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"Mom sold my Atari Collection at a Yard Sale" Supp


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That's just WRONG.  A parent doesn't even BOTHER to ask you if you want to sell your stuff, and they keep the money for themselves.  I'd be taking some of their stuff and selling it to recoup the money in buying all of it back.


Yea well this is getting into a whole other realm here. The wicked stepmother from Cinderella has nothing on this "woman" my father chose to marry.

:roll: :x

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I got rid of my Atari 2600 collection by donating it and my Atari 7800 (which I was using at the time to play my 2600 games along with the 7800 ones) to a huge park-in garage sale held in Springfield, MA in 1991 to help raise funds for the vocational rehab program I'm in called the Forum House. I do miss having the 7800, but I ended up getting myself an NES that same year, trying to build up my library with some retro-games from the early 1980s made for the NES like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong.

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I was 9 years old when I got my Sears Video Arcade in 1979, and I still have it along with all my old games (about 100 or so).


Actually, since I've gotten back into Atari about a year-and-a-half ago, I've traded or sold some of my old, crappy games (like 007, Tomarc, Waterworld) and have added many new, fun ones. I'm now up to about 150 unique carts, 200 overall.


Although many of the new carts are better games, the old ones mean something to me that the new ones never will. Just seeing a particular label, or an opening screen, or hearing certain distinctive in-game sounds, or even leafing through an instruction booklet brings me right back to my childhood.


I'm sure glad I kept the Atari buried in my closet. If my mom could have gotten to it, it probably would have disappeared!

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Well, my mom was actually the one that bought the Atari to begin with. She bought it when I was only 1. (I think she was like 28 or something at the time...). This was in 1979.


We kept the system all through the early 80s. She would occasionally go out and buy a cartridge on her own, but she stopped sometime in the early 80s (guess she got to old for it or something). At that point, I played it much more than her, and it kind of became my system. She would occasionally buy the games for me when we went to Toys R. Us. We'd pull those little paper slips (where they show you the screen shot of all the games) and then go to the shack in the building to pick them up! heheh..


Anyway, no, she didn't throw them out....

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She would occasionally buy the games for me when we went to Toys R. Us. We'd pull those little paper slips (where they show you the screen shot of all the games) and then go to the shack in the building to pick them up! heheh..quote]


LoL, I remember doing that. I think they still do that, and all there stores are set up the same nowadays too, last two times there went in 1990 in Indiana, then in 1998 in New York and they seemed like the same store. It was cool but so odd..

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Yea, my parents sold mine too, twice, once when I was at my grandma's they took it to Comet flea market and sold it, the other time they had a yard sale, i went to a friend's house and they we're like, hmm, money! and sold mine... again... not to mention that I had some games that we're in the Atari brown plastic cases that held like 4 atari games. Now my parents know not to sell my games, I have a Sears 6-switch sitting at home and 60+ carts being shipped to me on Saturday.

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Am I one of the few whose mother DIDN'T throw out his Atari games?  :ponder:


I'm also one of those few. Oddly enough, the Atari itself broke, so that got pitched, and we never got another one, but the games I guess got lost in the garage somewhere and I ended up finding them again years later. All I had to do was find another Atari, which I did and I was back in classic gaming goodness.

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Woaah, Atari Wizard.... what the hell is that little purple dude with the red cloak on, and the big 0 on his chest?


I can't place it, but I KNOW I used to watch that cartoon all the time.... what show was that character on?? HeMan or something??

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my mum has never thrown any of my consoles or games out. although she tried to stop me collecting years ago, and she kept moaning that I had too many games and consoles.... now she just does care. the only thing she cares about is where to store it!

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Woaah, Atari Wizard.... what the hell is that little purple dude with the red cloak on, and the big 0 on his chest?


I can't place it, but I KNOW I used to watch that cartoon all the time.... what show was that character on?? HeMan or something??


heman: masters of the universe by any chance? :roll:

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It was 1985...probably around June, I was 4 years old.


My parents sold the Atari 2600 with 14 games (I remember we had Empire Strikes Back, E.T., Joust, and a few others) for $60 then (probably a steal back then, compared to the actual prices at the time)


From that point on, all I played was the Commodore 64 until 1986 when I got a Sega Master System with Hang-On and Safari Hunt which came with the mail-in card to have a free game, which happened to be DOUBLE DRAGON.


Last time I had a system from Atari, was the Jaguar back in 1994 with DOOM and Wolfenstien 3D.


But now, here in 2004...I get a 2nd chance to see what I missed out on...with the Return of the Atari with my lovely Atari 7800 :!:

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My mother was the one who gave me my very first video game the Atari Super Pong back in 76 and from then to 84 she brougt me every consoles untill I started to buy them all by my self in 85 with the NES but in 1991 my aunt sold almost all my older units and games to a some one and to this day Im still trying to replace them one at a time. At first I was sooo upset at her but then over time I was thinking of this mistake as will I just told my self 'The Hunt for old game begin again' and see it as "I had them befoire and I'll fine them again" and to this day I found the missing games plus more then I got before all thanks to my aunt's greed :P But on that sad day I know how you feel man and all I can say it "THANK GOD ATARI MADE MILLOINS OF 2600!" :D

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Out of all the game systems that your parents sold off. Did you or your parents purchase the sytsem that was chucked?

My dad chucked my six switcher a few years back. Well like 4 years now. Can't blame him though. It was sitting in his garage. Well long story anyway. I purchased it with my own money. Big $30.00 if I remeber correctly.





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My stepmother "bought" my Atari and games from me circa 1983 to give to her nephews who were just moving to Canada from Hungary... let me just say, I wasn't done with it at the time and I never received the money for it either.. I had purchased the system and most of the games (some were gifts) with my own money from paper routes etc..


A couple of years later, we went to visit them (about 1000 miles away) and they gave it back to me because "they never even hooked it up". So, basically, they "borrowed" my 2600 for a couple of years, threw out all of the boxes and manuals for the games and system, and then gave it back...


I spent the next 6 months playing that damned thing as much as I could, and I bought some more games - I was finding new games for $3.00-$10.00 new at Zellers. By this time I was old enough to have a "real" summer job, so one day I came home from work and found that there had been a yard sale and my 2600 and games (including the ones I had just purchased :!:) had been sold for $15.00...


But that's not all...


A few years later, I was in university and started collecting 2600 and CV games. I was living with my girlfriend for about 3.5 years, and we broke up.. I left town (with 1 suitcase) and moved to Toronto, with the intention of coming back for my stuff once I had settled into an apartment...




When I went back to get my stuff a few months later, she had sold the Atari and CV, ALL of my university textbooks and she had taken my record collection to a dealer and let him pick through it, taking anything that had any good resale value.. :x

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When I was a wee lad back in the day my cousins gave my family their old 2600 stuff to go along with ours. It was 2 systems and what seemed like 100 games. Anywho, my mom ended up giving it all to our church's rummage sale and I'm sure that either some needy kid got it for cheap or some guy that turned around and sold it for much more.


But I got a heavy sixer from way back in the day from my gram a few years back and have gotten most of the games again plus many more. God bless my grandma...



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I was to poor as a kid (no shoes in summer, B&W TV poor) so I had to go to friends and famlies houses to play video games, or look for deposit bottles to go to the arcade. I got my first 2600 at a flea market in 95' for $20.00 and hagled 10 games in on the deal. In 2001 I was moving/running (flight from prosecution) I had to lighten the load so I threw my 2600 in an old well that had reopened in my yard. My crusty ole' slumlord landlord told me "My daddy dug that well back 32' if Ya got any trash when ya move jus throw it down there". So in it went but I kept my carts and have since been apprehended.

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Well!!.. that kinda killed the thread!




hopefully everythings going good for you now... (and hopefully you have shoes).


When I was broke, I would always buy a pair of converse.. they were like $20 bucks for a new pair.


Now.. they're like almost $50 in most stores... I guess they're back in fashion or something??

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Well my parents didn't get rid of my gear. I still have the ole heavy sixer Sunnyvale from 78-79 (that wasd a great Christmas!) and all the games. The worst thing is that I had all the boxes up until about 2001 when I threw them out!!! Yes, it was me. My mom was cleaning out my old closet where the boxes were and asked if I could get rid of them. Well this was before I found AtariAge and didn't realize people were actually collecting these old games, so of course I said sure I'll throw them out!!! At least I still have all the hardware, and now I know better!


- Sal

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