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Addicted to Communist Mutants from Space


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I've been playing Communist Mutants From Space for the past few hours. man I love this game. It reminds me of Galaxian, but with a lot more options. So far, I've made it to round 43 starting on difficulty 1 with penetrating bullets, shields, and time warp enabled. What a fun game! :D

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I love it too, because they have all the options. Sometimes I want a hard fast experience, sometimes slow and easy. Somedays I feel like penetrating, somedays I dont. And I am talking about Communist Mutants From Space.


If only Megamania had more options, its still my favorite scroll-and-shoot.

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Agreed, I can remember fondly back when I was in grade school and over at my friends house waiting for the Supercharger to load up CMFOS. I never owned the Supercharger but am seriously considering trying to find one. I also remember a game similar to Star Raiders on the Supercharger. I loved that game as well.

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Agreed, I can remember fondly back when I was in grade school and over at my friends house waiting for the Supercharger to load up CMFOS. I never owned the Supercharger but am seriously considering trying to find one. I also remember a game similar to Star Raiders on the Supercharger. I loved that game as well.


My memory sucks, but I think you are thinking of Phaser Patrol. Another great game in its own right.

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I think you can still get copies of the Stella Gets A New Brain CD.


If you get a Supercharger and a copy of the Stella CD, the first game you should load up is my personal favorite 2600 game, Escape From The Mindmaster. Then play Survival Island. Those games will totally change your ideas on what the 2600 is capable of.

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So is there anywhere you can get the rom files for the supercharger games?  


I have one for Labrynth and I have no idea where I got it. It seems like they should be available somewhere.

:idea: Check my ROM related posts to the Emulation forum.


Thanks, but someone already pmed them to me. Thanks guys.

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I've been playing Communist Mutants From Space for the past few hours.  man I love this game.  It reminds me of Galaxian, but with a lot more options.  So far, I've made it to round 43 starting on difficulty 1 with penetrating bullets, shields, and time warp enabled.  


Hey, let us know if there's a special flag (there might not be) when you get to round 50, ok? I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, as there's flags for single rounds and a big one for every 10 rounds, so I've figured that there might be one for 50.


And yeah, that's exactly what I use: penetrating missiles, shields and warp! I think the best part (except for the dying thing) is when you die, there's only a few left, and the moment they start attacking, just press either warp or shields, and you'll get 'em back once the new round starts! :D I usually play on level 4, though, and I can still get through 30 rounds. Great features!

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nope, games won't work via cartridge, the supercharger give the VCS the extra mojo it needs to run the programs.


Superchargers aren't THAT hard to find and some of the games are even easier to find.  You just have to look. :)


The games are often jammed in with the random 80s bands and local gospel music in the cassette bins at thrifts since nobody knows what they are . . . The actual hardware is probably a lot harder to find in the wild.


And, I understand the enhancements the SC brings and such, so then how was the Rabbit Transit cart proto possible? CMFOS is also a single-loader, is it not, so I'd guess it's not impossible to place on cart . . . Doubt multi-loaders would be possible . . .


? for those of us who somehow have the ROMs, How do you do multiloaders in z26? I know how to handle them in Stella, but I don't have that version, just the .a26's.

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oh, does anyone have the rom so I can see this addictive game? we really need to put those in AtariAge.


AA can't, a multimedia company still owns the rights to the entire Starpath catalog today. They probably asked Atari Age to take them down, like Activision asked the same, so now all the Activision ROMs are gone too.

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And, I understand the enhancements the SC brings and such, so then how was the Rabbit Transit cart proto possible?  CMFOS is also a single-loader, is it not, so I'd guess it's not impossible to place on cart . . . Doubt multi-loaders would be possible . . .

Rabbit Transit has the code replaced that took advantage of the SC-RAM. The cartridge version uses less colours for the platforms for example. CMFOS on the other hand makes more use of the extra RAM than Rabbit Tansit, I think. For example it uses some self-modifying code for displaying the highscore list. This is much more difficult to replace, and you might have to remove some features completely. So while it might be possible to transfer some other SC games to cart, the changes that you might have to make could be so big, that it would be like writing the game from scratch anyway.


? for those of us who somehow have the ROMs,  How do you do multiloaders in z26?  I know how to handle them in Stella, but I don't have that version, just the .a26's.

There is no special file format named .a26. These are just renamed .bin's to seperate them from the .bin's that other video game emulators use. You can simply rename the binaries and concatenate all the loads for a game into a single file. Then PCAE, Stella and z26 should play them fine.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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It's a goal for me to get a SC when I can find the necessary tape recorder or whatever and the right amount of dough for it.


What would you need a tape recorder for? You can play the roms from your computer's sound card. The only problem would come if your 2600 and computer aren't within 20 feet of eachother. (you can get audio extension cables pretty easy.

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Here's a shot of my setup:


Not too much extra room needed there. Yes, you shouldn't place electronics on something that could block the cooling vents, yes, it was display only, yes, Genesis controllers are programmed to work for the 2600 and 7800 games that only use one button (most of you guys probably already knew that, but I just thought I'd pass it along :D), no, I don't have a full Starpath collection yet...one day, though :D


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