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Sean Kellys colecovision multicart vol 1 and 2


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As far as I know, Sean made 4 multi-carts for the CV (16-in-1, 32-in-1, 64-in-1 and All-in-One) and the only one I recall having dip switches was the 64-in-1 (the switches were positioned on the top of the cartridge). The All-in-One had a software menu program to select games and the 16 and 32 might've had one as well or dip switches... Sean probably made variations of the 16 and 32 and only way to know for sure would be to contact him or visit his retrogaming store in Norridge, IL.


I have picks of generic labeled 16 and 32 multi-carts with dip switches as well that I am not sure who made them... could have been Sean.


There are 5 dip switches in your picture so you will have to test them out in every possible position to know what game correlates to the available switch positions. BTW, is that an LED # display on the right side of the cartridge face?


Here are all the pics that I have:



16-in-1 MultiCart - Cartridge - #01.jpg

16-in-1 MultiCart - Cartridge.jpg

32-in-1 MultiCart - Cartridge.jpg



64-in-1 MultiCart - Cartridge.jpg

MultiCart by Sean Kelly - #01.jpg

MultiCart by Sean Kelly - #03.jpg

32-in-1 MultiCart #02.jpg

32-in-1 MultiCart #03.jpg

Edited by NIAD
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