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Atari-Jess finally gets his wanted Lynx


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Lets go back a year ago and some of you may remember that I had

found 4 lynx games, a case but no lynx.


The lynx had clearly been stolen as some employees remember seeing the device that I had described.


It angered me to no end that not that they would steal the lynx, but that they didn't steal ALL of the lynx stuff.


although now, I'm glad they did.


While wandering around the area more than a year later I managed to get an Atari Lynx II. For two dollars.


At the time (at bringing it home) I thought It was broken, as the screen turned on but did not work. After opening it up, I found that it just had a loose video ribbon cable.


While I cant currently find the case or one of the games (crystal mines II?)


I am very much enjoying my lynx and for 2 dollars, I am even more happy not at just getting it, but for the store only wanting two dollars.


I am currently psuedo-employed and in school so money is an issue as it is for many.


I posted this here because I figured some of you fellows dont visit the 2600 thread where I posted my rarity 9 2600 find as well as the lynx find.


Anyway, I am currently in the market for all games but especially the following games:


!Battlezone, !warbirds, !steel talons, ishido/shanghai, blue lightning, !gauntlet, both !Ninja Gaidens, xybots


If it has a ! I really want that game.


I'd humbly accept donations of games (shipping paid by me of course)

but I am more than willing to actually pay for games.


I would appreciate any game issues as PM's instead of replies


(I have batman returns, californiagames x2, slime world, and one I forget, either crystal mines II or chips challenge


Steel Talon and Warbirds have close places in my heart, My father (and late grandfather) was a pilot and I used to play the hell out of older 3d flight games (ESPECIALLY RED BARON!)


So I am now a proud owner of a lynx, I brought it to school and people were not only curious but no one was even very skecptical about it! Many people wanted to try it out and I gleefully explained to them how advanced it was and how it took till the Gameboy Advance SP to completely beat the Lynx in every respect


I described it in this way:


Lynx: colour screen, backlight, multiple buttons, sleep mode, sprite manipulation, and 3d


And here is how each of the gameboy systems beat it and didn't (excluding number and general quality of games)


Original Gameboy:

Pro: Less batteries, slightly better battery life, smaller

Con: Black and White, a crappy Z80


Gameboy Pocket: pretty much the same, but a bit smaller and even better battery life


Gameboy Color: colour screen but still a z80


Gameboy Advance, finally the gameboy beats the lynx in power but its still screen is still horrible! its even worse than the colors screen (in light reflection ability) and _still_ no backlight/frontlight


Gameboy Advance SP: finally, a light!!!! now the gameboy beats the lynx in every respect technology wise.



I'm sure someone here can disagree and such forth, but I still like my SP and Lynx.

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