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Question about Air raid


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I have a few questions about Menavision's Air Raid:


Is Air Raid considered a hack or an original title? (Sorry Thomas, I'm using a Mac so I can't run clonespy ;) )


If Air Raid is a hack is it possible that Air Raid is nothing more than a pirate cart?


I remember hearing somewhere that Air Raid is an odd game because of the number of scanlines present, which makes it almost right in the middle between NTSC and PAL. Is this true?


How many original Air Raid carts are confirmed to exist?


Thanks all,





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If I may add another question to the thread...


Why do we call it Air Raid?  As far as I know, no title appears on the cart nor on the screen.  Has anyone seen a box?




Finally, by researching the public record of usergroup pastings (Now available through Google Groups) I tracked down another collector who claimed he found the first discovered copy of Air Raid. Via email, he informed me that he found his copy in a thrift store in California, and the only way he knew the title of the game is because "Air Raid" was printed on the box! Additionally, he recalled having read from the box that the company, Men-A-Vision, was also located in California. His is the only known boxed copy of the game in existence, as far as I know. I tried for years to get him to scan the box but to no avail. He dropped out of the active collecting scene years ago, and all his games are scattered in staorage locations he's just too busy to go looking through. Eventually, his email address changed and I have since lost contact with him.


That's how. :ponder: :D



Chase Hermsen

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4 or 5? I know of only 2, the one on eBay and Rick's.


eBay? Where?


I remember seeing one on eBay a few years or so ago. IIRC the title was something to the effect of unknown blue Atari game with T handle. I didn't know it was Air Raid or even that rare at that time or I would have bid a lot more than a few dollars. The fact it has no title on label or in game makes this game harder to track down.

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