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What happened to the playnintendo.com website?

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AtariAge is doing an unbelievably good job of preserving the history of a great new art form. Instead of letting historians figure out what happened 2000 years from now, as we now do with paintings and the like, we can record our own cultural heritage to make sure its done right.


Atari was the first populist console game, and it's study encompasses the Intellivision and Coleco machines as well. The next populist machine is the NES and we need to start treating its history with the same care we have for the Atari. Look at the hell we go through to find out such simple things as release dates, programmers, sales figures because we waited so long to look into it. We need to do the job right for the NES (and its fellow traveller systems) while we still have the opportunity.


Whatever hassles Playnintendo may have had, I do know that there are some people involved who have a very serious vision and they are going to see to it that it gets accomplished. There are some very exciting things going on behind the scenes as we speak. The technical and whatever other petty issues there may be are simple to resolve. The hard part will be gathering the information and we're going to need everyone who cares about the art of video games to help out when that time comes. I think this will be the site which, in a year or two from now, will indeed deserve to be called the "AtariAge for the Nintendo Generation." Actually I'm predicting its a matter of just a few months until that rep is achieved but let's not set the bar too high yet.


And if that doesn't interest you, I'll be one of the moderators for their Off-Topic forum so don't think that little neck of the Internet isn't about to get more interesting as well.

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I'd like to say that I don't feel it's very constructive if mods of the boards there are criticizing the owner of the site here in a publically negative way.  I've been working very hard to rejuvenate the boards, bring in new life and new people, and "learn the ropes."  If I see those same people making disparaging comments about Mark or the site, I question the wisdom of appointments I made, and wouldn't be afraid to reconsider them where necessary.  If you have something negative to say, please say it in private.


I have to agree 100% with MMF. I was surprised when I read some of the comments here. I am a mod at PN and I feel it is my job to promote the site whenever possible, not to criticize it. There are a lot of good people there and it will build up, it just takes time.

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If I wasn't so addicted to this forum, MMF, I would definetly join the playnintendo forum if/when it goes back up. I don't know if I would be improving it any though :ponder:


Besides, knowing my luck "sigma" is probably already taken...


Every new member brings with them a unique perspective on gaming. You're presence over there would certainly be a welcome one.

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There are some very exciting things going on behind the scenes as we speak.


This is cool and all, but when are we going to start seeing things IN the scenes rather than just hear about what's BEHIND the scenes. :ponder:


Nobody wants a comprehensive NES website more than me, and that's the only reason I get so frustrated when one is continually promised, but is never delivered. :x :sad:


I have nothing but the utmost faith in MegaManFan to handle his end of the deal, but last I heard he was only in charge of forums. :sad:

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There was a server change last night. I posted an announcement that this was going to happen in the Announcements forum over on PN. It is out of my control, this was something the host needed to do. I am assured that the new server is bigger, better, faster, etc.


With the server change MySQL, which is needed to run phpBB (program for the forums) got all screwed-up. It is probably not a big deal. I e-mailed the serer admin a couple of hours ago. I have not gotten a reply yet, but I imagine all will be fixed tonoght. Also, those of you with playnintendo.com e-mail accounts will notice we have switched to "squirrelmail". this is a new program for us and look promising. Please be patient if attempting to access you e-mail. Once all changes are complete, I will re-add everyones alias' and PM you with your temporary password.




Now to discuss another matter and this is directed toward no individual person with no malice intended.... I am not as "webmaster" literate as many people here. I have learned EVERYTHING from scratch in my free time. The site used to look like a crappy Geocities page. It has become far more than I expected, but nowhere near what I had hoped... if that makes any sense.


For me at least, it was not a matter of just sitting down and making site, I had to learn how and learn a whole lot more about Nintendo games. After 4 years of this, I think anyone would suffer from a little burnout. There is a "staff" now and I will be adding a couple of writers so that I do not need to be constantly thinking of content to add. I can just sit down and finish the damn NES guide. I realize eveyone is anxious to see the site complete, but none more than me.


If anyone wants to spend the money for HTML programs and Graphics programs, learn how to use them, go learn more about Nintendo, waste all their free time scannig images and cleaning them up, spend more money on a host, learn how to create a decent forum and then wait around for a year or two to get some decent traffic... by all means, go make you own site! I am not trying to sound like an asshole here, if someone wants to or can do a better job, seriously go for it. Make no mistake though, PlayNintendo.com / Vintagegamer.com is my baby an no one wants to see it succeed more than me... don't ever doubt that!

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waste all their free time scannig images and cleaning them up,



waste? :ponder:


I hope that the site gets back up soon, and I hope that it starts to bear fruit. Especially since you've wasted so much time on it. I can certainly understand your frustration, and no one faults you (I hope) for learning as you go, but you also have to understand that people get frustrated as well when they keep getting promised things that never show up. I think its fair and honest criticism, and I certainly have no desire to pick a fight with you, so please don't read that into this. I think a lot of people believe in you and that is why the site is still going. NUMEROUS times we have begged you not to scrap the site when you got burned out, and there has been an overwhelming show of support everytime you've had personal setbacks, when every thing else in the site was empty, the forums kept going. That's a pretty good indicator of support. We all want a great NES site, and we are all hoping that you are able to fulfill that want. But I also think that people's frustrations are justified.


And just so you know there is no hypocrisy, I know all about delays and such. My Stan Awards are about to go into their second week of lateness. So I know what that's all about. Its EXTREMELY frustrating. :x

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