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Survey: First Atari, first game, best Game ever


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Now a little survey:


1. What was your first Atari (or any other computer) and when did you get it?


2. What was your first game?


3. And the best game you ever played on the Atari?


My answers:


1. Atari 800 XL, back in '85, I believe....


2. Rescue on Fractalus


3. Rescue on Fractalus ;)

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1. What was your first Atari (or any other computer) and when did you get it?

My first computer was a Timex Sinclair 1000 in '84 I think. My second computer was an Atari600XL a year later.

2. What was your first game?

That's hard to answer. My first games were PD type in games. I couldn't find any for the TS so I wrote some simple ones myself. For my A8, I had tons of COMPUTE! magazines so when I first got my 600XL I started typing these in. I think my first cart was Pac-man but I can't be sure.

3. And the best game you ever played on the Atari?

Does Castle Crisis count :D As for a cart I guess Donkey Kong and/or Defender would have to be my favorite.
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1. First computer was a VIC20 in 1982, first Atari was an 800XL at the end of 1984 if memory serves.


2. Probably Blitz for the VIC (came with the machine as a 3 in 1 pack, didn't really get into the other games so can't remember them). First Atari game was probably Lone Raider - again supplied with the machine.


3. Can't answer that, my favourites vary depending on my mood. =-)

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1st computer - ZX81 around the end of 1981 I think,

(actually it was my elder brothers, but I programmed it a lot)


1st Atari - 600XL + cassette (can't remember when but it was

a joint Christmas present with my brothers for something like

£230 :sad: )


1st game - Defender on cart with the above :)

One of the first games I bought on tape was English Software's

"Diamonds" for £9.99 - great fun


Best Atari Game - Probably "International Karate" for me

(with Fractalus close by along with Hardball)

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First computer: My own 800XL and 1050 drive was in 1984 but I always enjoyed playing and making games on my cousin's Atari 800 since '81. edit: Actually I always forget my first computer was a tiny Timex Sinclair 1000 with that membrane keyboard probably around 1982.


First Game: Ever was probably Pac-Man, although I remember walking all over Queens and Manhattan, New York looking for an Atari dealer with Ms. Pac-Man available :)


Best Game: Ballblazer 8)

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1. What was your first Atari (or any other computer) and when did you get it?


First Atari was actually a clone: I had a Coleco Gemini (with the shoddy joystick ports) and it played 2600 games. First "real" Atari was the 7800 (Christmas 1987) and first computer was a 130XE in 1991.


2. What was your first game?


I got it for Christmas around 1985 when the market had crashed and my grandparents gave it to me with DONKEY KONG (included), STAR RAIDERS, KANGAROO and DEFENDER. That Christmas, I also got a 12 inch black and white TV. It was a good Christmas!


3. And the best game you ever played on the Atari?


Depends on "the Atari". :)


On the 2600, my favorite was PITFALL. On the 7800, it was MIDNIGHT MUTANTS. On the XL/XE, it was BRUCE LEE though COMMANDO is now giving that a run for top spot. And on the Jaguar (got it in 1995), it was BALDIES.


Also had a Lynx at one point, but never got as much into that.

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1. Atari 800 circa 83


2. Hard to answer this - Star Raiders in the store, Some terrible basic game called Voyage that I got with 800 but the first I really remember was Ultima II - my friend described it on the Apple series and I had to get it on the 800 ASAP


3. Again tough to answer - I loved these games: Ultima IV, Drol, Zepplin, Montezumas Revenge, Bruce Lee and too many more to list ;)

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Now a little survey:


1. What was your first Atari (or any other computer) and when did you get it?


Atari 800 back in '81. My dad got me the computer and a 410 cassette drive. I was actually a bit disappointed because I had asked for a Vic-20, becuase a friend of mine had a Space Invaders game for it. My dad bought the Atari because Consumer Reports rated it the best system. :)


Later I got an Indus GT as my 1st drive (not too shabby).


Next, I got an 800XL back in '85, I think. To this day I think the 800XL was the best overall design. The 800 was simply too expensive to produce (the thing has dozens of parts), and the XE's were a little too cheap.


2. What was your first game?


Umm.. I remember getting a PacMan cart and a Canyon Climber tape (that game was hard!)


3. And the best game you ever played on the Atari?


I can't really pick one...


Umm.. I played the heck out of MULE, Ultima II, Star Raiders, Ballblazer, Necromancer (that game kills your hands) and a little known Dan (Dani) Bunten game: Cytron Masters.


I hear Castle Crisis is pretty good. :twisted:



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My first computer was the Atari 400 with the 410 cassette drive, back around 1981/82. My buddy had the 800/810 setup, and I really wanted one of those, but alas, at $1000+ it just wasn't possible.


Bry, ironically enough, my first game was also the cassette version of Canyon Climber. I bought it cuz of the name. I assumed it would be like Crazy Climber, the arcade game where ya climb up a building. So, I was initially disappointed. But I played the hell outta that game (as we did in those days) and grew to love it, tho I agree that it was a hard game. Took me forever to get past that last level!

(My first cartridge was BASIC, and my first cart game was Protector II, I think... or maybe Star Raiders... I know I had the red cart version of Prot II pretty early on.)


My favourite game... tough choice... tossup between Archon, K-razy Shootout, Ball Blazer, Galactic Chase and Protector II... I'd probably go with Archon, tho.



Thanks, Starraider! I love these "memory lane" posts!

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Thanks, Starraider!  I love these "memory lane" posts!


you're welcome! :)


seems like most of the "veterans" started with the atari between the years 81-85.... ;)

further, it seems like I was one of the very few who had a diskdrive right from the beginning, as usually the first setup included a tape :)


so, is there anyone who started already in the seventies? he could be our old wise man, or let's say our medicineman :D


anyways....happy new year!

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1. What was your first Atari (or any other computer) and when did you get it?


Atari 800. Back when it came with only 16K standard (1981/1982??)

I got it with the Axlon RAMCRAM upgrade that brought it up to 48K. (It was a single slot 32K module full of DIP socketed chips and got hot as hell and would crash after a few hours without a fan blowing on the case!)

I also got a 410 cassette deck with it.

Got it home and hooked it up to a 19" BLACK AND WHITE television!

God, that was an expensive rig! Over $1000 in 1982 dollars!


2. What was your first game?


Mar Tesoro, on cassette. I was impressed that it played symphonic music while the game loaded (it took about 12 minutes!)


3. And the best game you ever played on the Atari?


This is deceptively hard to answer, considering how much time I spent playing games as an adolescent. I can't cite just one, but Mule, Ultima 3/4, and Necromancer would definitely be on that list.

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My first Atari Computer was the Atari 800 in Christmas 1981 (what a great Christmas gift) through our local Sears Catalog Store when I was 12. My best friends dad owned the store, so my friend snooped and let me know about it when my mom ordered it.


I THINK it was $899 in the catalog, and I believe that the 410 Program recorder was $159! That is amazing. A neighbor of mine had gotten his 800 in about October of the same year, and got only 16K ;o) -- he was very jealous, as Christmas of 1981, Atari began making the 800 with 48K standard. He had to pay some bucks for his extra two 16K modules


First game -- Star Raiders, of course -- got it at the same time. That game sold many an Atari Computer when it came out! Let me pretend I was Luke Skywalker many a late night ;o)


Best game....hmmm...tough one there. I would have to say that my friends and I got the most fun out of Alternate Reality: The Dungeon. I used my 8-bit up to about 1990, believe it or not - until I got my 1040ST.


As far as overall, though, I'd have to say Blue Max by Synapse, with Protector II as a close second. Protector II was the second game that I ever got for the 800


Aaaaaahh, the memories!


That's why I collect now!

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