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Addicted to Communist Mutants from Space


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So the SC hooks up via the microphone jack in the stereo?


It MIGHT. It depends. If that's all your stereo has, it might work, although it's usually the headphone jack that it'll use. If you have one of the big jacks, you can just get a cheap adapter at Radio Shack to fit the small Supercharger plug into it for only a few bucks.


That can be doable for me. I have an old stereo could support this.


Whatever works, even a walkman will do the job! Just make sure to mess around with the volume control if you get the "rewind tape" message, since the instructions claim that if that happens, set the volume, tone, etc. dials all the way up, but I've found that doesn't always work, whether it be the tape recorder I used to use when I first got my Supercharger (in '85 or so) to the jambox that I use nowadays (shown in the photo). Once you find what volume level works, don't ever move it again! :)


EDIT: ach, CPUWIZ got his answer up before mine! (Probably right, too :D)

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  • 7 months later...
I've been playing Communist Mutants From Space for the past few hours.  man I love this game.  It reminds me of Galaxian, but with a lot more options.  So far, I've made it to round 43 starting on difficulty 1 with penetrating bullets, shields, and time warp enabled.  


Hey, let us know if there's a special flag (there might not be) when you get to round 50, ok? I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, as there's flags for single rounds and a big one for every 10 rounds, so I've figured that there might be one for 50.


Heh, wrong! (Thought I'd bump this up.) Just tried it out tonight out of curiosity/had nothing better to do. Nope, no special flag for the 50th screen...maybe 100? (Not that I could last *that* long, though. Those suckers really divebomb! :D) Oh well, at least I won't waste any time doing that again, unless, for my next goal, I'll see if I can get enough reserve ships to wrap around the screen, I almost had enough to go from one end to the other several times during the game.

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Who thought this game up?  And since when did the teachings of Karl Marx go beyond Earth?


Heh...Stephen Landrum, who also did Dragonstomper, the "official" version of Frogger, Suicide Mission, and several Lynx games later ;)


Even though most of his work for Starpath encompassed familiar themes (if not rip-offs), he still seems to have been a bit of a talented programmer in my opinion. :thumbsup:

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