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Wanted: Mr. Do's Castle, Q*Bert's Qubes (2600)


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I'm currently sitting at 598 carts/games/units in my Atari 2600 collection. Since I'm 2 away from 600, it only seems apt that I should make a mark and make getting the last two Parker Brothers carts I need at the same time. Therefore to reach 600, these are the two carts I want to get - achieving that goal and the goal of completing a PB set at the same time. My range on these is anywhere from $20 up to $100 depending on label condition and completeness (w/ or w/o manual, not expecting a box for that price), and the voracity of the seller (trusted AA trader/dealer versus unknown factor). I will take all offers seriously.

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i'm missing them too but i only would buy them CIB :D


I think it's not that easy getting them in the 100$ range each - especially Q-Bert's Qubes.


The two games where sold in a lot on ebay a few days ago for 226$ but the labels where anything else but good :




Anyway good Luck :wink:




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