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Atari 2600 ratings on Videogamecritic

Mister VCS

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I did not insult his intelligence. I simply said his "You can barely move without accidentally keep falling into one of these annoying things!" type comments about E.T. (and E.T. only) were like what a little kid with ADD would say about the game. For the last freakin' time, I did not say he had ADD, or was a little kid, or raped a goat, or eats armpit hair or anything else like that.

There is no difference between saying someone is stupid or directly comparing him with someone stupid.

People with ADD are not stupid! Therefore, I did not call him stupid. People with an extreme case of ADD just can't pay attention long enough to one thing and move on to the next thing. You and a couple of others are misunderstanding or twisting my meaning, possibly to boost your own egos or just to get your jollies.



Both are equaly insulting and any further discussion doesn't make sense until you realize that.

If you think people with ADD are stupid, you owe them an apology. Your comments are the most insulting of all. Maybe you and a few others think that people with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Asperger's Syndrome, or whatever are stupid, but you would be wrong. Until you realize that people with ADD are not stupid, you are right, it wouldn't make any sense to discuss anything further with you after this post.


BTW: You now act like somebody who cannot accept that there are different opinions, like someone who talks down people who have different opinions, like someone who is extremely narrow minded, like someone who behaves really stupid by calling others doing stupid just because they don't share his point of view, like someone who's ego is too boosted to accept that his words may not have been well choosen, like someone who doesn't know the word 'sorry'.


I am not saying you are, just comparing. Got me? :roll:

There's nothing to be sorry for, got me? :roll: Your lame examples don't fit. Unlike your examples, my comment was about the words he wrote and was not a thinly veiled personal attack.


My comment was about one review of his. He didn't go past the first layer of the game when he wrote that review. It's as if he spent a few minutes on the game and moved on to the next one. I did not say he was stupid. I did not say everything he writes is worthless. And yes, you and a few others never talk down to people and you always allow others to have different opinions (as you are telling me what I should and shouldn't say and how I should say it).


If I wrote a review of Pac-Man (the arcade game) and said:


"Pac-man is not fun because you can't make a move without ghosts killing you every two seconds. It has pretty good graphics, but the game is horrible since you move a few inches and get killed by another ghost. It's the same thing over and over again. I saw these little flashing dots in the corners, but I couldn't even make it over to one to see what happens. I just gave up on this piece of crap and moved on to Space Invaders. I give Pac-Man an F!"


If you said to me that my review seemed to be written by a 9 year old with ADD, I would not be offended. You mean that I should spend more time on the game. Learn more about it before I label it as total crap. Although my review would have been my personal opinion, my opinion about that game would have been written from the angle of an ignorant newbie. Maybe all other reviews I wrote were the greatest ever written, but those other great reviews wouldn't excuse my ignorant Pac-Man review.

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Hi there!


People with an extreme case of ADD just can't pay attention long enough to one thing and move on to the next thing.


This part would have been sufficient enough to make Thomas aware of his obvious mistake.


All the other bitching around that was just unescessary.




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All the other bitching around that was just unescessary.

I try to reply to as much of someone's post as possible, so I think it was necessary. Maybe from now on I should run my replies through you in a PM so you can tell me exactly what's necessary and what's unnecessary. Seems like most of the bitching about my bitching in this thread is unnecessary.

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You need to check out this excellent page over at DP:




HIDDEN MESSAGES: Collect all the phone pieces and give Elliot 7 pieces of candy.  Then, revive the flower.  It will change into a YAR and fly away (picture #1).  Repeat this for the next round and the flower will change into Indy (picture #2).  Repeat this a third time and the initials “HSW3” (for Howard Scott Warshaw) will appear (picture #3)!  The “3” denotes the fact that E.T. is the 3rd game Warshaw made. {Howard Scott Warshaw}.  Actually you don’t have to get all of the phone pieces for the trick to work.  You only need to collect the “H” piece for the YAR, the “S” for Indy, and the “W” for the initials.  There is also another (unplanned) method of revealing the initials (see ‘Candy’ section).

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It partially depends on what piece(s) you are holding when the flower is revived. The three objects (Yar, Indy, signature) are detailed in the DigitalPress Easter Egg page...and how to get each.



I see that you've fallen for the oldest trick on message boards ;) Troll bait.

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I have no problem with your take on ET, but insulting the intelligence of an intelligent reviewer who disagrees with your take on ET with comments like the above is just wrong.

Me: "Hi, sku_u, I heard you slept like a baby last night."


sku_u: "I'm not a baby! how dare you insult me like that!"



I did not insult his intelligence. I simply said his "You can barely move without accidentally keep falling into one of these annoying things!" type comments about E.T. (and E.T. only) were like what a little kid with ADD would say about the game. For the last freakin' time, I did not say he had ADD, or was a little kid, or raped a goat, or eats armpit hair or anything else like that.


Trying to argue semantics with me is futile. I'm a Social Studies/Language Arts teacher. Your slept like a baby comparison is not logically equal to the review/ADD likening. If you don't see a difference between the two, there's no sense arguing with you.

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I'm sure 5-10% of the kids and adults labeled ADD actually have something biological that impairs their ability to function well.  But is a very small percentage, like you said the rest are over-diagnosed and over-medicated.

REAL ADD is actually due to a quirk of genetics.

The bodies of people that have it process some stimulants and depressants backwards(likely why it's so often tied to hyperactivity).


Most ADD medications are actually a stimulant and will have the opposite of the intended effect on normal people(discounting the placebo effect, of course).

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For Random Terrain, HSW, the Critic, or anyone else out there who might know:  Where in the heck is Indiana Jones?  I'm guessing it involves one of the humans changing, but I've never seen it . . . Actually, didn't even know such a thing existed until HSW confirmed it . . .


This is a good page:



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Trying to argue semantics with me is futile.  I'm a Social Studies/Language Arts  teacher.  Your slept like a baby comparison is not logically equal to the review/ADD likening.  If you don't see a difference between the two, there's no sense arguing with you.


Who wants to argue? I wasn't trying to be semantically correct. I just made up something silly to show you that I was not insulting his intelligence. A freakin' genius can be wrong about something if he doesn't know enough about it.

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I'm not here to get into a pissing contest with anyone, but as a 33 year old person with ADD I assure you its a real diagnosis. I don't doubt its over diagnosed in children and medication is given out too freely, but it can be a pain in the ass. I wasn't officially diagnosed until a couple years ago, and I've chosen not to take medication. My girlfriend begs me to get on meds because my ADD drives her friggin crazy. How we got from ET to ADD I don't know.

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Because Random Terrain made an ill-informed choice of words regarding someone's review of ET.


Although right in his hypothesis (it does read like the Critic hasn't bothered to plug his copy in since 1983, especially since many of his other reviews are excellent, concise walkthroughs), it's still playing to the lowest common denominator, something people here are usually good at avoiding (at least when ET's not involved) :)


BTW, I just tried the Atari 8-bit ET game, and it also has the controlled randomness going, and is quite excellent. Which game came first? I'm guessing the 8-bit one and then HSW tried to capture the gameplay somewhat on the 2600? Because despite all the differences, they do play similarly . . .

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Even Cybergoth said, ". . . to make Thomas aware of his obvious mistake." Although you and a couple of others misunderstood what I was trying to say (and probably would have no matter what I said or how I said it), I will say that for the past couple of days I have been a lot more snippy and pissed-off than I have been in a while because about the time when I first replied in this thread, I forgot to take my medicine and my blood sugar went way up. I get extremely angry and irritable if my blood sugar goes too high or too low. For that, I do apologize. My blood sugar is back to "normal" now, and the irritable feeling is slowly fading away.

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The solution?  Drug them up and kill off their creativity. :roll:It's no wonder that kids go bonkers sometimes.


My god, I hope you're not serious. :x

Yeah, I am. Tho not as serious as these kids' parents. What can be beneficial treatments to actual psychological conditions can lose all credibility when it's overused and wrongly prescribed.


I'm just glad they didn't go with the other alternative...shock treatments and lobotomy.


Is parenting really that difficult?

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the videogamecritic is top notch AAA - and thats that

No, the videogamecritic should be graded by his own standards. Which means, if there are one or two things you sort of don't like about the site, you have to give it an F.


Personally I have no use for the opinions of a man who rates Trevor McFur higher than Defender 2000, among many other extremely screwball ratings.

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