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New to AtariAge, looking for a good deal on a 2600 console


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Can't help ya, all we have are bad expensive deals. :roll: Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine when someone makes a post like this, like they expect the membership to take advantage of them. (Even worse is when someone posts "I don't want to get ripped off, but I'm looking for....")


Anyway, off my soapbox. You didn't mention a price range that is what you're willing to shell out. Seriously, you're looking at shelling out at least $30 (plus shipping and 2600s are heavy) for a basic working system with a handful of real basic common games, and that's only if someone takes a small hit in their trade bait.


So, what *is* you're price range? Post a bit more info and I'm sure someone here can help ya out.


And welcome!

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:D sorry If I offended anyone, that was not my intention, nor was it my intention to expect a trader to "dump" his inventory for nothing. I have about $35.00 and could come up with a little bit more if necessary. I'm just looking for a basic console with tv hookups and controllers and maybe a few games. I live in Vancouver WA and my zip is 98682. Again, my apologies if I offeneded or insulted anyone.

Thanks again

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