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alternatives to ebay for jaguar stuff?


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Hello all.


Was just wondering if there are any decent online or physical retailers (located in the SW, US - I'm in Arizona) that I may have missed? For Jag games and accessories?


Finding games locally is nigh impossible; Gamestops here don't even take Jaguar stuff in trade, and although there is a decent bookstore chain here that still does occasionally, it's not really a reliable source. Which leaves me with flea markets and thrift shops, again, not so reliable.


Seems to be lots of stuff on Ebay, but in general, I'd prefer a store.


I know about Songbird, and B&C... both of which seem to offer great products. And telegames, that has an order PROCESSING FEE!?!


But are there any used game sites, or perhaps NOS sites that I have missed that are cheaper on the common/less rare stuff?


(I only have 9 carts atm, and still missing lots of "common" stuff that I would like to try... I'm really more gamer than collector; in that a box and manual are nice, but not neccessary to my enjoyment of the game =D)


Thanks for any and all suggestions )



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well, online you're best bet for good prices is E-bay, or possibly Yahoo! auctions occasionally has stuff. Other dealers that have stuff online that you didn't mention are Best Electronics, 4Jays, Bravo Sierra, Video61, all I believe have links under "dealers" in the Atari Age links section, plus a few more. It is getting harder and harder to find Jaguar stuff in the common store/dealer who has a REAL storefront, not on the net. I've pretty much relied on the internet for ALL my Jaguar stuff since the beginning, when the Jaguar was a going concern still, because even then it was hard to find Jaguar stuff at the department store chains or chain game dealers (gamestop and EB were an exception at the time). I've never really minded getting my Jaguar stuff off the net though, which is how I got 75% of it, I like to get stuff in the mail. The rest I got from EB or local mom&pop game dealers in Southern California.

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Thanks, Gunstar...


I had totally missed the links here on AtariAge


My main problem with Ebay, is just shipping costs exceeding the GAME cost; I mean if I buy 3 games for 5$ each, and then 4$ shipping each... and then of course they are from 3 different people so i can't save on shipping. And have ended up spending 27$ instead of 20$... just sorta annoying (it's not a "OMG I AM SO CHEAP THING" just frustrating hehe adding to that the problems of shipping, have actually used asked seller a question a few times where they have refused to ship priority, even if i include an extra 3$ to cover their time/cost)...


I guess it's not such a big deal, when i get to rarer stuff that seems to go for about 20$ each, or even the 60-80$ each stuff... but for now, trying to get titles like ultra vortek, bubsy, trevor mcfur, fight for your life, brutal sports, dino dudes, etc I just thought it would be cooler to find one decent retailer and get them all at once. (These are all titles I see on ebay pratically always for between 3-10$ each, so they must not be THAT rare?)

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Rarity is a VERY relative thing, I think it's part of Einstein's General Law actually ;)


As far as Jaguar games go, your right, they aren't that rare and demand is comparatively low for Jaguar stuff in the first place, since it was only ever a niche market even when it was a going concern and is even more niche now with a Jaguar community of hundreds worldwide, maybe like a thousand people worldwide that even buy Jaguar stuff at all. But if you compared the numbers manufactured of these games to any other mainstream system, like the PSX, ANY Jaguar title would be considered EXTREMELY rare compared to numbers manufactured of any PSX title, even the so-called "rare" ones... :wink: If as many people cared about the Jaguar as do for the PSX, worldwide, heck, even in our own backyard, with the actual numbers of carts that exist, those $3-10 games would be 10-100 times as much! :D It's all relative to supply and demand baby!

I hear you on the shipping thing though, but I'm in a spot now where even when I do find the occasional common game at a 'Video game exchange' store or other small chain/mom&pop store, they charge the same for common games as I can get on E-bay with shipping. Approx. $10 a pop. Jag games, at least around in Wisconsin where I'm at now, are considered far more rare in the real world than online, I see them trying to get $20 for Dino Dudes and $35 for Wolfenstein or $50 for AvP and these are without boxes!

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Try to buy from Canadian companies. There's still one store in Calgary that sells Jag titles ($10 each), and there's a few more in Ontario that sell a few boxed commons for $10-$15 (e.g. digitalcentre.com).

Prices and shipping will be slightly higher, but you'll save on the exchange rate.


Note: I've never seen Jag CD titles in the wild offered for sale anywhere in Canada, although carts aren't that unusual. The CD must have had a very brief life here.

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