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are supercharger tapes hard to find?


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Some of the more common ones like Communist Mutants from Space and Dragonstomper appear on EBay NIB pretty frequantly and can be bought for between $10 and $20 each.


Some of the hard to find tapes like Swords of Saros and Party Mix are extremely hard to find and can easily cost over $200 each.

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I wonder how many Supercharger cassettes are sitting in the $1 tape sections of the flea mkts and thrift stores across the country?


Probably not very many Boxed ones, ;) But yeah I bet there are quite a few, I've found Coleco programs mixed in with standard audio cassettes before. I've also run across LDs mixed in with the LPs. They're out there.

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I wonder how many Supercharger cassettes are sitting in the $1 tape sections of the flea mkts and thrift stores across the country?


i found a TG-16 game in with the music CDs at the fleamarket :)

and i always look at the cassettes when i see them, but i havent noticed any odd named ones, but who knows i couldve passed up a few party mixes thinking it was crappy music :D

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I dunno about this. I've had QUITE a hard time finding them. I almost never see them on eBay... I searched a bit just now and only found two Supercharger lots.


If anyone's got some to unload, feel free to PM. I particularly would like to get The Official Frogger... and I don't even have Fireball yet.


(For the record I DO have Phaser Patrol, Commie Mutants, Mindmaster and Killer Satellites).

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LOL That's one late double post! ;)


I found some...




on a shelf in my room...


sorry not for sale. :twisted::P



I think the first seven cost me around $100 boxed, the next 5 will likely cost easy that much per title if I'm lucky! :skull:


The Stella CD is neat too, it's an option, and very affordable, and easier to use for me at least, I haven't owned a tape player besides for an Atari 1010/410 in last couple years. I do own an 8-track player thou, :ponder: And stranger yet, I had one of those, 8-track to cassette adapters MIB, tried it out on a cheapie Phish tape I found in thrift, it ate it up! LOL no way in hell I'm running my SC games thru one of them. For me I think it's easiest to use CD.



http://www.jackbergsales.com/ They have some NIB They post to ebay sometimes too.

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I've got those first 7 games, and I paid only $20 for them. First thing I did when I got them was run them through a duplicator and copy them so I wouldn't have to use the originals.


[edit]I see someone else has their old wind up pac man still :D [/edit]


As for finding stuff in thrifts and pawns, I see an ocasional Computer Cassette, useually Apple IIe but I've never seen anything like supercharger on shelves anywhere, I always look hopeful though.

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i actually got chumped one time and bought a set of well made copies at a gamestore. somebody had gone to the trouble of making cards and tape labels in near perfect detail, the giveaway....i played fireball out loud and discovered it contained the sound track to "9 to 5" after the game, should have known better!!! oh well, they all worked and the store owner said he didnt even know what the tapes were for...



since i got my worship the woodgrain CD set i never looked back.

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Hot damn, are you serious? :o I have both of them,

they came together with my SC unit...

Now I understand that fuç&€) bidding war I had to go through!


Well good news at last, since all of my rare wannabees

have been declassed to crap day by day. :(


By the way, I've heard that a SC is more

or less hard to find depending on the brand stated

(Arcadia or Starpath, right?).

Which one is more common, and why?

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