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When creating a 3D game ....


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Stunt Car Racer would be a good test of the A8's abilities...

the 3D stuff is OK as not many colours required there,

but how to add the car overlay and the flames etc.   :ponder:



Ask Heaven...

Sometimes it is better to use PM for the playfield and the playfield for sprites... ;)

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Heaven/TQA bubble bobble????
well it's not a 3D game but it is a favourite of many people ;) I am currently working on bringing this to the A8. This post has prompted me to announce it early.. watch this space.


:thumbsup: :D


Yeah, Stuntcar Racer would be nice too.

Wrathchild, you been playing with C64 games again? :)

I'm guessing there'd be enough time to just draw the engine on top every frame and still be able to run at a similar speed to the C64. players and missiles could help out a fair bit too.

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there is a "simple" german version of Wizball available by Oliver Cyranka. and since it is german, it is called "Zauberball". It was published by Power per Post her in germany a long time ago (it could be found on one of their commercial Player`s Dream disks). But, since I do not know the original game, I cannot tell if the clone/conversion was any good. furthermore I have not found out what to do in Zauberball or to be more precise - how to do it (allthough I have a manual for the Player`s dream disk and Zauberball)... I get killed dozens of times... -Andreas.


P.S.: If you are interested in a copy of Zauberball, send an e-mail to: amp#abbuc*de and I will send you a (zipped) ATR image in return...

more clones/conversions by O.Cyranka: Break it (great Arkanoid clone), Super-Dash (good Boulder Dash clone), Agent 08/15 (simple, but unplayable Spy vs. Spy clone) and maybe a few more...

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