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Heavy Crossbow

King Atari

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I just picked up Crossbow for $5 today. It's been at this shop forever, and I'm addicted to it on MESS, so it made sense to finally pick up a real copy. The thing is, the cart feels heavier than my other othert 7800 carts. Is this because of some sort of extra chip used or something? It doesn't look like a fake, and I don't know why someone would make a fake to sell to this place anyways (they give you almost nothing for anything). Does anyone else have a copy of Crossbow that feels heavy?

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Crossbow does have an extra 16K ROM in it so it would be slightly heavier than a lot of others.




That's probably it, then. It doesn't weigh a ton, it's just noticeably heavier. Next question, what was the extra chip used for? The character sprites are needlessly blocky, that's for sure.

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