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So, who has ordered a Holiday Greeting cart?

Adrian M

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As we all know, the AtariAge store began their "buy $50 worth of merchandise and get a free AA Holiday Cart" deal last night.


Who here has placed the required order and reserved one? What did you buy?


As for me, I added the following games to my collection to obtain the coveted Greeting Cart! :


*Thrust+ Platinum

*Asteroids DC+


Discuss!! :)

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GreetingCart is a trademark of Andrew Davie. All screen images, audio content and artwork are protected by martial law. Andrew Davie and all related relations are works of fiction and any resemblance to actual persons living, lying, dying or dead is unintentional and purely coincedental. GreetingCart is licensed for home use on the Atari 2600 video computer system. Use in hospitals, garages, oil rigs, sweat shops, the dark side of the moon and Gilligans Island is restricted and will be punishable to the full extent of the law of gravity. Andrew Davie is a production of the Children's Television Workshop.



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Use in hospitals, garages, oil rigs, sweat shops, the dark side of the moon and Gilligans Island is restricted and will be punishable to the full extent of the law of gravity.


There is no dark side of the moon. There is the far side of the moon that always faces away from the Earth, but the entire surface of the moon does receive light as it orbits the planet. ;)



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Sounds like a lot of people are finally going to get Thrust+ It is never too late to start enjoying that game ;) It is just to late to win anything for beating it :D Although if anyone else beats it, I would like to know. But I stilll doubt that will happen :P


(Maybe with Thomas's permission I could make a contest for the "second" person to beat Thrust)

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Just placed my order:


This Planet Sucks

Marble Craze

Foot Pedal Controller

Coaxial Hookup

& my free copy of Andrew's fine GreetingCart.


I need to order again soon. My copy of Thrust is outdated. I suppose I'll be ordering again when Climber5 and Bounce are released. :-) I'm also thinking about getting my personalized GreetingCart put on a cart. ;-)


It's going to be a good holiday. :-D

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I’m hoping to be able to place an order by the Dec. 31st deadline. I’d like to snag one of those “GreetingCarts” myself. “Thrust+” seems in the cards and perhaps either “Backfire” or “Alligator People” to go along with it.

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I do have a bit of a concern.


Suppose someone who doesn't post here notices the holiday special and decides to order enough to get a GreetingCart?


What if they're an unscrupulous seller on EBay?


Suppose they decide to sell their GrettingCart?


Would they have to give royalties to Andrew? Since the GreetingCart is not for general sale, I would assume that it should not be for resale in the first place.


Just curious.


I'm sure it's something that hasn't already been discussed.

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I do have a bit of a concern.


Suppose someone who doesn't post here notices the holiday special and decides to order enough to get a GreetingCart?


What if they're an unscrupulous seller on EBay?  


Suppose they decide to sell their GrettingCart?


Would they have to give royalties to Andrew? Since the GreetingCart is not for general sale, I would assume that it should not be for resale in the first place.


Just curious.


I'm sure it's something that hasn't already been discussed.




Once you get it, it's yours to do what you want with it. Hide it in body cavities. Sell it. Microwave it. It's yours, get the idea! Anyone selling one is not, in my opinion, "unscrupulous". Just silly. Hell, reverse-engineer it for all I care... I'll even lend you an assembler!




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Interesting how you see it that way.


I bet it will be a few weeks before we see a copy on EBay that has a BIN of $1000.


It's happened with certain carts before.


I don't plan to sell my copy though. It would have a lot of sentimential value that you just can't put a price on. :D

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I "order" one for the low low cost of:

15-4K EPROMs


15-32K EPROMs


5-5200 32K PCBs

1-2600 16K PCB


FYI- I think you mean the cartridge is protected by federal law. I say this because its illegal for the military to actually operate with in the boundaries of the United States. And since martial law can only be declared by the President of the United States in a national emergency, thus allowing the military to perform operations in the US, by saying "Protected my martial law..." means its not protected at all.


(and yes, I know it was just a joke...and quite funny at that!)

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