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2004 ATARILYMPICS - Closing Ceremonies


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Also, here's a slightly more detailed rundown of my medal counting... in case you're having trouble figuring out how I counted things. Games are seperated by dashes, and are in the order: California Games, Summer Games, Winter Games, Decathlon, Track & Field... so by this, Team Activision has 3 golds and 1 silver in California games, and so on. I hope that made sense. I compiled lists like this every time I updated the scores in order to recount.


Activision: gggs-gggbbb-gssgg-ggggggggg-ggg 21,3,3=27

USA: s-gggsg-sbgggg-sssssssss-gbgg 11,12,2=25

Xype: bsbg-gggbg-bggggg-bb-gbgg 13,1,7=21

Canada: gsb-gggg-g-b-bgssgg 9,3,3=15

Japan: -gbg-bbgg-bbbbbb-gg 6,0,9=15

Lime: -gs-g-bbb-sgg 4,2,3=9

Globetrotter: -gg--bb- 2,0,2=4

Commodore: --bg-- 1,0,1=2

USSR: ---- 0

ATHF: ---- 0


Although it looks like Team Activision has won, keep in mind that this is NOT the final tally! There may still be mistakes in here. If you find any, let me know. I counted all this up at about 3am, so it's very likely there is at least one mistake, and one mistake could be enough to change things... I might have counted wrong or missed a score. I'll recount things again after I've had some sleep. It's also worth pointing out that after removing conflicting scores, some medals may change (although this is unlikely unless people reject my recommendations).



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Hi there!


What great games they were! Brilliant entertainment for the last two weeks!


Thanks to all my (submitting!) teammates, you're a great bunch of guys, couldn't wish for any others. :)


Thanks to all other (fairplaying!) participants, it was a great honor to compete against you.


Thanks to ze_ro for organizing all of this.




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BTW: When everything is sorted out and you have some time left, how about an individual ranking? I really would like to know who is second (behind Todd ;)). Malc74, keilbaca, the 5th ghost...?.

Definitely. I haven't counted things on an individual basis yet, but from what I can tell the "heavy hitters" were likely Todd Rogers, jedijeff, MattyXB, Numan, homerwannabee, Malc74 and keilbaca (although not necessarily in that order).


I'll hopefully be adding a number of different lists tomorrow. I'm not entirely sure what information will be compiled, but hopefully a ranking of medal winners, some per-game rankings (ie, Activision, USA, and Japan dominated Decathlon, while Activision, Xype and Canada dominated California Games, and so on), comparisons with existing Olympic records as well as those from Athens, and maybe some other stuff.


Another thing that I'll definitely be doing once this is all wrapped up is accepting suggestions on what should or shouldn't be changed for the next time (assuming there IS a next time). This will likely take place in a whole seperate thread though with a nice poll format, so hold your suggestions until I actually start the new thread.


Anyways, I'm going to bed now. Please find all my mistakes while I'm asleep! :)



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Whoops, I already realized my first mistake... I forgot to post my score for D-Hurdles, as pathetic as it is :roll: I assure you, I got it long before midnight:


D-Hurdles: 787 points, 15.34s


I'll add it in after I wake up... I'm going to bed for real this time.



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What great games they were! Brilliant entertainment for the last two weeks!  


Thanks to all my (submitting!) teammates, you're a great bunch of guys, couldn't wish for any others. :)


Thanks to all other (fairplaying!) participants, it was a great honor to compete against you.


Thanks to ze_ro for organizing all of this.

I completely agree. Thanks a lot! :thumbsup:

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I don't think that it was a good idea to offer the $10 gift certificate. I like free money as much as anyone else, but I think that it really hurt what this competition was supposed to stand for.


Imagine what would happen if money were offered for the top scorer in the HSC every week. People would lose interest because it wouldn't be for fun anymore, it would be for money. People would begin doubting each others score's. It would be the downfall of the HSC.

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I don't think that it was a good idea to offer the $10 gift certificate. I like free money as much as anyone else, but I think that it really hurt what this competition was supposed to stand for.

Unfortunatey I have to agree here.


Maybe any price money should be announced and awarded after a competition and only if there is no doubt about any of the results. That should drive away most of those who don't care to ruin the fun for everybody (see my sig! :x).


Or simply no monetary price at all.

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Hi there!


Just a question to all the here available CG BMX pros. The current TG world record is listed with: 64,420


Anyone here think this is possible?





Not for me ;)


But I think yes, because you get 10000 Bonus points, when you never crash. I always crash and never get this points. And when you not crash, you are much faster. Every second is some points more.


And Triple Flip = 1800. I have never done this Triple Flip, because I always crashed as I try it. I get no high and time to make this Triple Flip, but it must be possible or why it stand in the manual. :ponder:


I have only get all 10 Blue Flags = 4000 Bonus points.

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Hi there!


Just a question to all the here available CG BMX pros. The current TG world record is listed with: 64,420


Anyone here think this is possible?





It is possible but it would be very difficult. To get my score, i ran a perfect run, while doing as many tricks as i could in between.

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Definitely. I haven't counted things on an individual basis yet, but from what I can tell the "heavy hitters" were likely Todd Rogers, jedijeff, MattyXB, Numan, homerwannabee, Malc74 and keilbaca (although not necessarily in that order).



I have count for the "heavy hitters" you meantion now. Not sure if this is 100% correct, but it looks near like this.


How Many Medals:

jedijeff 9-2-4 = 15

Malc74 7-4-1 = 12

MattyXB 6-0-5 = 11

Todd Rogers 10-0-0 = 10

Numan 1-9-0 = 10

keilbaca 4-3-1 = 8

homerwannabee 0-0-7 = 7


Most Gold Medals:

Todd Rogers = 10

jedijeff = 9

Malc74 = 7

MattyXB = 6

keilbaca = 4

Numan = 1

homerwannabee = 0


Points when Gold =5, Silver = 3 & Bronze = 1:

jedijeff = 55

Todd Rogers = 50

Malc74 = 48

MattyXB = 35

Numan = 32

keilbaca = 30

homerwannabee = 7


Everytime a bit different. :)

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Hi there!


Just a question to all the here available CG BMX pros. The current TG world record is listed with: 64,420


Anyone here think this is possible?





It is possible but it would be very difficult. To get my score, i ran a perfect run, while doing as many tricks as i could in between.



But I think yes, because you get 10000 Bonus points, when you never crash. I always crash and never get this points. And when you not crash, you are much faster. Every second is some points more.


And Triple Flip = 1800. I have never done this Triple Flip, because I always crashed as I try it. I get no high and time to make this Triple Flip, but it must be possible or why it stand in the manual.  :ponder:  


I have only get all 10 Blue Flags = 4000 Bonus points.



Wow! I had no idea you got a 10,000 point bonus for not crashing! I got my score by doing as many tabletops as possible - it's possible to do one every time the ground takes a downward turn, so I just spent most of the time doing that (there are some screens where you can do 4 or 5 tabletops, one after the other) and picking up all the blue flags for the 4000 point bonus. Always crashed several times on my runs. I found the flips to be a waste of time - as far as I could see, tabletops were easier to do and worth more or less the same amount. On the very last big jump, two screens from the end, it was possible to do a triple table-top if you picked up enough speed, but I could never do a triple flip either.

Hmm, I might go back and see if I can do a clear run, then (not that it matters any more, obviously, but it'd be nice to accomplish it.

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Wow!  I had no idea you got a 10,000 point bonus for not crashing!  I got my score by doing as many tabletops as possible - it's possible to do one every time the ground takes a downward turn, so I just spent most of the time doing that (there are some screens where you can do 4 or 5 tabletops, one after the other) and picking up all the blue flags for the 4000 point bonus.  Always crashed several times on my runs.  I found the flips to be a waste of time - as far as I could see, tabletops were easier to do and worth more or less the same amount.  On the very last big jump, two screens from the end, it was possible to do a triple table-top if you picked up enough speed, but I could never do a triple flip either.

Hmm, I might go back and see if I can do a clear run, then (not that it matters any more, obviously, but it'd be nice to accomplish it.


I have done it complete different. Near no tabletops, only Flips everywhere I can jump. Most double Flips.

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Most Gold Medals:

Hey, I got 6 too! :)

(though 4 of them are shared with many other people...)

Yes, but I have only post the ones, which Ze_ro posted.

I have make now a complete list for every single player.


G-S-B = Points (Medals) Name


9-2-4 = 55 (15) jedijeff

10-0-0 = 50 (10) ToddRogers

7-4-1 = 48 (12) Malc74

6-0-5 = 35 (11) MattyXB

1-9-0 = 32 (10) Numan

4-3-1 = 30 (8) keilbaca

6-0-0 = 30 (6) Thomas Jentzsch

4-0-1 = 21 (5) Jeffy Arensmeyer

3-0-1 = 16 (4) the 5th ghost

2-0-1 = 11 (3) Goochman

1-1-2 = 10 (4) sku_u

2-0-0 = 10 (2) dykesr

1-1-1 = 9 (3) Cybergoth

0-0-7 = 7 (7) homerwannabee

1-0-2 = 7 (3) Comptech25

1-0-2 = 7 (3) Ze_ro

1-0-1 = 6 (2) KaeruYojimbo

1-0-1 = 6 (2) tin

1-0-0 = 5 (1) Adonick

1-0-0 = 5 (1) Larcen Tyler

1-0-0 = 5 (1) UK WOMBLE

0-1-0 = 3 (1) Stingray

0-0-1 = 1 (1) iguana

0-0-1 = 1 (1) Tsukasa


Not sure again, if this is complete or correct.

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I have 1 additional gold that needs to  be updated - otherwise your list is complete ;)

Ok, but then maybe someone else loose medals or not? Or was it the swimming one (page 20 when I see it right), then noone lose a medal. :)


And there is a small problem by Skeet Shooting where the 5th ghost & sku_u are in one Team. Not sure if I have count both for Gold there. ;)


But I hope near all is then complete now, I will not post the list again for this small updates. ;) :D

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