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Custom Atari House Paint


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I think that would seriously violate some of the house painting codes in some of the more anal-retentive Cleveland suburbs. :)


Reminds me of the light-green-and-yellow house that was along the highway here in the city. We called it the Sweet Pickles House .



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Pretty cool. I see one problem though. Many youngsters will not be familiar with the atari logo, just notice the rainbows, and think that its a gay pride house!  




Oh no... That is a a consideration. Hmmm... I better make sure it doesn't look like any of the Muslim Countries flags either. I could be questioned by the department of Homeland Security. They may think the fuji symbol is a secret code and the Space Invader is a symbol of an American infidel that must be destroyed.


I think I may have to re-consider.



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Waddya think? I have to discuss it with the misses first  :twisted:


I'm sure you and your wife love each other, but before you show her that photo you'd better be absolutely certain she'll never want to have you locked away somewhere.


Judge: And what proof do you have that you should be given power of attorney over your husband? Oh, I see....request granted! j/k :)


That's a pretty funny pic. I especially like the invaders on the garage doors. I'm going to be refinishing my basement/gameroom in a year or two and have seriously considered doing a similar design in the floor tiles.

(also have not discussed this with the wife) :D

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I'm sure you and your wife love each other, but before you show her that photo you'd better be absolutely certain she'll never want to have you locked away somewhere.  


Judge: And what proof do you have that you should be given power of attorney over your husband? Oh, I see....request granted! j/k  


That's a pretty funny pic. I especially like the invaders on the garage doors. I'm going to be refinishing my basement/gameroom in a year or two and have seriously considered doing a similar design in the floor tiles.


Tooo late.. She already wants me locked away :D


Your comments about the floor tiles are too CLOSE too home. While my detached garage (which you see in the picture) was under construction, I discussed putting the Intellivision man in the tile work to the entry way and space invaders and such in the fireplace tile and by the rear slider. The granny loft you see, is my gameloft. My wife vetoed me. Not only did she say NO!... It was HELL NO!!


At least I got to pre-wire it for surround sound and put all the network drops in. Otherwise it is finished out in traditional trim and paint. I do have all my Atari posters, art, kiosks displayed nicely in there. It is truly my home away from home. My son and I spend alot of time out there and my wife has here house back :)


It is a good trade off. Now I must remodel thwe old garage for her sewing room :ponder:



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Apple's Icon Garden was exactly what I was thinking of! A Berzerk robot, a Yar, and Pitfall Harry on the lawn. That would look great.


If your wife won't let you 'enhance' the front exterior of the house, what about doing something with the backyard, for 'the kid's sake'? Have a contractor build a clubhouse for the kids shaped like a giant Heavy Sixer. Or like the castles and mazes from Adventure. At least build them a jungle gym, like on the cover of Data Age's Sssnake. http://www.atariage.com/box_page.html?Soft...&ItemTypeID=BOX

Complete with a giant snake for authenticity, of course.

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