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What happened to the games...

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1) International Karate + ??? This was a conversion project by some polish programmers. Alas, the polish website has not been updated for many months. Is the conversion project dead ?!?


2) Elite ??? This was a conversion project by some american guy. Have not heard nor seen anything (released) in the last years. The demo version had only the title screen and some b+w pics. Was there any further development in that project ?!?


Besides these, Atari Age also lists some other A8 titles "under development" for years now. Are these titles still in the making or are they already dead/stopped/cancelled ??? greetings, Andreas Magenheimer.

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A quick search for 'Elite' on this forum should bring you up to speed... ;)

(but I thought you read those anyway?)


Basically I have have no response from David Braben after many attempts and so will not pursue this further at this time.


I have a couple of projects up-my-sleeve but these too are on hold as b) family is taking precedence at the moment b) the company I work for has recently moved office and so I'm adjusting to a longer journey c) Busy on the PIC development and d) soem paying PC development on the go too.


Though I have recently got my APE and ProSystem gear up and working 8) and there's still a lot of good A8 stuff to inspire us to get there one day!


For my 'what state is it at' question - the USB cartridge looked cool!


Any news on that?


Best Wishes,


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f.e. the Mario games....


I once made a promise to have something playable around christmas 2003. I didn't make it :sad: and I'll never make such a promise again, but on the other hand..I surely want to finish the projects, I still don't know when because life goes on and I've got some more hobbies besides Atari and studying consumes a lot of time, especially now I've got exams till end of june. Then I hope to have some more time.


Maybe I will put the development status under my posts in future.

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..hmmm, where's the edit-function??


status text is too long to put in my signature :roll:



Super Mario Clone status:

-levels & graphics: complete

-music: still to be written

-screen/scrolling engine: almost working but needs to be rewritten because of lack of cpu-time

-sprite engine: working

-playing routine: to be written

-title screen + level decompressor: ready


Work already done (estimate): 85 %

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@ Miker/Jasker,


No, the first 80% (graphics & level design) has taken me 4 years of work (estimate of 20 days/year = 80 days (nights!)) and that was back in 1994-1998 when I made everything by hand without any tools, just datastatements in basic. In 2001 I joined the atari-community, made Sio2pc interface and in 2003 I joined atariage and started using Xasm and other useful tools. Other 5% (titlescreen & level decompressor) took me 5 days in 2003. And I think the last part (15 %) should take me far less time, but I cannot code for 20 days in a row. So in theory I could finish in 3 weeks if I use every day from now on. But that's unfortunately not the case.

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I did not ask/nor complain about the mario game, only the games Elite, Int. Karate + and the few (3 if i remember correctly) games that are listed "under development" here. Looks like we have a good chance to see the Mario game being finished within this year ?!? whereas Elite, Int. Karate + and a few other titles seem to be dead... And for Space Harrier, well, I will wait and see (I love that game, so it must be finished)... -Andreas.

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Well, nobody asked but Reaxion is being finalised for release through Cronosoft - it'll be added to my website when that happens, though. =-) Speaking of which, anyone know a good way to master to tape...?

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