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Any physical games no longer able to get their updates?

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The whole physical vs digital thing has been argued to death so hopefully this won't turn in to more of that nonsense, but I'm curious about the following and not finding anything definitive via searches --




Other than multi-player heavy games that have been pulled, have any physical games lost the ability to get their day one update, patches, and such?



We know that digital games have been delisted, sadly.   And one of the big concerns among physical collectors has been "games release unfinished now, so at some point in the future, we won't be able to update and we'll simply have a disc/cart with a permanently broken game on it that can only be played in it's launch state"   But has that happened yet?   If so, happen to have examples of any specific titles?



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not sure if it fits your criteria but Sonic Adventure has some cool stuff regarding online connectivity that has been lost to time since they took the Dreamcast servers down ages ago. might be an unofficial way still


I don't really buy games that I know are heavily dependent on online connectivity to enjoy, so Im having a hard time coming up with anything. Most of what I play is from the 6th Gen and older.


I know Test Drive Unlimited had a ton of online stuff that I'm sure is no longer available. Still love that game, even if it has some flaws. Might check out Game Stop Retro and see if I can get a copy

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If I get what you're saying, for now, I think you can still update your games for every system because every console maker is still active, so even if e-shops for old systems have closed, the servers to re-download games and DLC are still up. But obviously, they won't be there forever. However I don't think the case has happened yet.


Which reminds me that someone said (here I think) something recently that puzzled me; they said they now prefer digital games because physical games are never "full" anymore; they always get at least a few patches (even though most games remain playable without them to be fair). But to me it's the same; if you want to keep your digital games in the long run, after servers are closed, you need to keep a backup somewhere. Meanwhile you can do the same thing with physical games, except you just need a copy of the update files.

Edited by roots.genoa
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Huh? Digital games get updates. Maybe you don't need the day one download like physical, but that's likely because it is downloaded when you download the game anyways (skip that step with physical) and if someone is doing download, they likely always have their system on, and hooked to the internet, so rather than getting regular update messages, their systems download them in the background, in the middle of the night when your not playing.


Its easy to miss the patch itself, its the download that takes blatant time, and really only affects those of us who turn our systems off, like actual off, not just sleep as most people do.


The xbox, cube, dreamcast, ps2 era stuff is all dead, and outside vcs, digital only systems are too, as far as hooking to a designed server and easy downloading updates, but I'm sure there's ways to get the patch, even with the server gone.

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