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Atari and USB


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On the Unconventional 12.09.04 the USB team want to present drivers for keyboard, mouse and joystick.

So the project should have a release status than (I guess) but I don't know if they wanna sell the hardware.

I you have questions about the project than you can post in the ABBUC Programmer Group Forum (www.abbuc.de).

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the keyboarddriver is now in beta testing, it can be successfull used in many applications (DOS, BIBO Assembler, Basic, Turbo Basic, ...). It is not an E: Handler, but injects the Pokey Keycode to $2FC/764 in an VBI, so binding USB F1 Key to SHIFT+CTRL+M for ACTION! should work.


The resident driver part is $C0 bytes and can fit almost everywhere. Sourcecode will be on http://www.microusb.org in the next days.


We hope to have the Cart in Mass production at the end of this year. Price should be around 30-40 Euro.


The next project step will be Joystick and Steering Wheel code, and than a patched version of Rally Speedway for the Steering Wheel.


The 30 years of ATARI T-Shirt is from the Platariada 2002 in Czech, made by Petr Liebl.


And yes, I code in FORTH, it's ideal for Hardware develpoment. The production driver will be in hand-coded and optimzed assembler.

Harry and Thomas are coding in (Turbo-)Basic and Assembler.


New pictures from the cart can be spotted in the pirctures from UnConventional 2004 at http://www.atari-portal.net/modules.php?op...showgall&gid=59


Best regards



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This looks great. Can you give us a little more detail on what the USB cart will and will not be able to do? Such as:


1. Possible work with printers?

2. Cameras?

3. Game controllers?

4. Hard Drives?

5. Pen Drives/memory cards?

6. CD-Roms or CR-RWs?


I know drivers would have to be written for every device you wanted to communicate with but are there devices that it wouldn't work with even with a driver?


In theory, how many devices could it work with at a time? Could you have a keyboard and a hard-drive connected at once for example?



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This looks great. Can you give us a little more detail on what the USB cart will and will not be able to do? Such as:


1. Possible work with printers?

2. Cameras?

3. Game controllers?

4. Hard Drives?

5. Pen Drives/memory cards?

6. CD-Roms or CR-RWs?


I know drivers would have to be written for every device you wanted to communicate with but are there devices that it wouldn't work with even with a driver?  


In theory, how many devices could it work with at a time? Could you have a keyboard and a hard-drive connected at once for example?







everything should be possible with the drivers, it all depends on the drivers. That is why we try to get other 6502 or even other 8bit Computer hobbyists to use the same chip (SL811HS), so that we can share drivercode.


But there are some practical limits:


more than one device at a time --> needs a USB HUB driver, not our priority at this time. It might me easier to make a cart with 2 or more USB controller. Noone wants to load a 30 K driver in an 64 K Atari.


Printer --> most printer today use some closed protocol. ASCII/Epson ESC-P Code/IBM Proprinter or good Postscript Printer can be possible (like Kyocera Laserprinter)


Cameras --> protocol in mostly unkown and not standard. Would be much work with limited use (who will like to wait several hours to load and display one megapixel JPEG picture on an ATARI?)


Game Controllers --> Joystick, Steering Wheels and almost everything here should be possible, even force feedback


Harddrives/Floppy Drives/Pen Drives/Memory Card --> almost the same driver wise. Our next big project is to support these. But this is much driver work, including VFAT DOS routines.


CD-ROM/CD-RW/DVD --> much work with limited use


USB Lights and USB Fan and similar "power only" Gadgets work right away. USB 2.0 _only_ devices will not work, but most of 2.0 devices should fall back to USB 1.1.


All Hardware and Driver (from our side) are GPL and OpenSource. So, anyone is free to hack new driver. It's a steep learning curve, but after a time USB is not so magic anymore.


Best regards



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