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What Game should Tailz be Playing?


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A quick poll, in Zonik, in between each level there is a "waiting room" where you can spend some rings to get some repairs or extra lives, and then pass on to the next level. Tailz and Knucklez are sitting in front of a 2600, tails is playing it, since I've never been much of a 2600er I've decided to let the people of Atariage Decide what Tails should be playing. Any APPROPRIATE 2600 game is fine (No General Custard Alike stuff :P ) the first game to get 16 votes from different people will be chosen, thanks!

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if you are trying to be correct in the time period.. even tho the ports was lame.. Space Invaders and then Pacman was the ones that really kicked up the sales of the 2600. I was 9 when atari came out.. we got ours when Space Invaders hit..that was the winter EVERY kid had a atari;)

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That was a time when Atari was golden. They could do no wrong at that time. That was the time when my sister and I pestered our parents to get us a VCS because all our friends had one. After we got it, you literally had to tear us away from it for a few weeks :)

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You could limit the choices to one player games only. Is there a possibility of posting a screen shot of the winning game being played?

I'm keeping open all numbers of players, since I am thinking of implementing a smaller version of the 2600 game, you could perhaps challenge Tailz for extra lives, and I will post what the scene looks like upon reaching a winner.


I also whipped up a mock picture of Sonic on the 2600 which might come in handy. Let me know if you want it and I'll send it off to you.

That sounds very interesting, I'd like to see it...


Might take a while to get 16 votes for one game.

It'll take awhile for me to finish the other sceney of the waiting room and level select, so this gives me a bit more time =P


and by the way, when do you think Zonik will be completed?

Probably not for awhile, so far I have two game engines to work on the flying one (mostly finished, and easy to jam enemies into) and a walking one (still in concept, ala Metal Slug) Plus all of the L-Sound Hardware issiues. Although I will be releasing a *teaser* demo soon...

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I agree that Pitfall should be the game being played. It was the first platformer of which everything else evolved from. Including Sonic, Zonik games...


However, Activision would probably not be too hot about this...


hmm..Oh..Oh!..I know...





























E.T. !!!...It must be E.T.!!!








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