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2004 ATARILYMPICS - Closing Ceremonies


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Well here are some last minute submissions,


400Meter---(39.3 - 1154 pts)


Shot Put----(23.81-1270 Pts)

Javelin------(93.09-1126 Pts)


Thats it for me , and congradulations to everyone who participated and gave us such a good time in playing.


Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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I'm offering this up because it's medal worthy' date=' but it doesn't really matter. Some members of [b']Team Japan

Don't worry, no team will be disqualified because of the 4-event minimum. What I'll instead do is just add some mock scores for them so that they'll at least be in an event... although their score will be either 0 or 99:99.99, so they won't get a medal for it. I'll make sure to choose events that your team is either not entered in at all, or not ranked in the top 3 (so it won't knock out any existing medals).


By the way, I hope no one is expecting to come back here in three hours and expect to see a winner crowned, because that probably won't be the case. Score submissions will end at midnight, but I'll probably leave at least a full day for people to catch any mistakes I've made, or sort thing out so everyone gets their 4 event minimums. I hope you've all kept track of your scores so that you'll be able to look through at the end and make sure I have correct scores for you, because in all likelihood I will not be going back through all 18 pages of this thread ever again :P


I've done this for two days now and it's been fun, but I'm ready for it to be over.

Haha, you're not the only one... I've enjoyed this, but frankly, I'll be very relieved with all of this is done with.



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Team Activision


SG Swim 100 22.9 - FINALLY! I HATE SWIMMING EVENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Im going to hear that whoosing sound in my head for the next 10 years!


I had a GREAT TIME ZERO - Congrats to everyone who followed the standard for Fair Play!


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A question, i can see how some of these scores can be done perhapsa with emulation, as its easier to bash 2 keyboard keys fast than waggle a joystick/ T'n'F controller...


Absolutely not. In fact, until I received my Stelladaptor and was able to use a real joystick with Z26, my scores were little more than average - using my laptop keyboard was absolutely horrible. I was lucky enough to pick up a few decent joysticks lately and found that either the Wico Command Control or the Atari Proline joystick were excellent for Track & Field.



...but for those of you using actual hardware like me (I hate emulation...  :x )  ,  how on earth do you get such good scores in the decathlon events ?

My wrists just cant do it, maybe because Ive been married a while now and theyve weakened, I dunno ?  :ponder:  :D


Couldn't play Decathlon at all. Even using the Wico (which was, on average, the best joystick for T&F) my scores were less than average - using the keyboard they were embarrassing.


I think next time, its gotta be hardware only, or emulation only , not mixed, some of the scores on here seem pretty unobtainable with an actual 2600 and stick (Unless theres some stick thats better that i dont know about ?) Maybe its just that im crap, who knows  :?  



After this is over would be interesting to see who used emu and who used hardware out of the gold medallists, plus any good tips/techniques people picked up along the way. (Seeing as it'll be over it wont matter)




From my own personal experience, it was the Stelladaptor that worked for me. I don't know if anyone produced decent Decathlon scores using emulation, but if someone did then that's pretty damn impressive - I simply couldn't play it at all.


Incidentally, I'm done posting scores - I tried again this morning, but my damn shoulder is pretty much wrecked, so no improvements were made.


As an aside - could someone with programming knowledge look into the T&F code and let me know how that damn game scores the Long Jump and Javelin? Runway speed seems to have nothing to do with it, as my best scores were done at a speed of between 1310 and 1330cm - this morning (at great pain to my shoulder - and the Wico) I was hitting speeds of 1350 and above and still not beating my best, even when I was running at a fast speed and hitting 45 degrees. If Thomas or someone else could have a look at the code and work out how the programmers worked out lengths and distances I'd be grateful!


SG Swim Relay 1:09.9 (Malc :P )

Damn you Goochman! Hmm, maybe there's time for just one more game!

(Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh)

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400Meter---(39.3 - 1154 pts)

Todd, this score/time doesn't match up... your previous score/time was 1346 points, 39.5s and Numans score/time was 1165 points, 42.9s. I'm going to assume that the 39.3s is correct however.


Surfing - 5290 (What a horrible game this is... :| )

Actually, I've really been enjoying this one.


A question, i can see how some of these scores can be done perhapsa with emulation, as its easier to bash 2 keyboard keys fast than waggle a joystick/ T'n'F controller , but for those of you using actual hardware like me (I hate emulation... :x ) , how on earth do you get such good scores in the decathlon events ?

Earlier today, I was trying some odd stuff to see if it would get me better times/scores... Like I'd take a pencil and hold it between my fingers in such a way that my middle finger would act like a fulcrum so I could waggle the pencil back and forth over the buttons without hitting both buttons at once... I also tried a similar setup with an eraser as the fulcrum and an elastic band holding down one side so I could effectively just tap one end of the pencil.... But ultimately, none of this worked. I got higher scores just using the controller the way it was meant to be used.


I also have a hard time using the TnF controller effectively... when I'm slamming on the buttons, I eventually just lose my coordination and end up hitting both buttons at the same time, which doesn't work very well... I also tried using an emulator for Decathlon, and frankly, I did even worse on that than I did on actual hardware, so I don't know...


Anyways, I hate to say it, but this update will likely be the last one before midnight... I've been working on this update for like an hour or so, and I keep checking back and you guys are posting scores faster than I can add them... it's starting to give me a headache :P I'm going to go get a crappy D-Hurdles score so I can at least say that Canada entered every event, and then play some Tradewars before I come back and finish this off. Good luck everyone!


Oh! And one last thing... if you see any mistakes in the medal counts, please wait until after midnight, since I'll be giving everything a thorough count after everything's finalized. If there are any mistakes sitting in there right now, I'll likely catch them at midnight.



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Thanks for the great games too all who has make this real. I have enjoy this games very much and have play for the first time many new games. I have only played Decathlon before and miss many great Sport games on the Atari 2600 VCS since these Atarilympics.


Good luck too all Teams for the last hours. I go sleep now too and our Team is out I think. :)


See you all in the next 4 years for the next Atarilympics. ;) :D


Bye bye for now. 8)

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Ok, I think I have our team events all sorted out.


California Games

...Footbag - Joshua - 86460..................Skateboarding - Jedijeff - 28710

...BMX Bike Racing - Joshua - 28200.....Surfing - Joshua - 6860


Summer Games

...Hurdles - Joshua - 9:99.9...................Swimming - Jedijeff - 22.9

...Skeet Shooting - LarcenTyler 25/25....100 Yard Dash - Numan - 11.1

...Swimming Relay - Jedijeff - 1:09.7......Gymnastics - LarcenTyler - 0.0

...Rowing - Jedijeff - 22.4


Winter Games

...Slalom - Jedijeff - 32.7.......................Bobsled - Jedijeff - 25.0

...Ski Jump - Jedijeff - 177.7..................Biathlon - Jedijeff - 45.7

...Speed Skating - Jedijeff - 24.0............Hot Dog - Jedijeff - 10.0

...Luge - Jedijeff - 30.5



...100 Meters - Numan - 9.50.................Long Jump - Numan - 10.76

...Shot Put - Numan - 22.21...................High Jump - Numan - 2.4

...400 Meters - Numan - 42.9.................110 Hurdles - Numan - 12.59

...Discus Throw - Numan - 72.18............Javelin Throw - Numan - 92.11

...1500 Meters - Numan - 3:37.5


Track and Field

...100 Meters - LarcenTyler - 9.68..........Long Jump - Jedijeff - 10.54

...Javelin - Jedijeff - 97.71....................110 hurdles - LarcenTyler - 13.40

...Hammer Throw - Jedijeff - 92.80........High Jump - Jedijeff - 2.42


I'm pretty sure these are all correct.

Thanks to Zero for the games and keeping track of everything! :thumbsup:


And thanks to LarcenTyler, Numan and Joshua for being on Team USA.



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UK WOMBLE wrote:  

Surfing - 5290 (What a horrible game this is...  )  


Actually, I've really been enjoying this one.  



A question, i can see how some of these scores can be done perhapsa with emulation, as its easier to bash 2 keyboard keys fast than waggle a joystick/ T'n'F controller , but for those of you using actual hardware like me (I hate emulation...  ) , how on earth do you get such good scores in the decathlon events ?  


Earlier today, I was trying some odd stuff to see if it would get me better times/scores... Like I'd take a pencil and hold it between my fingers in such a way that my middle finger would act like a fulcrum so I could waggle the pencil back and forth over the buttons without hitting both buttons at once... I also tried a similar setup with an eraser as the fulcrum and an elastic band holding down one side so I could effectively just tap one end of the pencil.... But ultimately, none of this worked. I got higher scores just using the controller the way it was meant to be used.  


I also have a hard time using the TnF controller effectively... when I'm slamming on the buttons, I eventually just lose my coordination and end up hitting both buttons at the same time, which doesn't work very well... I also tried using an emulator for Decathlon, and frankly, I did even worse on that than I did on actual hardware, so I don't know...


:ponder: lol


So Im just crap then !! :D


Oh, and thanks for highlighting my surfing score, was hoping that would go mostly unnoticed.. :ponder: :(


Oh well, maybe I'll keep an eye on the HSC from now on, I might be able to redeem myself someday on a non sporting game :)


Incidentally, I liked some of the winter games , slalom is fun, and hotdog was ok. Didnt like a few of them though...


At least it forced me to spend a little time on some games that probably would never otherwise have got played ! :)




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Alright, I guess that's the end! I hope you all managed to get your scores in, because it's too late to add in any more! Hopefully I'll have all the scores compiled as soon as possible. There will still be a handful of conflicting scores, but I'll try to deal with those while I'm at it. Once I have the final scores up, please make sure to look over them to make sure I didn't make any mistakes (there will almost certainly be one or two at the very least). In all likelihood, I won't formally name a winner until sometime tomorrow.


I hope everyone had fun! I definitely enjoyed this, but I've certainly had my fill of these games for quite some time :)



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Alright, I'll try to highlight some of the conflicting scores here to make it easier for teams to figure out which scores to keep and which to toss out... I've also included my recommendations. Any name that is in italics is the score I would recommend KEEPING:


Team Activision:


Entered events:

keilbaca: 4/1/2/0/3 =10

ToddRogers: 0/0/1/9/0 =10

Goochman: 0/6/5/0/0 =11

dykesr: 0/0/2/0/2 =4

tin: 0/3/0/0/4 =7

Overlap: 0/3/3/0/3 =9

NoEnter: 0/0/0/0/0 =0



SG-Hurdles: tin (gold) vs Goochman (no medal)

SG-Gymnastics: keilbaca (bronze) vs Goochman (no medal)

SG-Rowing: tin (bronze) vs Goochman (no medal)

WG-Bobsled: keilbaca (silver) vs Goochman (no medal)

WG-Biathlon: keilbaca (silver) vs Goochman (no medal)

WG-SpdSkate: dykesr (no medal) vs Goochman (no medal)

TF-100m: keilbaca (gold) vs tin (no medal)

TF-LongJump: keilbaca (no medal) vs tin (no medal)

TF-Javelin: keilbaca (no medal) vs tin (no medal)


From what I can tell, using the recommendations I've given above will give everyone the requisite 4 events, with no need to sacrifice any medals


The Lime Smileys:


the 5th ghost: 0/1/0/8/6 =15

128bytes: 1/0/4/0/0 =5

sku_u: 0/7/7/2/0 =16

Stingray: 0/0/0/0/5 =5

Overlap: 0/1/4/1/5 =11

NoEnter: 3/0/0/0/0 =3


SG-Skeet: the 5th ghost (gold) vs sku_u (gold)

WG-Slalom: sku_u (no medal) vs 128bytes (no medal)

WG-Bobsled: 128bytes (no medal) vs sku_u (no medal)

WG-HotDog: sku_u (gold) vs 128bytes (no medal)

WG-Luge: sku_u (no medal) vs 128bytes (no medal)

D-Discus: sku_u (bronze) vs the 5th ghost (no medal)

TF-100m: Stingray (silver) vs the 5th ghost (no medal)

TF-LongJump: the 5th ghost (no medal) vs Stingray (no medal)

TF-Javelin: Stingray (No medal) vs the 5th ghost (no medal)

TF-Hurdles: the 5th ghost (No medal) vs Stingray (No medal)

TF-HighJump: the 5th ghost (gold) vs Stingray (no medal)


From what I can tell, using the recommendations I've given above will give everyone the requisite 4 events, with no need to sacrifice any medals.




Cybergoth: 2/1/1/0/0 =5

Thomas Jentzsch: 1/2/1/0/2 =6

iguana: 0/0/1/2/2 =5

MattyXB: 1/4/5/7/2 =19

Overlap: 0/0/1/0/0 =1

NoEnter: 0/0/0/0/0 =0


WG-Biathlon: Cybergoth (no medal) vs iguana (no medal)


You guys probably told me to remove one of these and I missed it or something... in any case, since neither player here is in a medal position, and both have 5 entries, I guess it really doesn't matter. Cybergoth has the better time for the event, so I guess I'll just remove iguana's entry right now.




NintendoDieScreaming: 2/0/0/0/6 =8

KaeruYojimbo: 2/2/1/0/0 =5

Jeffy Arensmeyer: 0/4/3/0/2 =9

homerwannabee: 0/0/4/9/0 =13

Overlap: 0/0/1/0/2 =3

NoEnter: 0/1/0/0/0 =1


WG-HotDog: Jeffy Arensmeyer (gold) vs homerwannabee (no medal)

TF-LongJump: Jeffy Arensmeyer (gold) vs NintendoDieScreaming (no medal)

TF-Hurdles: Jeffy Arensmeyer (gold) vs NintendoDieScreaming (no medal)


Everyone seems to have enough entries, and taking my recommendations here costs your team no medals.


No other teams have conflicts, so rest of you are pretty much fine the way you are. All conflicts have already been resolved for Team Canada and Team USA, and Team Globetrotter (I think... I haven't actually done the math on this one). Since Team USSR, Team Commodore and Aqua Teen Hunger Force have plenty of events that they didn't enter in, I'm just going to wave the whole "4 event minimum" for them... entering a bunch of 99:99.99's is just extra work frankly.



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