screen I sometimes press the fire button a bit too long, which navigates to the game-screen and at the same time removes the brick that the crosshair is pointing to, which was not my intention. You can fix this with some button debounce logic.
"No it's not an error. To change the initial wall I remove random bricks (1 to 4) to have different screens game. You are right because I forgot to explain in the description's game."

Ah, maybe I was confused because the starting player is picked randomly.

11 hours ago, jab said:

Moving the crosshair vertically feels a bit weird, as the x-position also changes. What if you position the crosshair in the center of the left (or right) half of a brick, so moving vertically doesn't change the x-position? Moving horizontally you can still use steps of a brick's width.
"I prefer keep the cursor centered on the brick for aesthetic reason."

Yes, that makes sense.

11 hours ago, jab said:

When the games ends, it would be nice to show who was the winner.
"When the game ends, the hammer displayed is the winner (hammer left wins player1 hammer right wins player 2)"

Of course the last displayed hammer is the winner, as that player just removed the last brick. But maybe a more visual "winner" effect, like quickly changing the colors of the winner hammer, just like the Berlin logo does when the game ends.


Anyway, keep up the good work!


P.S. when replying to multiple items, you can select each item and then click "Quote selection". This will make it more clear which text is the question and which is the answer.

Edited by Dionoid
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Oh no! You can't tear down this wall 😁


Nice idea for a game concept... Maybe a remake with some of the sprayers work @ the wall on another machine would be cool, too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ZeroPage Homebrew is playing theWall on tomorrow's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch! Hope you can join us!




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