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Retro Gaming for Archaeologists of the Year 5000.


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I've told my wife if I die unexpectedly, I'd like to be buried rather than

cremated, with grave goods, like the ancient Vikings and others were.

A set of backup CDs with photos and source code, encased in a block

of resin, a Jaguar with some long-lasting protective coating on the PCB,

we discussed a Sun UNIX server, but decided against it, maybe a set of

UNIX manuals, printed on some kind of plastic film, at worst a UNIX quick

reference guide carved into hard wood. What fun. A set of silver coated

multi-purpose computer screw-drivers, a light gun, and some joysticks.


That should give an archaologist digging my remains up in 3000 years

something to think about I hope. The Jaguar cartridge? Tempest 2000!


Of course I'm not planning on dying any time soon, so I've got a while

to find somewhere suitable, many years I hope. I figure if the Ancient

Egyptians can teach us now about their culture, we can teach the people

in the future about our past. Emulation ignores the touchy-feely aspect!


What would you have buried with you, if you were joining such a cult?




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i would rather make a platinum time capsul to put all my stuff in, then wrap all my stuff with one of those handywrap things, then throw it all to the bottom of a pressureless part of the ocean, so in millions of year when the water level is lowering because we are filtering it and drinking it, somebody will find it and enjoy the non-working jaguar and games once again... Hopefully they can restore them. Also, i will be sure to bury it deep under the sea weed so no little bastard scuba diver finds it :twisted:!

Also, don't forget to put a sample of your dna in so you can share with them your priceless knowlege of video gaming (that is if you want to get pulled out of hell to come back to earth... (or heaven too) ;).


Good Luck

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"pressureless part of the ocean?" I don't believe such a place exists or can exist. By definition the bottom of the ocean is a HIGH PRESSURE place! even at scuba-level there is pressure. In fact, even up here on the surface we have pressure. The ONLY place you're going to find a "pressureless" place is in space. :roll: I also garantee that the Oceans water levels will never get lower, even if we are filtering it and drinking it. Where DO you think the water goes after it's been used? It doesn't just "vanish." The same amount of water is on this earth today as was in the beginning of the planet (excepting that some might have been added by a rogue comet), and the same amount will be here in the end, it's all still here on the earth. it doesn't go anywhere. lakes and such might lose water because it gets displaced, but the water never leaves the earth. except minute amounts the Astronuats take in space with them. Otherwise it all sounds good.


the only problem is, guys, that in the year 5000 there won't be any archeologists to dig you and your stuff up! It will be a utopian society by then, where everyone lives for the moment and the future and the un-utopian past will be left to the past, buried and forgotten. This, of course, is assuming it doesn't go the other way and the world is destroyed, at least as we know it, and no one would be around to find you anyway... :P Anyway you look at it, you better enjoy your stuff now, while your still alive and hope you live to a ripe old age along with your stuff and maybe leave it to your children and/or grandchildren to sell in the Antiques roadshow or to a museum. Remember, it's the thought that counts anyway. :ponder:

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