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Blaster for 1mbit Flash Cartridge


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For those wanting to make thier own Blaster cartridges, here is a flash rom programming image that will turn any 1mbit Atarimax flash cartridge into a Blaster cartridge.


The original blaster ROM image posted only ran on 400/800 computers.


This cart will run on any 48k 800, 800XL, 130XE, etc.






(edited: never mind exe posted below, scroll down)


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Steve, what is the XL compatibility issue? I've noticed that it never returns from the routine at 81C7... still working on why. We must be clearing something the XL OS needs...






LDX #$1D ;loop counter

LDA #$23 ;pointer to $2300


LDA #$00


TAY ;Clear Y




STA ($1A),Y


BNE $81D2 ;Clear until Y=0 again


INC $1B ;New page

DEX ;Counter

BNE $81D2



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Thanks for patching up and releasing the .exe version Steve, much easier to mirror it through APE and play on the real thing :)


Has anyone noticed any big differences besides the copyright name between the 5200 and 8bit versions of Blaster? I still prefer to play games on my 8bit over my consoles, too many years of experiences I guess.

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worked on my Windows machine, let me shorten the name and I'll repost in a second.


Ok if this one doesn't work, then its all you ;)


THis one worked great - thanks.


Interesting game - needed a few more levels but in '84 this coulve been the successor to Star Raiders IMHO. They just needed to tweak the human graphics a bit though ;)

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Heck, even my cat likes it, she's usually on top of the TV or my SC1224 monitor but for this game she's staring into the 3d graphics and wondering why Atari let this one slip away ;)


That and she likes to mock my high score which is only 127,000.


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Can any one disassemble the game I like to get the source code. :D

Here you go, just under an hours work with IDAPro :wink:


It'll need work to get in to compile under something (CA65, TASM etc)

but as it stands you can study from it (ROM entry point is $8000).


One instruction I'm a bit dubious about is @$B219 : JMP (word_0_F0B2)

However I'm yet to stick a debug point on the emulator to see if it gets run.





P.S. no I won't do Star Raiders, Pacman, Pole Position, Joust, Defender ... :ponder:


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 .BYTE  $4C ; L

 .BYTE  $45 ; E

 .BYTE  $44 ; D

 .BYTE  $20 ;  

 .BYTE  $2D ; -

 .BYTE  $20 ;  

 .BYTE  $45 ; E

 .BYTE  $50 ; P

 .BYTE  $4A ; J


Interesting. I wonder if there's a way to make thier initials show up during the game?


LED = Larry Demar

EPJ = Eugene Jarvis



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Can any one disassemble the game I like to get the source code. :D

Here you go, just under an hours work with IDAPro :wink:


It'll need work to get in to compile under something (CA65, TASM etc)

but as it stands you can study from it (ROM entry point is $8000).


One instruction I'm a bit dubious about is @$B219 : JMP (word_0_F0B2)

However I'm yet to stick a debug point on the emulator to see if it gets run.





P.S. no I won't do Star Raiders, Pacman, Pole Position, Joust, Defender ... :ponder:


Thanks for the code! 8)

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