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And better than the pic alone, since it took me a long time to get this worked out...


The XEGS (XE Game System) was a unit Atari sold in the late '80s, simultaneously with the 7800 and the 2600jr. It was actually the repackaged guts of the old Atari 400/800 computer line, marketed as a "high-end" game system. It was mainly a way of getting rid of old 8-bit cartridge inventory.


(Was that all correct?)

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And better than the pic alone, since it took me a long time to get this worked out...


The XEGS (XE Game System) was a unit Atari sold in the late '80s, simultaneously with the 7800 and the 2600jr. It was actually the repackaged guts of the old Atari 400/800 computer line, marketed as a "high-end" game system. It was mainly a way of getting rid of old 8-bit cartridge inventory.


(Was that all correct?)


Well not only to get rid of old 8-bit software, but it was a way for Atari to get rid of 8-bit replacement parts.

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Well here it goes I know I am a smart ass on here most of the time, but I am a business man. I have had my own collecatble shop and have been doing mail order business for 20 years. Apollo seems like a good kid that loves video games. So Ill try to help out. OK give apollo kid your phone number and have his parents call you. Let them know who you are and address ect. Discuss terms and kinda get to know each other. This wont be the first time they have dealt through the mail IM sure. Christmas is coming maybe they will get it for him for that reason alone. Hopefuly this might work. Good luck. HH

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Hell, I don't know how to help you, you're afraid of even me so trusting someone else from here might be a bit tough.  :(


Refer to the first post above. I'd like to meet you in person and everything, but because of all the bad things going around about message boards and chat rooms, my parents obviously won't let me.

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Yes, it is a pointless battle to try to convince your parents of things.

I recently was going to go to a restaraunt with a friend of mine and some people we "met in the internet" (the SomethingAwful boards specifically) that live in our area. As soon as the parents found out, it was a definate resounding "NO!"


I've used eBay (the PAIN!) and traded with people on other message boards (behind my parents' back) and after they realised that's what I was doing, I was able to convince them that not all people are untrustworthy. I've been lucky enough to have never had a bad transaction, and I attribute this to making the right decisions.


hhwolfman makes a good suggestion. Get liquid_sky's phone number, I'm sure he'll be cooperative, and ask your parents to talk to him about the deal. If you could get him to send you the games first (it's possible, I've done this before successfully) and send him the money afterwards.


You're going to have to convince your parents somehow. Tell them not to trust the person you're dealing with, but to trust your decision. If you tell them to trust you (and if they can in fact trust you, and you're a good kid ;) ) then they will learn something from you, and most likely approve of your future decisions if everything goes smoothly.


Trust me, win their trust, it works.

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Might the XE have sold better if they had just called it "Leftovers"?


Not only that, but the leftovers were leftovers! I found a weird double Y-cable Phaser setup for an Amiga that had two OEM XEGS Atari light guns (minus decal) doctored up with multi-color hand-painted detailing.


With the color on 'em I thought they looked like some kind of weird XEGS light gun clones, but I was checking 'em out and sure enough, there's the Fuji on the connectors. The rear firesight is a little different than the two authentic XEGS guns I have though - there's a little more stock built up and they have a little crossbar (vs. an open slot)


Is there a Rev B XEGS gun?



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