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How to ship boxed systems?


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Hi. What is the best way to ship a boxed system? I bought a boxed Sears system from E-Bay about a year ago, and it had a box just a little bit bigger than the system box that it all came in. It fit perfect. Now I have 1 boxed system and 1 empty box that I'm going to sell and need to know how to ship them. The first thing that comes to mind, is just wrap the boxes in brown shipping paper, and hope for the best. The second thing is to find a box that they will fit in(I looked for about 2 months and no luck). How is the best way to ship?


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Hi. What is the best way to ship a boxed system? I bought a boxed Sears system from E-Bay about a year ago, and it had a box just a little bit bigger than the system box that it all came in. It fit perfect. Now I have 1 boxed system and 1 empty box that I'm going to sell and need to know how to ship them. The first thing that comes to mind, is just wrap the boxes in brown shipping paper, and hope for the best. The second thing is to find a box that they will fit in(I looked for about 2 months and no luck). How is the best way to ship?



Definitely a box in a box. Most people are paying extra for the system box and the last thing that they want is to have it mauled by having it used as the actual shipping box wrapped in brown paper. You'll risk having some really unhappy customers if you do it that way..... :)

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You could alway get a box that they fit in that is too tall, and cut it down. Just cut down the corners of the box with a box cutter until you get to about the right height. Then score along the sides so the new 'flaps' fold nicer. Trim the flaps down if they are too long to fold on top of each other. You can also make boxes smaller in either dimension by cutting the box in half down the middle, sliding the halves together until they're overlapped enough so it's the right size, then tape it back together. The latter method isn't quite as stable or easy as simply shortening a box, but it should work. In general, shortening them works a lot better.


If you can't find boxes big enough, just tape two together, top to top, overlapped, like a plastic easter egg. Just shove them together until it's the right size and tape. A lot.


Either that or just get a box that's way too big and fill it with lots of foam. ("$82 for shipping on an Atari??? What?!!?")


Ian Primus


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Definitely in a box. I had a CIB Sega Master System shipped to me in nothing but kraft paper. What's more, he taped the inner seam and a second small box containing a Mighty Mouse plush my wife wanted directly to the box! I ripped a small portion of the box getting all the damn packing tape off. I was not impressed. Its only saving grace was that Canada Post was actually gentle -- it wasn't crushed beyond recognition. All the other boxed stuff I've bought has been packed in its own box and has arrived very nicely.


When I ship boxed stuff, I always try and make sure the product is in the center middle of the box, surrounded by packing material. A layer on the bottom, product in the center, packing material around all sides and on the top. If the box is somewhat soft from being recycled (i.e. I'm reusing a box someone shipped something to me in) I'll usually try and reenforce the sides with styrofoam cut down to size.

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