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Star Ship label variation


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I went to a local video store to check out their Atari stuff today and the guy pulled out a stack of carts that they had recently bought from someone. I got a copy of Krull and a copy of Dolphin with no actiplaque to replace the copy I already have.


Anyway, so I also found a copy of Star Ship with a text label variation.


The Atari 2600 logo is oversized and Star Ship is in yellow text on both the label and end label. The letters are capitalized. On the bottom of the label(not end label) it says Copyright 1977 Atari Inc.


I'm sure that it's in the big list of label variations and I bet it has been discussed on here before. I was wondering if it's very common to come across or not. I have found games with label variations around here which leads me to believe that a certain EBay seller that lives in my area is dropping off carts that he can't get rid of on EBay. With the kinds of games I've been finding, I have no doubt.


Anyway, just thought I would share. I'm keeping this variation to replace my text label Star Ship (the more common text label).

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It's been discussed a few times... it's also in the rarity guide.


I don't think the rarity guide here differentiates between most label variations except where one is particularly well-known and also sought after, like the "Raiders Lost Ark" variant.


So... all of the label variations of Star Ship are listed as 3's. I'm not sure about that... but, I own both the text/number label and this "weird" label... and since I own them, neither can be that rare!




Oh, and by the way... the labels really make no difference. The game still sucks!



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Oh, and by the way... the labels really make no difference. The game still sucks!




Hey no bad-mouthing Star Ship now :D Personally I think that the large yellow label is the easiest of the three to come by. I see quite a few of those before I see either of the text ones.



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