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The BIGGEST Game Sprite?


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I abandoned Fu Kung because there wasn't enough enthusiasm for it. It's all your fault, guys. Most of the comments were negative. If you aren't enthusiastic enough on my stuff, guys, and I abandon it, just remember... you were at fault.


Wow! I really hope that was sarcasm because if that's how you truly feel then I'm glad you stoped developing it.


I don't recall a slew of overly negative comments other than from the "Tell me why you should get one of the 10 copies of Fu Kung" thing that you ran at the start of development. I thought that was stupid, divisive, and egotistical. Sort of a "Tell me why you think you're worthy of my awesome game" kind of thing. Actually, after re-reading your above statement, I'm still getting that vibe from you.


To quote Tears For Fears "These are things I can do without".



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Australian humor. You better get used to it.


God I hope that was humor, because taken at face value that statement was really "out there". If it was supposed to be humor then I apologize (although for the record I still think that contest was stupid).


As for big sprites, I always thought the people in Mangia were freakishly large. Kind of cool in a creepy way.



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FWIW, I took that statement as humor.

Could be! Usually I'm reasonally in tune to British/Australian/NZ understatement and subtlety and stuff but who knows, mebbe I'm just typical blunt American after all.


I had forgotten about the "10 copies" thing. Was the ROM going to be available?

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Hi there!


I think rating interest in a homebrew project based on feedback in early stages of the project does not work. Serious feedback will only start after the first halfway playable prototypes have been released. Until this happens you have to have enough faith in your project to carry it past this "feedback barrier" on your own.




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That's a good way of putting it.


Early feedback is:

A. usually small

B. mixed in with annoying "pie in the sky" requests

C. full of naysayers


D. sometimes really great and enthusiastic.


So take it all with a grain of salt, and keep chugging.

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Maybe next time us common everyday game players should be given a guide to tell us how much ass-kissing is required in order to show our proper respect. Perhaps we can come up with new emoticons which reflect our awe and worship. Maybe send a nice FTD floral assortment while we're at it!

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Maybe next time us common everyday game players should be given a guide to tell us how much ass-kissing is required in order to show our proper respect.  Perhaps we can come up with new emoticons which reflect our awe and worship.  Maybe send a nice FTD floral assortment while we're at it!

Or shrines...could you set up some shrines? I think I could do some good coding if I knew I had a shrine, with maybe some nice incense. But nothing too gaudy...

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I abandoned Fu Kung because there wasn't enough enthusiasm for it.  It's all your fault, guys.  Most of the comments were negative.  If you aren't  enthusiastic enough on my stuff, guys, and I abandon it, just remember... you were at fault.


Yay! More vaporware! And *I* had something to do with it!!!


>bites tongue<

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You don't have to be so modest, Gateway. Globetrotter is pretty big.


Thanks, Zach. This is true. But Trotter's sprite appears in the "title screen" if you can call it that. He doesn't appear in an actual game( yet, he still could in the future. ) 8)


As far as Andrew's comments about Fu Kung!, I interpreted it as his humourous side, based on some of his other posts in the past. :) In fact, I drew some inspiration from his programming work on the "baby" sprites when designing Trotter's "look". Andrew's Stan Award is appropriately deserved. I'm honored to have been included this year among some excellent work for the Atari, from all the winners for 2003!


Andrew, I hope you will return to Fu Kung! after you take care of your other game project commitments.


I like where this topic has gone so far! Some very interesting discussion about Fu Kung!( which indeed has some of the largest sprites, although it's not a "game" yet ) :) Also, many good examples of big sprites have been mentioned, some I had forgotten about. Keep posting more!

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Shouldn't the Octopus in the game Octopus qualify as a large sprite? Or was it name this game i forget the actual game with the Octopus in it but it was BIG.


I was going to mention this one as well... although I think technically, it's made with creative playfield graphics rather than actual sprites, and aside from the tentacles, it never actually moves.


(and yes, it was "Name This Game"... although I think there were some pirate companies that released it as "Octopus")



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Australian humor. You better get used to it. ;)


Not many people are, it seems.


I'm a reasonably unpretentious person. I program Atari because I enjoy it. I don't do it for the women, or for the money, nor for the awards (thank you, StanJr). The whole package for me is enjoying what I do.


When I see someone taking things too seriously (in my opinion, of course) then I will feel quite free to stir the hornet's nest, so to speak. The 10 copies fiasco, for example. Look how worked up some people became. Ultimately, as a creator, the point I was trying to make is that it's completely up to ME how I develop sell and release my games. Certain people can get as shitty as they like; it's just a hobby, guys. Fun.


As to the Fu Kung comment -- if I were truly one to abandon projects just because of the initial feedback, then Qb wouldn't exist. It had very poor reviews on the stella list when it was initially presented. I was, as Thomas is quite able to discern these days, just stirring the nest again.


Having said all that, I think I must -- after much consideration, and considerable regret -- decline to accept my Stan award this year. Thanks anyway, lads.




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Australian humor. You better get used to it. ;)

Not many people are, it seems.

Seriously, I'm usually pretty in tune with the type of understatement and subtler sarcasm that other countries do a lot better than the USA, and...I dunno, there was nothing to let someone in on the joke...for a second I thought "Aha! His claims of being too busy to add a lot to the Newbie Forum are only part of the story! He's sick of all the whiners!" and since there was an element of truth to it--negative or insufficient quanity feedback does hurt--I took it at face value.

When I see someone taking things too seriously (in my opinion, of course) then I will feel quite free to stir the hornet's nest, so to speak.  The 10 copies fiasco, for example.  Look how worked up some people became.  Ultimately, as a creator, the point I was trying to make is that it's completely up to ME how I develop sell and release my games.  Certain people can get as shitty as they like;  it's just a hobby, guys.  Fun.

Well, technically, you're right, of course, it is 100% up to you since you have authority to decide what to do with your creation. But, realistically, you try to do things that are generally nice, and keep the homebrew community happy. They get games and you get reputation and your opinion is given more weight in the general retrogaming discourse.


I only remember a bit about the 10 copies issue. Was it you were soliciting people write essays as to why the deserve one of the 10 copies? Why, such elitism and anti-egalitarianism is downright unameric...oh, right. Carry on.

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I only remember a bit about the 10 copies issue. Was it you were soliciting people write essays as to why the deserve one of the 10 copies?  Why, such elitism and anti-egalitarianism is downright unameric...oh, right. Carry on.


Fu Kung wasn't the only time he didn't come thru on what he said he was. As I recall, the VCS Video thread was the same deal. Said he was going to release 10 cartriges, and then nothing.... :ponder:

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