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2004 Atarilympics! - Team Registration


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Alright, with the Olympics coming up soon, it's time to start our own Olympics right here... the Atarilympics! For those of you who have taken part in the High Score Club (or even just watched it), this will work a bit like that, except with the added element of team play!


The Atarilympics will take place at the same time as the real Olympics, so things will start on Friday, August 13th, and end on Sunday August 29th. There will be 34 seperate events (approximately... I may remove some of them for simplicity or whatnot) taken from California Games, Summer Games, Winter Games (Yes, I know it's not the Winter Olympics, but bear with me :P ), The Activision Decathlon and Track & Field. I'll try to review each of the events to make sure they'll work properly for a competition and post a full list of them soon. You can submit a score for any event at any point during the Atarilympics. It is not necessary for every team to enter every event, but it is encouraged.


Everyone will be grouped into teams of 4-5 people. Each person in each team must compete in a minimum of 4 events. They don't have to win a medal in their events, but must carry your team's high score. If two members of the same team submit scores for the same event, the lower one will be disqualified, so be careful about what you submit... if a teammate of yours is only in 4 events, and you outscore him, you may end up disqualify your team entirely! (I'll try to make sure this doesn't happen). You can form your teams from whoever you want, although I'd like to ask that some of the more experienced members of the High Score Clubs try to stay on different teams... (Having Todd Rogers, the 5th ghost, and Jeffy Arensmeyer all on the same team would kind of ruin things for the rest of us :P )


Each team will be represented by a flag of their choosing. I have made a bunch of flags that you can choose from if you wish (Just ask and it'll be reserved for your team), or if you want to make your own flag, just send it to me and I'll set it up for you (I'll host it with the others, so just attach it to a post in this thread and I'll grab it). All flags must be at most 30x20 (or smaller if you wish). Animation is acceptable as long as it's not excessive. If you have an idea for a flag you think you'd like, but you can't make it yourself, let me know and I'll see if I can whip something up. Here are the flags I've already made:

  • Canada (in use)
    [*]usa.gif USA (in use)
    [*]ussr.gif USSR (in use)
    [*]uk.gif United Kingdom
    [*]france.gif France
    [*]germany.gif Germany
    [*]spain.gif Spain
    [*]portugal.gif Portugal
    [*]sweden.gif Sweden
    [*]norway.gif Norway
    [*]finland.gif Finland
    [*]australia.gif Australia
    [*]ireland.gif Ireland
    [*]italy.gif Italy (in use)
    [*]japan.gif Japan (in use)
    [*]brazil.gif Brazil
    [*]star-black.gif Star
    • Combat
      [*]epyx.gif Epyx
      [*]activision.gif Activision (in use)
      [*]fuji-red.gif Red Fuji
      [*]fuji-blue.gif Blue Fuji
      [*]fuji-black.gif Black Fuji (in use)
      [*]commavid.gif Commavid
      [*]dataage.gif Data Age
      [*]avalonhill.gif Avalon Hill
      [*]commodore.gif Commodore (in use)
      [*]xype.gif Xype (in use)
      [*]intv.gif Intellivision
      [*]o2.gif K.C. Munchkin
      [*]panamajoe.gif Panama Joe
      [*]pitfall.gif Pitfall Harry
      [*]mario.gif Mario (in use)

As with the High Score Club, screenshots are not required, but encouraged... emulators are allowed. Scores from alternate versions (ie, C64 version of California Games) of the games are not allowed. Scoring will work as follows: For each event, a gold, silver and bronze medal is awarded. The team with the highest number of medals at the end will be the winner. Each medal carries the same value, just like in the real Olympics. I should also point out that I have no prizes to offer, so this whole event is just for fun and bragging rights... Try to break your high score and go for the Gold! [Edit: Albert has generously offered to award each member of the winning team with a $10 gift certificate in the AtariAge store!]


All the action will take place in a single thread that will show up on the 13th when the whole thing starts. All scoring posts should simply be replies to that thread, regardless of what game or event (be sure to make it clear which event and which game you're submitting for!) Since things don't officially start until the 13th, you have plenty of time to practice the events if you wish!


The point of this thread is to make sure everyone gets their teams in order before everything starts, so you have about two weeks to find a team. If you already have a team set up, just reply to this thread with who is in your team and what flag you wish to use. If you want to start a team, just post a reply letting us know what kind of teammates you're looking for (ie, Activision fans, or people in your area, or perhaps just anyone) (Edit: Team creation is now locked. Please join an existing team instead, and I'll try to set you up with a team. Anyone who doesn't have a team by August 13th will be divided amung unfilled teams, or merged into new teams if necessary. Don't worry, we'll find a team for everyone!

Current Teams Team Canada
Status: Looking for members!
  • Ze_ro
    • Team Activision
  • ToddRogers
    • Aqua Teen Hunger Force
  • Mr.FoodMonster
    • Team USA
  • LarcenTyler
    • Team Xype
  • Cybergoth
    [*]Thomas Jentzsch
    • Team Commodore
  • Tsukasa
    [*]UK WOMBLE
    • Team Japan
  • NintendoDieScreaming
    [*]Jeffy Arensmeyer
    • The Lime Smileys
  • the 5th ghost
    • Soyúz Sovétskikh
      Sotsialistícheskikh Respúblik
Looking for members!
  • liquid_sky
  • Gateway
    [*]Dan Iacovelli
Currently unaffiliated:

It should also be pointed out that this entire event is completely seperate from the High Score Club. High scores here will not be transferred over to the High Score Club, and the High Score Club will still run at the same time. You can compete in both if you wish.


If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns, please post them here and I'll try to address them.


Edit: And here's a listing of all 34 events, including some information on how to actually play each event (descriptions are taken from the respective manuals). Despite any similarity in the actual gameplay, or the event itself, games in different carts will be scored seperately (ie, 100-Meter Dash in Decathlon is a completely seperate event from 100-Meter Dash in Track & Field).

California Games - 4 Events

This is probably the most laid back event, but don't lose your cool, it isn't easy. The Foot Bag event is like juggling with your feet. In the event, you have to keep a juggling bag in the air for 90 seconds, without using your hands. Success is all in the timing. If you time your kicks correctly, you'll keep the bag bouncing high in the air. Score extra points by performing stunts. The highest score wins the event.

Object: Hacking at the sack with your feet, knees, and head, you must try to make as many kicks as you can before thime runs out. And remember, you get extra points for every stunt you perform.
  • Press the fire button to kick the bag into the air and start the event.
    [*]As the bag falls back toward the ground, press the fire button to kick again just before the bag reaches your foot.
    [*]To perform a head butt, press the fire button (or UP) just before the bag drops below the level of your head.
    [*]Press down on the joystick to turn around while the bag is in mid-air.
    [*]Press left and right to side-step to the left or right.
    [*]Several types of kicks are possible, including inside kicks, outside kicks, jumping reverse kicks, knee kicks and back kicks.
    [*]To perform different types of kicks, move to new positions underneath the back while it's in the air. For example, over to the right so the bag will drop next to you (but not too far). Now press the fire button when the bag approaches and you'll perform an outside kick.
    [*]Other kicks are performed by positioning yourself in different ways. Discover the ways to perform all the kicks by trying various movements during practice.
    Scoring: You earn points for each stunt or kick performed successfully. More difficult stunts, like turning around while the bag is in the air, earn higher scores. Simple toe kicks are worth very little. You also
    earn points for consecutive kicks completed without allowing the bag to touch the ground. If you do the same kick combination twice in a row, you double your score for the combination, 3 times triples your score. The bottom (blue) score is your score for that run (up to 1000 points). When you drop the footbag, that score returns to zero. The top (yellow) score is your total accumulative score for all your stunts. The score for each kick is added to your blue score and your blue score is added to your yellow, so it is important to keep the footbag in the air.

    Strategy: The move complicated kicks and stunts you can complete without dropping the bag, the higher your score will be. The to accumulate high scores without dropping the bag, as early as possible. When you only have 5 seconds left, the score strarts flashing. at that point, go crazy and do some wild stunts to earn even higher scores (you have little to lose if your drop the bag at that point).
Half Pipe Skateboarding

It's time to get air on the half pipe. Skateboarding is definitely an awesome event, combining strength and coordiantion--often with amazing results. You'll be riding a skateboard in a specially built half-pipe. You'll have a 90 second time period to build up speed and successfully complete stunts. Points are awarded for each stunt, and the highest score wins the event.

Object: The object of the half-pipe event is to ride the board back and forth on the ramp, performing stunts with proper timing and execution.
  • Press the fire button to start the even.
    [*]To gain speed, "pump" your skater by moving the joystick UP when the skater is going up the side of the ramp, then move the stick DOWN when the skater is going down.
    [*]To perform a stunt, move the joystick as follow:
    - While on the left side of the pipe, tap right while above the lip to perform an aerial turn. On the right hand side, tap left instead.
    - While on the left side of the pipe, tap right while below the lip to perform a kick turn. On the right hand side, tap left instead.
    - Press the joystick button at the lip to perform a hand plant.
    [*]If you fall and lose momentum, you will be "reset" at the top of the ramp after several seconds. Press the fire button to start skating again.
    Scoring: You score points for each stunt completed successfully. Your score increases with the amount of risk you take. For example, if you hold a turn until the last moment, you get more points than if you pull out early when it's safer. Some stunts are more difficult and earn higher scores than others. If you don't do a turn or stunt while you're on the ramp, you're doing a "fakie." Fakies are not worth any points and could cause you to fall if you go too high.

    Stunt Values:
    • Kick Turns: 120-500 points
      [*]Aerial Turns: 500-800 points
      [*]Hand Plants: Up to 990 points
      Strategy: It's important to build up the right amount of speed before trying a stunt by pumping. 5 seconds before the end of the event, the score will sart flashing yo warn you the end of the game is near. This event takes experience to get the timing down just right, so be sure to practice!
BMX Bike Racing

BMX stands for Bicycle Motocross. It alos stants for radical action and challenging competition. In this event, riders use strong, lightweight bicycles to race on an action-packed course down a Cailfornia mountain. There are plenty of jumps, bumps, and dips. You'll need speed, a good sense of timing and a heavy dose of endurance in this race!

Object: The object is to cover the course in the fastest possible time, performing stunts and avoiding or jumping over obstacles. The fastest dare-devil will win the event.
Press the fire button to start the event.
[*]Hold the joystick right to increase your speed.
[*]Press the fire button to jump.
[*]Move the joystick left to put on the brakes.
[*]When you're in the air, use the joysticks to perform stunts:
- Move the stick down to do a table top. Hold the stick as long as possible then center the joystick to put the bike down.
- Move the stick up to do a flip.
[*]Timing is important to perform stunts and jumps. You must time the start and finish of each move to complete it successfully. If you're not back in a "centered" position by the time you land, you will crash.
Scoring: You will have 30 seconds to complete each of the 7 sections of the game. Each section is divided by yellow flags. As you pass each yellow flag, the number of seconds you have left (out of 30) will be multiplied by 100 and added to your score. You are also awarded an
additional 400 points if you finish the section before time runs out. As you race be sure to pick up (ride over) the blue bonus flags worth 400 points each (jumping over them does not count). There are 10 of them, and another 4000 bonus points if you get them all.

The faster your time the higher your score will be. You also get points for each stunt, with bonus points for holding stunts as long as possible. For each stunt, you must land correctly to earn the points shown below:
Single Flip: 300 points
[*]Double Flip: 900 points
[*]Triple Flip: 1800 points
[*]Table Top: Variable depends on timing
[*]Jump: Variable depends on length.
If you finish the whole course without crashing, you earn an extra 10,000 points.

Strategy: When you complete the course, you get 100 points for each second left in the time limit. So finishing the course in the fastest possible time is important, but the highest scores go to the riders who
perform the most daring stunts. Pay close attention to the course: Use ther ramp and cliffs to flip in the air. Avoid rocks, cow skulls, and tree stumps, the can cause you to crash. Moss and bumps and make you lose control. Keep your eye open for other obstacle that can slow you down, like bushes, cactus, and mud. You can ride under trees, or jump over them (but it's got to be a pretty high jump!). And remember to center your
joystick before landing!

Surfing began as the sport of Hawaiian kings; now it rules the California coastline. From Santa Cruz to Rincon Point, surfers and their colorful boards dot the miles of sun-splashed beaches. And you're about to join them. You'll shoot the curl, shred the tube and probably even eat a little sand (when you wipe out). It's going to be hot. You'll be there. And you'll be awesome.

Object: Competition surfing is a game of staying near the curl of the wave and maneuvering your board smoothly at high speeds. Ride the face of the wave, moving back and forth, in and out of the tube. Use as much of the wave as you can beofre your ride comes to an end.
Press the fire button to catch a wave and start the event.
[*]To steer the board to the surfer's left, move the joystick up.
[*]To steer the board to the surfer's right, move the joystick down.
[*]Hold the fire button down to make sharper, faster turns
[*]Press the joystick right to "hang 10" but remember to hold the board steady!
[*]If you go too close to the bottom of the wave, you'll end your ride by leaving the wave.
[*]If you go over the top of the wave and turn your board around in the air, you can catch the wave again with the nose of your board down a little. (You'll wipe out if you come back down at a steep angle.)
[*]For extra points when you're in the air, spin your board completely around by holding the joystick up or down.
[*]You'll get 90 seconds for the event. You earn more points for longer rides, so try to ride each wave as long as you possibly can.

How to practice events: If you wish to practice the events, here's how you do it... in the three Epyx games (Summer, Winter, and California Games), just hit the Select switch until that event shows up, and then hit Reset in order to play it. In The Activision Decathlon, hold Select until the event you wish to practice shows up, and then hit Reset in order to play it. Unfortunately, Track & Field does not seem to have any practice mode, so you'll have to play through all the previous events each time you want to play a single event in this game. When the Atarilympics actually take place, scores/times can be submitted from either practice mode or "regular" mode at your option... but all reported scores must be achieved within the actual play period (ie, Aug 13th - Aug 29th).


Also, the events in The Activision Decathlon will be scored according the point value the game awards you, NOT by how high the bar was, or how far you threw something... however, when the games are actually on, please report BOTH values.



Scoring: You earn the most points for doing the most imaginative tricks on your board. Each time you perform a trick, you hear "Ta-Da" and can repeat the same trick up to 10 times. After 10 repeats, you don't earn any points for the trick, and you no longer hear the "Ta-Da" sound. However, big bonus points are still awarded for high jumps off the wave, even if you repeat the trick more than 10 times.

Strategy: Do as many ticks as possible in the 90 seconds you have to ride the wave. When your time is up, you will automatically lose control of your board and wipe out. Anytime you wipe out, it takes several seconds for your surfer to get back on his board. Be patient while he catches the next wave. It doesn't matter what order you do your tricks in, just don't be boring!
Summer Games - 7 Events

The object of this event is to jump all the hurdles as fast as you can. Press the FIRE BUTTON to begin READY/SET/GO sequence. There is an overhead view of the track in the center of the screen showing which runner is ahead. At GO push the joystick to the right and hold it there until you near the first hurdle. Jump hurdles by "tapping" the joystick UP as your runner approaches each hurdle (holding the joystick up for too long slows your man down). Push the joystick right to sprint again once you've cleared the hurdle. Just as in live competition, crashing into hurdles costs valuable time. And the harder you crash, the more 'get-up' time you're docked. First one to the finish live wins.

Like the hurdling event, swimming begins with a READY/SET/GO sequence when you press the FIRE BUTTON. Anticipate the gun (GO) and press the joystick to the right early to get a good start (but not too early or you'll fault). Gain speed by hitting the FIRE BUTTON on each down stroke, just as your swimmer's arm reaches the water. Turn quickly at the pool's end by tapping the joystick left before you hit the wall. Time the strokes and the turns well and splash home to victory. The first swimmer to finish his laps wins.
Skeet Shooting

Targets are launched from the right or the left of the firing range when you press the FIRE BUTTON. Move the joystick left or right, up, or down to sight the target and shoot by pressing the FIRE BUTTON. Shoot at either one or two targets from each of the eight shooting posts. Adjust your aim carefully and quickly before you fire (keep in mind that there is a slight gravitational pull on your sight as you aim). The shooter with the most hits out of 25 wins the medal.

Note: Since this event is surprisingly easy, there will be no silver or bronze medal awarded. Everyone who manages to shoot all 25 targets will get a gold medal (one per team of course)
100-Yard Dash

The 100-yard dash is a speed event. Runners line up on two parallel tracks, as in the Hurdles event. Press the FIRE BUTTON to start. At GO (but not before) move the joystick as fast as you can in any direction to make your runner sprint. Keep the joystick moving in all directions as fast as you can until your runner reaches the finish line. The fastest time wins.
Swimming Relay

Three-man teams compete against one another in this extended version of the Swimming competition. Press the FIRE BUTTON to start the READY/SET/GO sequence. As in the swimming event, anticipate the gun (GO) and press the joystick right early to get a good start. Press the FIRE BUTTON just as the swimmer's arm reaches the water on the down stroke to gain speed. As he nears the right side of the pool, tap the joystick to the left before he hits the wall to turn him around.

Remember that each member of your relay team swims two laps; as the first swimmer nears the left side of the pool, anticipate his arrival and the tap the joystick right. Be careful not to tap the joystick too early or you will lose time! Follow the same sequence for each swimmer on your team. The first team to finish wins.

In this event, only one athlete competes at a time. The winner is determined by points gained in special maneuvers during his routine. The initial screen shows your gymnast ready to start his run at the pommel horse. Press the FIRE BUTTON to start your man running toward the horse; press it again as he nears it to initiate a mount. Once mounted, your gymnast holds the pommel horse bar and circles the horse's axis in a rhythmic motion. Points are give for mounting and dismounting correctly (0.5 each), for traversing the horse (0.5), and for each 360 degree spin the gymnast makes (.005). Points are subtracted for incorrect hand placement (0.1), for moving in the wrong direction (.1), for falling off the end of the horse (1.0 - automatic disqualification), and for faulty dismounts (1.0).

The upper screen shows your gymnast in motion on the pommel horse. The lower screen shows your gymnast's hand position by a pair of dots that follow his motion up and down the horse. Increase his speed as he revolves about the horse's axis by pushing the joystick left just before he moves across the bottom of the pommel horse. Push it to the right as he approaches the top of the horse. If you're quick, you can increase speed faster by pushing the joystick right (or left) more than once. Your athlete will slow down if you fail to press the joystick right and left, but he'll keep on the horse and in motion. Move the joystick up to move him to the top of the horse, move it down for your gymnast to reach the 'south' end. (Up-to-down or down-to-up is a full transversal). Remember he can fall off the end and be disqualified! Watch the hand and body movements of your gymnast to determine when to push the joystick up or down. (If he's moving to the bottom of the horse, and his hands are close together, then the bottom one should be moved...) Remember that you can only move the hand that is in the air (the smaller dot) so you must time your movements carefully. There is a one-minute time limit with a maximum of 10 points to be earned. When it is time to dismount, you'll hear a warning bell. Good Luck!

Note: Confused yet? I don't know what's going on here... if someone can write up a better explanation of what the hell you're supposed to do here, I'll gladly replace this.

A READY/SET/GO sequence begins this speed event. Move the joystick left and right in rhythm to gain top speed (speed is shown on an indicator in the middle of the screen). The fastest time wins the event.
Winter Games - 7 Events

In slalom, the object is to make the best time down the course while skiing through the gates (marked by a pair of flags). The FIRE BUTTON sets your skier on his way. You control his motion by moving the joystick left or right. Turning will help you to slow down. There's a three-second penalty each time you miss one of the 36 gates on the course and a warning sound lets you know you missed. Avoid hitting any object or person on your way down the slope because they will slow you down considerably! Penalty seconds are added to your time when you complete the run.

In the two-man bobsled event, the object is to finish in record time. Press the FIRE BUTTON to start. Try to complete the winding course as quickly as you can -- keeping the sled under control on the banked turns. Push the joystick left or right to control the bobsled's direction. Steer into the turns (try to stay off the walls or you'll lose speed and control of the sled). And remember there aren't any brakes on your sled! To speed up the sled, 'bob' the joystick up and down in rhythm, keeping in mind that high speed makes banking on the turns a real challenge. You can monitor sled speed by the speed indicator at the bottom of the screen (the wider the bar, the faster you are going). Each team is allowed three tries to finish this event. Good Luck!
Ski Jump

This challenging distance event demands your fullest concentration. When you see your jumper at the gate, press the FIRE BUTTON and he'll begin his run down the slope. When he passes the yellow flag near the bottom of the take-off run, press the FIRE BUTTON to launch him. The longer you wait to press the FIRE BUTTON the farther you will go, but be careful not to press it too late!

A split-screen will show your jumper's position and the hill below. You'll get the most distance by maintaining a stable diagonal position throughout the "flight." During flight: move the joystick forward to raise his ski tips, back to drop them. Push the joystick left and right to maintain your jumper's body position. Maintain control of both jumper and his skis to extend his flight -- and to land him safely. Each jumper has three attempts to out-distance his opponents. Distance jumped will appear on the screen when he's landed safely.

This combination skiing-and-shooting event begins with cross-country skiing down a hill. Press the FIRE BUTTON to start and move the joystick left and right in rhythm. Keep pace with the red heart at the bottom of the screen for fastest skiing. When you finish the skiing course, a shooting range replaces the ski slope. There are five targets in each set. Cock your rifle by moving the joystick down, then up. Sight your target and press the FIRE BUTTON to shoot. Remember you're participating in an event where time is important so shoot quickly, but carefully (there is a 5-second penalty for each target missed).

When you are finished on the rifle range, the skiing screen returns and you must ski back up the course. At the top of the course you'll shoot again at the rifle range. Ski downhill again and return for a final try at the rifle range. Ski to the rifle range and shoot each target (three sets of five targets for a total of 15 targets) as quickly as possible. The competitor with the fewest number of misses wins the event.
Speed Skating

In this event, the first skater to reach the finish line will earn the best score. At the start you will have the READY/SET/GO sequence. Move the joystick left and right in rhythm to gain speed. Your time will be displayed in the center of the screen on the time indicators.

Notes: SKATING has a computer opponent when played alone. The left joystick controls the top player and the right joystick controls the bottom player.
Hot Dog

In this ski acrobatics event, jumpers compete one at a time. The aim is to pile up points by performing as many tricks as possible in the time allotted. Press the FIRE BUTTON to start down the slope. Unlike the SKI JUMP event, you don't need to press the FIRE BUTTON again to jump. Choose your jumper's tricks by moving the joystick in one of the four possible directions: forward for a "daffy"; right for a forward flip; back for a "swan"; left for a backward flip. Press the FIRE
BUTTON to turn your jumper around but remember to press the FIRE BUTTON again before landing. Each trick has its own point score, based on the degree of difficulty,* and the points accumulate as each trick is successfully performed. You also earn points, and a greater cumulative score, for each flip or turn (backward or forward) you perform while in flight.

HALF FLIP 0.6 0.9 --- ---
DAFFY 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.5
SWAN 0.6 0.9 1.2 2.1


Your jumper must land facing forward, right side up -- or he crashes and faults. After landing, you may press the FIRE BUTTON upon passing the yellow flag -- and get 1.0 for a standing daffy (but you might not want to take the risk!). Each jumper has three tries to earn the best score.



LUGE is similar to the BOBSLED event. The central difference in this speed event is that you won't have a partner to help you steer your sled down the chute. One man takes the luge down a special luge chute designed for speed. Zip along the track, braking as you go by pressing the FIRE BUTTON. (The "bobbing" option doesn't exist in luge.) Use the same left-right motions on the joystick as in the bobsled event to choose the direction of your turn. You will have three tries to make it quickly, and safely down the chute.

The Activision Decathlon - 10 Events


Just one opportunity to sprint from start to finish. Explode out of the starting blocks, then give it your all by moving the Joystick as fast as you can for the entire dash. When you see the 100 meter marker, find a final burst of strength. The quicker your time, the higher your points. Every 1/100 of a second matters.

Long Jump


Each decathlete gets three jumps. You begin with a running start of 30 meters. Pres the red button just before you reach the scratch line to jump. The faster you are running when you jump, the farther you'll go. Your longest jump earns the most points.

Shot Put


All contestants "put" the shot three times. Move the Joystick as rapidly as you can to approach the scratch line, then press the red button. The quicker your approach, the farther your "put" will go, and the more points you'll earn.

High Jump


You are allowed a maximum of three attempts at each height. Your turn ends when you miss the same height three times. There is a 30 meter approach run to the high jump standards. Press the red button to jump. Each time you successfully "clear" a height, the crossbar automatically raises. The higher you jump, the more points will be added to your total.

400-Meter Race


It's one middle-distance race. Nothing to throw or jump. Pick your feet up and put 'em down as fast as you can. The distance markers, set every 100 meters, show how far you've run. The faster you complete the race, the more points you'll earn.

110-Meter Hurdles


There are ten hurdles to jump over that are positioned at 10 meter intervals. Run by moving the Joystick, and jump the hurdles by pressing the red button. You won't be disqualified for 'spilling' a hurdle, but it will slow you down. And that's important, because the faster you complete the race, the more points you are awarded.

Discus Throw


You get three throws, but don't forfeit any of them by "scratching." The approach to the scratch line is just a few feet, so start moving the Joystick as fast as possible before pressing the red button to hurl the discus. The farther the throw, the greater the points awarded.

Pole Vault


Each vaulter gets a maximum of three tries at each height. Turn ends when you miss the same height three times. Run to the vault pit and plant your pole by pressing the red button. Continue to move the Joystick as you vault and, just at the peak, press the red button again to release the vaulting pole. Each time you "clear" a height, the crossbar automatically raises. The higher you vault, the more points you'll get.


Note: Unfortunately, due to a cheat (bug?) in this event, it will not be included. Sorry.

Javelin Throw


All contestants throw the javelin three times. Run to the scratch line and press the red button to throw the javelin. The farthest of your three throws earns the most points. There's only one event left, so give this one your all.

1500-Meter Race


Each decathlete gets one chance to score well in the final event...you'd be too exhausted to race this one twice. Maintain a steady pace for the first 1300 meters and then sprint to the finish. Distance markers are placed every 100 meters, so you'll know how far the finish line is at all times. The faster you complete the race, the higher the number of points you'll earn. Good luck! (Hope you have some spare joysticks!)

Track & Field - 6 Events


  • Race to the finish line as fast as you can.

[*]You run in head-to-head competition with either the computer or your opponent.

[*]You have one try to qualify.

[*]If you run before the starter’s gun goes off, you foul. Three fouls and you’re out of the race.

Hint: To make the best time, go as fast as you can!

Long Jump


  • Get a running start to the sand, set your angle…then jump.

[*]It’s you against the tape measure as you try to beat your opponent’s record.

[*]You have three tries to qualify.

[*]Be sure to set your angle and jump before you reach the sand. If you run into the sand, you foul.

Hint: Try set your angle at 45 degrees.



  • Get a running start to the white line that crosses the track, set your angle, then throw the javelin.

[*]It’s you against the tape measure.

[*]You have three tries to qualify.

[*]Be sure to set your angle and throw before you reach the grass. If you cross over on to the grass, you foul.

Hint: Try to set your angle at 45 degrees to maximize throw.

110-Meter Hurdles


  • Race to each hurdle, then jump. You must jump over ten hurdles.

[*]You run in head-to-head competition with either the computer or your opponent.

[*]You have one try to qualify.

[*]If you run before the starter’s gun goes off, you foul. Three fouls and you’re out of the race.

Hint: If you hit the hurdles, it’ll slow you down!

Hammer Throw


  • To start, push the joystick once to the right or left. As you circle around and pick up speed, throw the hammer.

[*]It’s you against the tape measure.

[*]You have three tries to qualify.

[*]Hold down the button to increase your angle.

[*]You’ll foul if you throw the hammer outside of the white lines or wait too long to throw.

Hint: Watch for the player to turn red, and then throw!

High Jump


  • To get a running start, push the joystick once to the right or left, set your angle, then jump.

[*]You and your opponents take turns.

[*]You’ll foul if you touch the cross bar or if you run into the mat.

Hint: Jump as close as possible to the bar, then control your fall by readjusting your angle.

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Ill be "TEAM ACTIVISION" or a member of it and who would have thought i would have picked that ....if thats ok. I love these ideas that you come up with ZE_RO. Where were you when we needed you at the CGE for mini contests.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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I'd like to start a team as well but I need a flag.


Hey Ze_ro, I do not know how to create my own flag but if I told you what I wanted, could you possibly do it? It would be super simple:


I wany my flag to be the smiley face target from Target Fun/Air-Sea Battle (game 13) Light Blue background/ Lime Green Smiley :)


I always loved that smiley face when I was little, our first game was Target Fun!


Anyone is more than welcome to join my team, just need to figure out what to call ourselves...



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Hi there!


this sounds very cool, I would like to join, but I stink at most games.  I will practice hard though.  if anyone needs a member please include me!  now to go hit the 2600!


I'd be very happy if you'd jojn our team!


We could also use a few more pros on our side. StanJr, bjk7382, Happy_Dude, rasty, etc. what are you waiting for? :)




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