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SKYLAR 1.0 - 16MB BankSwitching GameDrive ROM + File Access 'Preview'

Clint Thompson

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Please enjoy this artificially fabricated press release to accompany the preview of SKYLAR 1.0 that was shown at JagFest 2024. Download available for your GameDrive is attached below. You *must* include the SKYLAR directory and subdirectory with files intact exactly as they are.
Keep in mind that this is an ultra early version but I wanted to share it since this will be an on-going updated development and am open to early feedback/suggestions. The reason for the delay in posting is I was hoping to have made some progress with it after JagFest but simply have not had the time. It'll probably be another month before I can get back to it but in the meantime, some of you who are into the proof on concept / tech demo sort of stuff may find it of interest. Especially since it's a 16MB bankswitching ROM that also utilizes the GameDrives file system to read assets. There's no real game play yet, but you can navigate to each part of the space cabin by using the number pads 1-4 and 5 if you're in the kitchen to go back to the sleeping quarters. I disabled the stats screen since it's not functional and the menu selections for the other areas as there's nothing actionable implemented to select. B lets you open the menu system and A will close it, otherwise it times out after about 15 seconds and automatically closes. You can select most of the current options in the Sleeping Quarters. I am fully aware that the time/date isn't 100% correct, yet.
Intro animation has not been optimized and is sluggish but is reading individual graphic files directly from the GD.
HUGE shoutout to Rik, CJ and SainT for implementing and making the Bankswitching / GameDrive files accessible in JagStudio! And ZeroSquare, Linkovitch, GGN, EricD and Shamus for helping make JagStudio what it is today! (and anyone else who has contributed, thank you!) I’ll post milestone binary updates as progress is made. The next update will extend to include all menu items being functional, Skylar stats screen implemented with time and date fully working.. amongst a few other additions.
Current status: Tech Demo Preview / Proof of Concept
Most of the voices in place are simply place holder. You will actually be able to have her read a book, watch TV (possibly a short animation sequence) etc. etc.
*Sorry, emulators not supported. Real hardware only… Long Live the Jag! 🤟🏻 Welcome to Skylar 1.0

Additional details for those who may be interested:
Addition details for those interested:
Skylar is loosely based around the idea of a pre-Cyerbermorph Skylar and what her life was like living in space. 
I created the initial idea earlier this year after having success with one of my experiments but due to space constraints, halted work until about a month or so before JagFest. JagStudio was updated with new features implemented and work continued. 
Within the spare time on weekends and after work, I was able to create a presentable preliminary demo of something that utilizes almost an entire 16MB base ROM that also uses external file access for graphics, sounds and animations. Similar to what you would expect from a JagCD, only much faster and much better due to unlimited space. The more meaningful benefit being the ROM space which is also swappable. 
My goals for the first milestone:
•ability to fly or navigate to each part of the space cabin in 3D
•operate menu in each area with at least one selectable menu function implemented X
•create short intro animation with music (created using the Hotz and an Atari ST) with files fully read by GameDrive
•setup basic time and date functions 
•create Skylar I/O overlay interface 
•implement spinning 3D Skylar body with generic nonfunctional stats screen
•randomized quotes upon beginning simulation X
•add intro credits and ROM date
•3 minute title screen idle period loop X
•animate Skylar’s head direct from ROM while lying in bed including alternate view accessed via menu 
•record Skylar voices for initial audio commentary examples 
•have simulation start from a sleep state to awake 
•run ambient space sound for room directly from ROM
•add space sound to title screen loaded via GD file system 
•replace generic title screen text with glowing Skylar logo 
•15 second menu idle timer 
•* and # resets simulation to title X
•convert audio files to be loaded into RAM on the fly via GameDrive 
As you can see, I got pretty close to meeting all of my original goals with a few key exceptions.


So what exactly is SKYLAR 1.0?
It's a 16MB Hybrid ROM Bankswitching game development featuring GameDrive file access.
What does that even mean?
It means unlimited assets! Which means unlimited animations, music and voice dialogue!
Think Tamagotchi meets The Sims. In space, only cooler.. because it's on the 64-Bit Atari Jaguar!
Even cooler, it was created using the modern development suite JagStudio to unleash the Power within the Beast!
Download here:
Edited by Clint Thompson
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I would really like to test this on my Jaguar, but it seems, that I can't get it to work.


- JagGD fw is 1.15

- tried starting from sub dir and direct from main dir of SD (always with SKYLAR sub dir accessible from same starting point)


Anyways, after Jaguar cube always a black screen :( Any ideas how to solve the problem?

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3 minutes ago, pps said:

I would really like to test this on my Jaguar, but it seems, that I can't get it to work.


- JagGD fw is 1.15

- tried starting from sub dir and direct from main dir of SD (always with SKYLAR sub dir accessible from same starting point)


Anyways, after Jaguar cube always a black screen :( Any ideas how to solve the problem?

Is that the latest firmware? I don’t remember but if not it needs updated to the latest one to work. 


I had it happen a few times in a row once but reinserting the game drive fixed it for me.

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1 hour ago, Clint Thompson said:

Is that the latest firmware? I don’t remember but if not it needs updated to the latest one to work. 


I had it happen a few times in a row once but reinserting the game drive fixed it for me.

It is the latest firmware. Just updated to it. But if you say, you had that a few times, too, then there is hope, to finally have a working run at the end. 

44 minutes ago, marss said:

Please, post a video ;)


A video of the game can be seen @yt. 

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11 hours ago, pps said:

It is the latest firmware. Just updated to it. But if you say, you had that a few times, too, then there is hope, to finally have a working run at the end. 

A video of the game can be seen @yt. 


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