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High Score Club Week 16: Taz


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Latest update: 363,500


One thing to watch out for:


(Don't quote me on this but I think it was after the 2nd or 3rd Sundae wave, wasn't keeping track when I did it :) )


After the 2nd (or 3rd) Sundae Wave, the speed will once again increase (when your score is roughly a little over 300K.) You can still outrun the Dynamite if one is chasing you but you have to make your escape up or down a little quicker now so keep your cool! At this point you get an extra man every 40K.


Because the objects travel left to right/right to left in alternating rows, if you get chased down by the Dynamite, make your escape route in the shape of a rectangle. In other words, if you are in a row and the Dynamite is approching from right to left, move left away from the Dynamite till the row above (or below) is clear, then move up (or down) one row and move right back across the screen, then move back down (or up) one row back where you started.


This takes practice and has to be done fairly quickly but once you get the hang of this escape tactic, it should come in very handy!

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I appreciate you putting me at 35' date='300, but I actually scored 33,300. (look at the picture). :P[/quote']

I know... but you posted a score of 35,300 before that. Somewhere on page 2 I believe.



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I appreciate you putting me at 35' date='300' date=' but I actually scored 33,300. (look at the picture). :P[/quote'']

I know... but you posted a score of 35,300 before that. Somewhere on page 2 I believe.




Did I??


LOL and here I thought I beat my earlier high.


I'm really confused... And I thought I was improving.


Back to the drawing board.

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Tips: since the foods just merely begin to repeat)...

Food Item

Hamburger - 2500

Root Beer - 7500

Ice Cream - 17500

Fudgesicle - 32500

Apple Core - 52500

Turnip - 77500

Tomato - 102500

Sundae - 127500

Hamburger - 152500

Root Beer - 177500

Ice Cream - 202500

Fudgesicle - 227500

Apple Core - 252500

Turnip - 277500

Tomato - 302500

Sundae - 327500

Hamburger - 352500

Root Beer - 377500

...and so on...

[*]At the beginning of the third hamburger wave, your score will be 327500. The game will speed up again, almost like a "Hyper Crazed Wave". It's noticeable, and almost as much a difference as going from normal speed to "Crazed" speed.

[*]On the "Hyper Crazed Wave", limit yourself to one or two lanes, and watch for openings to get away. Opportunites are few to come at these speeds, so make as many points as you can before you get to stages where it's difficult to distinguish the food from the dynamite, like root beer and fudgesicles.

ò¿ó   smile_to_atari.gif

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I finally got to 105,000.


I can see why Jeffy Arensmeyer is upset because if all fruit is worth 500 points after the fifth level then all scores over 77,500 should be multiples of 500. However, I don't see why Todd would cheat and his earlier score is also impossible according to this theory so maybe there's another explanation.

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True you may have a concern here Jeffery but i do have two versions of The Taz cart. So i will now play them BOTH to see if there is a variable difference. The screen is of a TV on the REAL heavy 6 switch ATARI there was no photo manipulation with a photo editor. I have not had the chance to either play TAZ on an EMU maybe i will try and see if that too varies from what i have been playing. I HAVE noticed some things that are strange in the begining of the two games. One is the point value where one of the games retains the "50 Pt" value Like"25,450" example so if you have multiples of 50's adding to less point values like in 400's, 600's, and it retains it you get odd ball end numbers and the other changes to "100's" leveling your score to even 100's like "25,400" or "25,500"example so this may make the difference in what you are describing. Sorry for the confusion and your upset again i will look into the possible variations of the carts and the EMU.


Gospeedde: My earlier score was not in challange it was another players time that he achieved his score in that was in concern.


Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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50 items per wave at ??? points each

First wave item = 50 pts. each

Second wave items = 100 pts. each

Third wave items = 200 pts. each

Fourth wave items = 300 pts. each

Fifth wave items = 400 pts. each

Sixth wave items = 500 pts. each

Remaining wave items = 500 pts. each

You play wave after wave until you die.


Here's the score after each wave...

Wave 1  - 50 x   50 =   2500

Wave 2  - 50 x 100 =   5000 +    2500 =    7500

Wave 3  - 50 x 200 = 10000 +    7500 =  17500

Wave 4  - 50 x 300 = 15000 +  17500 =  32500

Wave 5  - 50 x 400 = 20000 +  32500 =  52500

Wave 6  - 50 x 500 = 25000 +  52500 =  77500


From this point, your score will go up 25000 per completed wave, in increments of 500 points each. That's 100000 per 4 waves, thus after Wave 42, you will have 977500 points. Then it takes 44 items at 500 points each (22000 points) to make the score 999500.


The next food item you pick up will make the score a single 0.


The screen shot has been puposely modified. The previous mentioned score was just "misinformation. :thumbsdown:


ò¿ó   graemlin_cursing.gif

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Again Jeffry you are basing your conclusions on ONE version of TAZ and your findings as accurtate as they may be are again on "A" version of TAZ. However again i will play the other variations such as the EMU and the other version of TAZ to see if there is a significant difference. Thank you for your patience and if you would like me to Snail Mail you the video tape as proof as i video tape ALL of my games your more then welcome to recieve one.


Todd Mr Activision Rogers.

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I agree with you... I was talking in a general way for the majority of a same game Title not for adaptations from one game to another where I don't know what they really did  ;)

I have only disassembled a few games so far, but quite often PAL conversions run slower than NTSC originals. This is especially true for Activision titles. But maybe Atari did a better job here, though it might not be possible to reproduce the speed 100% perfect.


The problem with fractional arithmetics is, that they require valueable additional RAM space (and more CPU time too). Though TAZ looks simple enough, so RAM shouldn't have been a big problem.

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The screen shot has been puposely modified. The previous mentioned score was just "misinformation. :thumbsdown:


The HSC is supposed to be about having fun and learning more about the games being played, remember? You won't be satisfied until any bit of fun left here is completely sucked out, will you?

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TAZ pre findings:

I played both versions of TAZ and only in a short period of time in the game the scores are different.


Version "A" The 1983 version plays with the score values as Jeffery mentions once you reach 2500 your game advances to the next level and points are the same as in Jeffery's table of points.


Version "B" The 1984 version plays with the score values different. When you die just before 2500 pts and you resume you are already to the next WAVE and your points are in "50's not 100's OR odd 100's like 300s and 400s maybe a program glitch but never the less your point value carries on thru the game as far as i played into it past 90k. So this may explain the 900pt ending that is in question.Such as in a 400pt/900pt values from 500Pt objects from wave 6 on.


Version "C" The Emu i have not yet played it.


I will play more indepth later tonite to see if infact the score will remain if played with out dying in the early stages and or dying to see if that makes a difference in your point values but i too now am a bit curious to see what the difference is when both games are played the same.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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50 items per wave at ??? points each


The next food item you pick up will make the score a single 0.


The screen shot has been puposely modified. The previous mentioned score was just "misinformation. :thumbsdown:


ò¿ó   graemlin_cursing.gif


That is not necessarrily true. The code may have a test to keep the score from rolling over, and if it does detect a rollover it may top out the score a 999,900 and hold it there no matter how many more items are picked up. I am sure the last 2 digits are stuck at zero because of the score display routine has them hard coded similar to the way I have documented it in my disassembly of Venture.


I quick review of the scoring code would answer the question of what happens when the score should roll over.



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OK I did a test on the two taz ROMS I have available to me.


Both are labelled by Good2600 as


Taz (1983) (Atari) [!].bin


Taz (1983) (Atari) [a1][!].bin


The have a two byte difference at

00000FF9: FF 00

00001FF8: FF 00


I set up a cheat code so I had unlimited lives and played all the way thru till the score rolled. On both versions I saw no indication of any odd numbering with the 10's digit.


I also checked the Good2600 list to see if there was other versions of Taz and there were none. So of the ones available that are known to good2600 I could find no indication of odd scoring.


Here are a couple of pics..


Just more to add to the mystery.


I was gonna point out that chances are Todd videotaped the session.


Also it's amazing how easy the first two speed levels are after playing the third a while (even with infinite lives). Two bad I do not have time to legally play it before sunday.


Please note..


These scores listed are not legit high scores, I cheated as a test to get them!!



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