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Found Ikari Warriors today!


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It's a FANTASTIC game! Although so is Commando, but just try playing commando with a buddy! Gotta love two player mode! Also, wait till you get to the tanks you climb into! IKARI is a fantastic game on the 7800, one of the best home versions. So is Commando though, yes Commando has slightly better graphics, but Ikari's seem to improve as you go along, and they're pretty good anyway. You should see some other versions of BOTH of these games, most suck compared to the 7800 versions (8-bit power of course). The C64 version of Commando REAKS compared to the 7800, and 7800 Ikari's graphics are light years ahead of C64 Commando too. Cool find for you! Congrats!

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Is this the US C64 version of Commando perhaps? I think there were two versions, one written here in the UK and one written over in the US. The UK version is decent enough, but only has 3 levels. However the MUSIC is absolutely brilliant, and well worth the reason to download and play on an emulator. Better than anything the 7800 sound chip could hope to achieve now!

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Originally posted by :

Is this the US C64 version of Commando perhaps? I think there were two versions, one written here in the UK and one written over in the US. The UK version is decent enough, but only has 3 levels. However the MUSIC is absolutely brilliant, and well worth the reason to download and play on an emulator. Better than anything the 7800 sound chip could hope to achieve now!


Yeah, that's definately a given that the c64's sound is better than the 7800's (yikes!), except possibly in Ballblazer or any other carts that have the POKEY chip, then it's arguable, both have advantages/disadvantages over the other. but that's a rare thing on the 7800.

I'm not sure which version I have, I believe the american version (c64 Commando), it's actually not as bad as all that, it's just that the 7800 version is so much better. I here there is an Atari 8-bit proto out there of Commando, never seen it though, so I've no idea if the c64 version (that I have) is better than that one or not. I just really expected the c64 Commando to be at least *almost* as good as the 7800, and was disappointed to see how it compared. In fact, I remember seeing screen shots of Commando for the Intellivision-3, years ago, and even it looked better than the c64 version I have (yes Intellivision had a system 3 that came out about the same time as the 7800, but faired even worse than the 7800 (if you can believe that!)). Now that's an ultra rare item I'd like to find today! (intellivision 3)


[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Gunstar ]

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I just thought of a good comparison to the version of C64 Commando that I have...Have You ever seen the Atari 8-bit Mastertronic game 'Gun Law'(I don't know if there's a c64 version or what it looks like)? Well, the Atari 8-bit 'Gun Law' and C64's 'Commando' (again the version I have) are about the same graphically. Not terrible, but if compared to the 7800 'Commando,' they look sad indeed. Here's a link, it's as close as I could get because of the way the web site is set up. Just click on "games," then "mastertronic" then "page 2" and scroll down to 'Gun Law.'

Gun Law-at Mr. Bacardi's 8-bit page

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Now, I didn't know 7800 Commando used the POKEY chip, they sure didn't use it very well. I could have sworn that was the 2600's sound chip there, I don't think it even uses all 4 voices. If it sounds that bad, what was the point?

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Originally posted by Mitch:

7800 Commando uses the Pokey chip.




Umm...I went to the 7800 page you left a link for, but I don't see anything anywhere there refering to what sound chips are used in what games...Do I have to go to a link that is there and it is actually on another page? Please be more specific. Thanks!

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I went to the 7800 page you left a link for, but I don't see anything anywhere there refering to what sound chips are used in what games...Do I have to go to a link that is there and it is actually on another page?


The link is to my web site. I don't have any info about which 7800 games use the Pokey chip on it at the moment.


From what I've been able to find out, though, only Ballblazer and Commando use the Pokey chip. As far as why the sound in Commando doesn't sound as good as you think it should. I would imagine it's because the programmer wasn't much of a musician.


I have some pics of a disassembled Commando cart showing the Pokey, if you want to see it.




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Originally posted by Mitch:

The link is to my web site. I don't have any info about which 7800 games use the Pokey chip on it at the moment.


From what I've been able to find out, though, only Ballblazer and Commando use the Pokey chip. As far as why the sound in Commando doesn't sound as good as you think it should. I would imagine it's because the programmer wasn't much of a musician.


I have some pics of a disassembled Commando cart showing the Pokey, if you want to see it.




That won't be necessary, I believe you, I just think it was a waste of time and money or what ever to use a POKEY chip in Commando, since the "musician" was so terrible, he/she could have done as well with the TIA. I think the sound is alright, but the POKEY can do so much better...it doesn't sound any better (IMO) than the music/sfx of Ikari Warriors.

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