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Homebrew games on activision anthology


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I should pick up this Anthology then. Is it the newer one for the PS2 and other systems?


Still a very good idea and a sign that retro gaming is back in style with some people.


No, it's the GBA Anthology that was recently released. The PS2 Anthology does not have any homebrew games on it.



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While I like the homebrew games on the collection, I was disappointed that the Imagic collection was not included on this version of the Anthology. I was so looking forward to playing Demon Attack and Dragonfire on the Gameboy. If I had to choose between having the homebrew games on the cart or the Imagic titles, I would've chosen the Imagic games, since they are the real deal from the 80's. Optimally, it would have been best if they could have had the Imagic and homebrew games, as well, but I don't know how much space they had to work with.

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If I had to choose between having the homebrew games on the cart or the Imagic titles, I would've chosen the Imagic games, since they are the real deal from the 80's. Optimally, it would have been best if they could have had the Imagic and homebrew games, as well, but I don't know how much space they had to work with.


The problem wasn't one of space. As I recall from another forum thread, there were licensing issues with the Imagic games that kept them out of this particular collection. It's dissapointing, but overall it's still an excellent collection, and well worth having. I've been playing it a lot. The homebrews are a great bonus (although I think they should have gotten their own area in the game-select screen).

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... it's the GBA Anthology that was recently released.  The PS2 Anthology does not have any homebrew games on it.


The PC & Mac versions of the Anthology contain the homebrews tho!




Homebrews (and even downloadable 'extras' ) were slated for the ps2 version as well iirc, and i'm sure KLove can point out the appropriate thread ^^, but *Sony* put the kabash on downloadable content for the PS2 version (ie having something that someone in theory could turn around and hack it to play any roms)...I *think* i'm remembering it right ^^



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If I had to choose between having the homebrew games on the cart or the Imagic titles, I would've chosen the Imagic games, since they are the real deal from the 80's. Optimally, it would have been best if they could have had the Imagic and homebrew games, as well, but I don't know how much space they had to work with.


The problem wasn't one of space. As I recall from another forum thread, there were licensing issues with the Imagic games that kept them out of this particular collection. It's dissapointing, but overall it's still an excellent collection, and well worth having. I've been playing it a lot. The homebrews are a great bonus (although I think they should have gotten their own area in the game-select screen).


I thought Activision owned the entire Imagic catalogue.

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If I had to choose between having the homebrew games on the cart or the Imagic titles, I would've chosen the Imagic games


I would have definitely gone with the homebrews over the Imagic titles. How cool is it to see “Space Treat”, “Skeleton+”, et all getting such wide exposure. Until now, who outside of our small little circle would have ever had the chance to even know about much less play these excellent games!

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I thought Activision owned the entire Imagic catalogue.


In this thread, the programmer explained it:


Yep...there are no Imagic titles in the collection.  Yes, I know it sucks, but there were some licensing and legal issues that simply could not be worked out, so we had to remove them.  Don't worry though, there are still plenty of games to keep everybody busy.  The latest build is looking great, and we're taking lots of time to make sure there are enough features to make you all happy! :)
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I orderd space treat deluxe from atariage today because of playing it on anthology. Befor playing it on GBA i hadn't giveing the game any thought. This will be the 2nd homebrew game i have bought the other is QB which is not on anthology.

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I orderd space treat deluxe from atariage today because  of playing it on anthology.  Befor playing it on GBA i hadn't giveing the game any thought. This will be the 2nd homebrew game i have bought the other is QB which is not on anthology.

Thanks, I'm really happy you liked it so much :wink: :thumbsup:


The actual 2600 version is also slightly faster than the emulated Anthology one, so be ready for an increased challenge :D




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