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Pesco vs. Ebivision Pac-Man


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I think that you’re being a little harsh there, Matt.


Perhaps. However this is one of my pet peeves.


First off, calm down. Sheesh. Second, I'm not whining.


Could have fooled me.


I could really care less


So why do you continue to carry on about it?


But its understanding that makes it possible for people like us to tolerate a person such as yourself.


Thank you for proving my point.



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Tell you what: the hoarder types can keep hoarding stuff, and us irritating disrespectful types will keep getting hold of a bit here, a byte there, and spreading it all over the net behind their backs. Then when the hoarders get tired of that game and decline to share the stuff they weren't sharing anyway, we won't notice ;)


All kidding aside, though, I think the Ebivision games would have a lot less notoriety if more people were actually able to play them. Great ideas, but not the best homebrews out there, as it turns out. 4 or 5 years of hype makes you feel disappointment a little more sharply... it's gotten to the point where I wouldn't order a game without having played it and gotten to like it first.


Which, come to think of it, is how I handle buying GBA carts as well. I guess times just change.

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All kidding aside, though, I think the Ebivision games would have a lot less notoriety if more people were actually able to play them.  Great ideas, but not the best homebrews out there, as it turns out.  4 or 5 years of hype makes you feel disappointment a little more sharply...


Honestly, I think that most of the Ebivision fever comes from the fact that they were able to do a fairly decent Pac-Man game for the 2600 on a 4K cart. This then just naturally builds upon the whole “What the hell was Atari thinking?!?” thing that has gone on for years. Not being able to actually try out the game just adds fuel to the fire. Ultimately, I’d wager that "A Better Pac-Man / Pac-Man Arcade" would turn out to be a better game in a side by side comparison but, of course, it’s twice the size.

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Man, reading all this stuff about releasing a game for free makes me not want to finish the game I was working on for the 5200.  :(


No, no. I think that most everyone would shut up about Ebivision if we actually had the opportunity to buy the darned things.

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I can't say I sympathize much with someone doing Atari stuff in 2004 who gets demotivated by the prospect of not getting paid for it, but I think Stan was really just complaining that he couldn't even buy a copy of the Ebivision games.


Which was my position as well, at least till I actually played them. :P

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I can't say I sympathize much with someone doing Atari stuff in 2004 who gets demotivated by the prospect of not getting paid for it,


I don't think it's the getting paid part (which trust me, isn't worth the time and effort), but it's the attitude of the people as of late. Can't say I don't agree with him.



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but I think Stan was really just complaining that he couldn't even buy a copy of the Ebivision games.


Which was my position as well, at least till I actually played them. :P


Then you should stop whining and grow up, raindog, really! :roll: :roll: :P :P :D :D :ponder:


My point was simple: why create a product, and then sit on it and say that you are never going to release it?


My hope is that all that will change in the future. That is all, I am done here.

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People expecting everyone to release everything they have is hardly new; there are simply more people around to do the expecting nowadays. Look at the trauma surrounding Edtris back before Atariage even existed.


Some people thrive on artificial scarcity; some of us can't abide it. That's one thing I don't think is ever going to change.

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My point was simple: why create a product, and then sit on it and say that you are never going to release it?


They were released. Many people have them.




Exactly, Hozer sold them for quite a while. ;)


Not the one that we all really wanted to see, of course. ;) I feverously purchased "A Better Pac-Man" from Hozer when Randy started selling them. I sure as heck would have snagged up an Ebivision one as well. As for the rest, I wasn't as passionate about getting them so I guess that I have no one to blame but myself for not having them in my collection.

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It's funny, from what I've read about these games, they're really not all that special anyways. Yah, I too would like to play them sometime given the chance.


Maybe it is in Ebivision's best interest to keep them away from the public for the time being. Then upon their eventual release EVERYONE will hop on the wagon and nab 'em up like delicious chocolate chip cookies, only to find out that they're disgusting date-filled danishes. ICK! Of course, I don't have any firsthand knowledge of these games (except for Merlin's Walls) myself, so maybe it is quite a different story altogether... and maybe I should keep my trap shut. :-P


@CPU, I hope that this discussion won't disuade you from releasing your game. If it is a really good game, people will buy it. I do think that releasing it in a ROM form is a good way to advertise it. Perhaps a limited version (like Thrust without the music). Or something a crippled/time limited version, just to give the player an idea of the game.


I have to admit that I am of the population of gamers who won't buy a game before I have played it and know I like it. But I really hate to see a homebrewer become discouraged or lose interest in a project over this sort of issue.


Unfortunately, it happens. :-(

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My point was simple: why create a product, and then sit on it and say that you are never going to release it?


They were released. Many people have them.




Exactly, Hozer sold them for quite a while. ;)


Pac-man :ponder:


No, of course not. :D

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Nukey, you liar! Tempest says everyone has a Ebivision Pac-man..


Did I say that? Please show me where I said that. :? :? :?


I said MANY people have them. By them I mean the Ebivision games (which includes more than Pac-Man which really wasn't sold to anyone). Please don't invent things for me to say. If I need a speech writer I'll let you know.



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No big, Matt, I think there was a miscommunication of terms. The quote you used for me was in reference to Pac-man specifically, and then you said that they were sold and many had them (and you were talking about the OTHER Ebivision games). So it was just a mix-up that got long in the tooth. No big.


Do you need a speech writer? :D ;)

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