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What is your favorite BASIC game ??


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Mine was 'PopCorn'

I think that was a basic game. It came from Antic or Analog, can't remember. It was basiclly a Kaboom clone. You had to catch the popcorn poping. At the end of teh level, yo would see the boss, either happy or upset depending on how you did.

Can't rememeber much, but I do tremeber playing it LOTS.

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I'd have to say Caves of Ice. This is the 1st game I remember typing in from a magazine, and the only game my dad ever typed in with me. I believe the game was from Compute! magazine. I only had a 16K Atari 400 at the time (thank god it had the real keyboard upgrade). We spent ages getting the game typed in, saved to cassette tape, debugged, only to find out it needed 48K to run.


It was really cool seeing it run on an emulator almost 20 years after typing it in! Funny how much nostalgia some of us have with these older systems.


Stephen Anderson

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Anyone remember Frank the fruit fiend. It was a type-in from Page 6 magazine I think. A platform game kinda like bounty bob, learned a lot of routines from this listing at the time. The game also ran exceptionally fast when compiled in Turbo Basic.


Also my own titles circa 1987..


Cave Crisis: A left to right platform game. Best described as a different take on the game Hunchback


City Defender with (GAD) Loading picture


?? can't remember any of the other titles we did back then

:) Tezz

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Outpost was a type-in BASIC game from Compute! that had you as the commander of a space outpost that came under attack from hostile starships. The game was played on a square black grid reminiscent of an air traffic controller's radar. Your outpost was at the center of this grid, and the hostile starships and the occasional resupply ship would come in from the perimeter. You had four phaser banks and some photon torpedos to fend off a massive attack. It was a turn-based strategy game of tremendous simplicity but the greatness was in the execution. The grid would refresh one sector at a time and the internal speaker on the 800 or 400 would make a distorted ticking sound that resonated at your fingertips and set a neat mood. The game was in text mode and the black grid was achieved with PM graphics. Your phaser banks ran down quickly leaving you with a rather high difficulty level that lead to short intense games. The drama would soar as your phaser banks ran low and your last photon torpedo made a swishly-booping sound as it MISSED the class 4 dreadnaught looming up, a mere sector away from your outpost. You're taking heavy damage from that dreadnaught and the cruisers close behind it, but the supply ship is coming, almost there!


Ah, what a game that was! I also liked the atmospheric Rescue at Rigel from Epyx. That was written in BASIC for about 14 platforms.

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I'm new to the Atari 8-Bit scene as I grew up with Commodore, but there were two BASIC games I loved and I'll be damned if I can find for any platform...


One was called "Ninja" - you had to explore a maze, find weapons, survive traps, fight guards, etc. and your on screen persona was a little asian symbol that walked.


The other was it's sequel "Shogun" (not by Mastertronic!!). You fought for territory with other armies, the computer produced huge on screen wars, counted the dead- it was awesome!! Anyone know if it was on Atari?


How about the old classic "Star Trek" grid game? I played that one for hours.


BTW you may want to check out myatari.com for some of these titles. B&C have a pretty big supply of Public Domain Games.

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One of my favorites was a game that dealt with a person who was a college student and trying to study for an exam. A player would be given a situation and several responses (usually 3). The player had to make a choice and then either the player gained study points or lost study points. The response results were random so that what worked one time might not worked the next time that you tried the same response.


In addition, there was sound that played prior to each question and sound effects that told you how you did (NIRVANA- anyone?)


I really liked that game but I no longer remember the name. I would love to be able to play that one again since I am pretty sure that it would still be fun today. Does anyone remember the name of the game that I described?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
LYNXGUY One of my favorite arcade games was GALAGA and I was wondering if there is an 8bit version of that game for an emulator
YES YES!! a classic. Really playable game. Remember getting blisters playing that game for o long in the arcade. you can get your Galaga kicks with MAME these days of course! Unfortunately no one converted this to the A8 although there were some similar cloans
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  • 4 months later...
There was another type-in but I can't recall its name?

I think you had a Shamus like guy who had to get keys to unlock gold

(or doors to get to the gold) on a fixed screen map. The striking thing  

was the colorful graphics of which it used an animated charset to rotate

the walls/flash jewels etc.


I've recalled that the game may have been called 'Swag'

but I'm not 100% certain... it didn't show up on XL-Search.

Does it ring any bells with somebody?




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Was that a type-in from the UK?


The Page 6 / Atari User / New Atari User type-ins can be found quite easily but there are many listings from Computer & Video Games, Your Computer, Games Computing... still MIA.


I have some of those early UK mags and can scan the listings. Anybody willing to type them in and send them to us so we can archive them?



Atari Frog


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:?  :?  


Zybex wrote:

My favorite BASIC game... Escape (or rescue) from Fractalus.



Sorry I didnt get the joke


It's not a joke... i can't remember the name of this game...




If this game is really written in BASIC, I´ll have to pull all my other programmes for the ATARI into the trashcan. They´re all poor programmed, esp. the assemblergames are much to slow... ;)


... in fact, Rescue on Fractalus (aka Behind Jaggy Lines) is written in assembler language. Nothing else could make these graphics on the ATARI so 'smooth'.

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