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High Score Club Week 6: Kaboom!


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So close but yet SO far away i "really really" wanted to max this weeks contest. I wanted to add Diff A to Diff B on Kaboom and have claim to each as a max but it may have to be another time. This was a good call by The 5th Ghost i had to actually buy more paddles because the ones that i had were jittery and as we all know you can't get ANYTHING of bad paddles. So here is my weeks submission of 960,001 on Kaboom small buckets surpassing my previous world record of 128,413.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers


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Yes and whats even more embarrasing is how i died in that game to end it at "960,001" remember i said jittering paddles are NO good , well even NEW Used paddles can get worse in a pinch at the WRONG time after playing and playing.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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So close but yet SO far away i "really really" wanted to max this weeks contest. I wanted to add Diff A to Diff B on Kaboom and have claim to each as a max but it may have to be another time. This was a good call by The 5th Ghost i had to actually buy more paddles because the ones that i had were jittery and as we all know you can't get ANYTHING of bad paddles. So here is my weeks submission of 960,001 on Kaboom small buckets surpassing my previous world record of 128,413.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers


Does your tv always display your name on it? Must be annoying. ;)

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Shannon Thats called watermarking and yes it may be annoying but i know that they are mine and not another players when i do verifications.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers


I think you missed the point. I was making like that watermark is on your TV even when your playing, hence the winky face.


But it is nice to see an atari paddle sacrificed for a good cause. :lol:

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I notice that the mad bomber is making an O with his mouth......At what score did this actually happen?  I've always been intrigued by the 'hi score special things' that happen on Activision carts....


The Mad Bomber changes to that expression once you've made it to 10,000 points :o

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So close but yet SO far away i "really really" wanted to max this weeks contest. I wanted to add Diff A to Diff B on Kaboom and have claim to each as a max but it may have to be another time. This was a good call by The 5th Ghost i had to actually buy more paddles because the ones that i had were jittery and as we all know you can't get ANYTHING of bad paddles. So here is my weeks submission of 960,001 on Kaboom small buckets surpassing my previous world record of 128,413.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers


Very good, I'm impressed you can still see. I was just coming over to let everyone know that I reached my goal and broke the 100K mark. I died at 123,452 and after that game, I still saw the mad bomber every time I blinked my eyes for about a half an hour.

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So close but yet SO far away i "really really" wanted to max this weeks contest. I wanted to add Diff A to Diff B on Kaboom and have claim to each as a max but it may have to be another time. This was a good call by The 5th Ghost i had to actually buy more paddles because the ones that i had were jittery and as we all know you can't get ANYTHING of bad paddles. So here is my weeks submission of 960,001 on Kaboom small buckets surpassing my previous world record of 128,413.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers



OMG, yet again. Thats a hell of a score you got there todd, congrats. How long did it take? and was the room spinning afterwards?

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Well, here's my week's worth of hard work. A fun game, but not one of my favorites.


It's been difficult to find enough time to get a good score, which leads me to a question...


How long does it take you to hit your stride. :? It takes me at least 30 minutes of playing before I can even get to level 8. Then it takes about another 30 minutes before I can get the feel of level 8.


It's been tough finding an hour or two to play continuously, without interruptions. It's easy to see how once a person hits their rythym, they can stay in level 8 for a while, but it's getting there with all of your marbles that's the tough part. :ponder:


ò¿ó [ img ] kaboom smiley coming next week [ /img ]



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