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I found the alternative to eBay for videogames etc. !!!


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This site is a great idea and I hope many members of the classic gaming community, both here and abroad sign up as I already have. First off, the sponsors of the site are very professional and will not be running a mickey mouse operation. Second off, rarities like prototypes will not be pulled and will run their course. Finally, the sellers are more reputable since they originate on sites like these and not from random walks of life outside of this hobby. I look forward to the official launch on Feb 2, and plan on posting some auctions myself on this site in the not too distant future. It's about time the gaming community got an auction site they can call their own.

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carl doesnt like video games so thats highly unlikely.  Im not going to remake a name on there and if I cant be tantone56 than I dont want to join  :sad:


It still might go through and if I know a certian person I am sure they allready know about it


If not I will be posting all knids of loot for your viewing pleasue. :D

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I think Paypal is more than just an ebay exclusive. They were around before ebay bought them out, and available to websites e-commerce, for online businesses looking for a quick & easy payment system. Lots of people use Paypal just to send cash outside of ebay's own "auctions" And even I have used Paypal to pay for Yahoo auctions. I'm not sure what's being addressed, if there are plans to have Paypal & this site linked they way Paypal/ebay work or not, that's what it sounds like, and ultimately it's more money in Paypal, so it's not a hard choice for them! ;) So if it helps the competition somewhat, I don't think ebay is worried yet! :P

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How long till the first Bidiots sniping programs appear?  :ponder:  




:x :P It still sucks that I can't even use esnipe with yahoo. :( It is linked in that I can enter the auction number and it will follow it and gives me updates if my snipe price has been out done(I think so anyway) but it will not place a bid for me. *shrugs* So I think this will take a while yet! We will have to manually snipe! :twisted:

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Interesting... Well I have a box of Lynx Proto's, I am going to give this place a try, I read the help section, seems like its a no risk site, there are no fee's to post a For Sale or Auction or trade, not bad.... extra stuff is a few cents, worth a try.


It would be nice to use a place that is videogames and nothing but videogames, certainly something that we could all use.


I signed up, what the heck. The name is easy to remember too.





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It would be nice to use a place that is videogames and nothing but videogames, certainly something that we could all use.


That is exactly why I am so exited about it, I am tired of looking at crap that I don't want to see. LOL

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Has anyone found a link to contact anyone at Bidiots?  I found an error when I was posting my first (test) auction.



You kill me. :lol:


I will try to get in touch with someone over there and send them this thread. ;)


There really is an error though.. joking aside. If you are in the middle of posting an auction, and you click on the "add payment options" button, the series of screens which follow do not lead you back to the listing you were entering.. you have to use the browser's "back" button to get "back" to what you were doing... that wouldn't be so bad, but every page on the site shows up in Explorer as "Bidiots - The Videogamers Marketplace" -instead of showing a detail of what the individual pages contained...

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