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What to do???


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Ok Atari is the king of all consoles and collecting is great. I have a blast with this as well as playing my PC,DC,NES,SNES,PS,PS2 and genesis. But what do you guys do when there just seems to be no desire to pick up and play anything. Has this happened to any of you all. Right now I could care less about games or gaming and I was hoping you guys had some ideas on how to get me outta this funk. Anything would be helpful. Thx

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Originally posted by Malix:

Ok Atari is the king of all consoles and collecting is great. I have a blast with this as well as playing my PC,DC,NES,SNES,PS,PS2 and genesis. But what do you guys do when there just seems to be no desire to pick up and play anything. Has this happened to any of you all. Right now I could care less about games or gaming and I was hoping you guys had some ideas on how to get me outta this funk. Anything would be helpful. Thx


yeah, I got that feelings sometimes, so I stick my Frogger cart in my 7800 and I try to pass my 5.000 points barrier. And when I'm not playing, I'm searching for atari info in the net, browing on eBay and checking out my stuff for sale... and when I'm not home, I'd like to go to the thirft...

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This happens to me fairly often too, where I just don't feel like playing games... I usually attribute it to general laziness (which I have a *lot* of), or having a headache or somesuch. It helps to have a large variety of games and systems (Sometimes I only have the urge to play my Lynx and nothing else... seems weird I know, but...)


It's times like that that I usually use to go about with some of my other hobbies, or check up on my A/V/Power connections and see if I can improve them any way, read through old books and stuff (I have an old book called "How to Win at Video Games" that is all about Berzerk, Donkey Kong, etc... it's great!)... or sometimes I just lie back and listen to music or watch TV. Take a break, and the gaming bug will come back



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Originally posted by atari70s:



your exactly like me . always doign somethign atari . and for me when dad is on the computer i just sit dust off the carts dust them look ath them plug some in . the whole works all 569 of them


I do the same, I like to take out all my carts, I sit in the floor, and I dust'em and sort'em by manufacturer my gf says I'm like a kid (I'm 27!!!) anyway... But latelly I've been busy with my job (except for today) and eBay (selling stuff, and let me tell you, it's like a part-time job. Check out the auctions, the email, prepare the box with the goodies, process the payments... feedbacks... dang!)

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I think we all get this burn out from time to time. I get it occasionally and here is what I do:


Spend more time doing things around the house that need to be done.


Take the wife somewhere nice or simply rent some movies and snuggle with her for the weekend or whatever.


I will clean all the carts and consoles in my collection and keep them as dust free as possible.


I will go back and update my current collection lists and for trade lists..etc.


I will write up a review on one or more of the games to pass the time.


And then I do use that same idle time to hit the thrifts and other places to see if I can find more.


Do enjoy your Atari to its fullest. But do not forget your real life, which can be left behind when too much gets wrapped up into the Atari stuff.

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My "real life" is so freakin' busy that I only get a little time now and then to play video games, but I also get the bug where nothing looks fun. I just give it a break and find something else that I should be doing. Soon enough, BANG! I'll have the need to play again. The "real world" has a way of shocking you back into the need to play. fast.

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Ahh, the dreaded null zone. I've experienced that myself a few times. Well, when nothing you've got looks appealing (and don't panic and sell off your stuff like I did once...it was a lull in video game bliss then I swiftly kicked myself for selling it!)just read, watch movies, take walks, etc. Everything in moderation is the key, and just because something doesn't interest you for time, be it short or long, DON'T get rid of it! We all become "bored" with things, even something as great as our Atari fanatiscm. Now, a personal story. My PSX wasn't getting played. It sat there, with all the games I'd accumulated over the years gathering cobwebs. So, the other day, I cleaned up! I put the PSX and all the games in a box up in my closet for safekeeping, and made room for my Atari 2600. Since in the past I would have SOLD the system, this time around I've learned a lesson: Be a pack rat! Hope this helps you out during your sessions of "nothingness"..diversify!

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I go through phases like that, where something that once held a great deal of interest to me has suddenly become lacklustre, losing its appeal. Generally I just move on to something else for a while. I've had a lot of times like that. For a while I was into programming a great deal -- wrote a few programs and such. Then in the middle of writing my piece de resistance on the ST, I fell into a funk. I just didn't feel like coding at all. The very idea sent waves of nausea coursing through my veins. So I spent more time writing music, surfing the net (inasmuch as one surfed back in those days -- Lynx, anyone? Er, the Unix browser, not the Atari console :-) calling local BBSes, watching TV, going out with friends to play cards at a local donut shop, go clubbing, whatever. I was like that for months until I finally missed coding enough to get me back on track. Took me a week or two to pick up where I left off, but I got right back into it and everything was cool.


As has already been said, everything in moderation. As they say, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Stick your nose firmly and exclusively in one thing long enough and it's bound to start smelling sour eventually.

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That happens to me from time to time as well.


My philosophy in this instance is quite simple... Just take a step back for a while. No one says that Atari/gaming has to be the main focus of your life. Read a good book (the new Tom Robbins novel is quite excellent), get into a pick-up game of your favorite sport (I like Soccer), go out with your friends to dinner or for a drink. There's plenty to do out there.


Life is MUCH better if you are enjoying yourself. After a while, Atai/gaming might hold more interest for you. If it doesn't, then what does it really matter anyway. If it does, Game On!


BTW - I do take my own advise - I was away from the 2600 "scene" for over a year a while back. Now I've returned, and it is much more fun!

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