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I Am Mad On Them Re-Selling Old Classic Games!

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First off don't get me wrong on any one who's like to re-selling old games to the new consoles of todays Gen-X players but for some real classic gamers like us who grown up I like to vent out my anger on some miss-use on many old games from console that not many of todays kid ever even herd off, and I'm talking about two main ones 'Atari 80 Classic Games In One!' and 'Intellivision Lives!' and why are they making me mad so much?? Well for one thing none of them has the really GOOD games!! Like in the Atari 80 one there's no blockbuster 2600 games like Ms.Pac-Man, Dig-Dug, Berzerk, Kangaroo, Moon Patrol , Space Invaders...SPACE INAVDERS!! How the hell they forgot to ad that?!? I know I KNOW they are property own like Namco or Taito and I say PAY THEM!! So what it may cost them some money... SO WHAT?! these are the games that make there 2600 sell and lets look at Intellivision Lives on that game I don't see any of the heavy hiting games like He-Man, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man and any TRON GAMES!! I mean come one it's not an Intellivision with out Tron! And I know I'm not anlone on this issue and I know some where out there some one is thinking of making a Colecovision All In One CD and if I don't see games like Donkey Kong, Zaxxon or Venture on the list ALL BETS ARE OFF :x

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My second part in them making me upset is thouse Plug it in & Play TV Games joysticks like the Atari 10 in 1 and the Namco Arcade ones first off none pf thouse games are the real thing and for the life of me why? Why the hell are none of them can be emulated with real roms? Again lets look at one of the game for the Atari 10 in 1 game Yars Revenge, 1: The Neutral Zone is not snowing but flashing and it's solid and it's moving up and down! And all of them do not sound right at all they just re-write a a new game and make it to look like the old games and to me thats not right if they own the right of the game then why the hell not just make a small emulator and put in 10 game.bin we live in a emulators world and I can tell you they just don't get it!

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On compilations for modern systems: The older the system, the MORE games you had better cram into it, and if it's a CD or DVD-based system, I want to see art, design sketches, all kinds of great omake shit. Make the whole package something worth having, not just a goddamn emulator and shitty package design. If Nintendo only charged $15 for each of the rereleased NES games, and put out a lot more of them, they'd be moving a lot faster. Ah well, they're close to perfection with this thing, so I can't fault them too much.

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They make these to make money.


Some of these licenses aren't cheap. You could easily lose money on a title that doesn't sell in the millions with a couple of these big name licenses.


And the hardware they use for these games aren't powerful enough to emulate a game.

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You won't see arcade licenses like Space Invaders or Galaxian on those comps because they'd have to pay extra for them. Simple as that.


It's cheaper to re-write some old games than to put a true emulator in what is really an inexpensive toy. If you're serious about authentic classic gaming, you'll have an authentic classic game system. Everything else is just an imitation.

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If Nintendo only charged $15 for each of the rereleased NES games, and put out a lot more of them, they'd be moving a lot faster. Ah well, they're close to perfection with this thing, so I can't fault them too much.


And there's an other thing I hate Gaming Company MILKING there old games for cash only, Like the Classic NES games for GBA-SP lets look at them, Here you fine that you have to first buy the SP unit thats like $99 then the games them self are what $20 a pop? They can just put like 10 to 25 NES games on one carty but NNOOOOOOOOOOO one game per cart and there's like 10 classic games? But then you go to any game store in down town street and fibne these game units or game sjoypad that looks like PS1 or Xbox wannabes and had build-in NES games with REAL ROMS not simulated for $20 to $30 busks. I know there rippoff from NES units but tell me how they can do it from a no name company in China town and can do this and yet Nintendo one sells one game carts and think they can make any more money in a online, download, do what ever the hell they want, emulators world in hope to compete with the massise?!?

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If Nintendo ever going to sell any old and out dated games then this is what hthey should do, first off STOP this one game only carts on GBA if they want us to buy any of them they should do is put all there GOOD classic games in one CD for the Gamecube like "The Nintendo FLashback" and put some good title games from Arcade, NES and SNES all on one CD for the GC and here my list of what they should put.


Arcade: Donkey Kong, DKJr, Popeye (PAY the Copyright you cheap ass), Mario Brothers, Duck Hunt, Excitebike, Punch-Out, Hogan'Alley, Ice Climber, Wild Gunman.


NES: Super Mario 1, 2 & 3, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Kid Icarus, Baseball, 10 Yard Fight, Mach Rider, Rad Racer, Kung Fu, Pinball, Pro Wrestling, R.C. Pro-Am, Tetris, Dr. Mario, Yoshi, Kirby's Adenture.


SNES: Super Mario World, The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past, F-Zero, Pilotwings, Starfox.


Plus some extra stuff like art gallerys from ther 80's TV ads both US and Japanese and art works, boxs art, and more.

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Now wake yourself up to the reality that classic games are piss poor sellers. When done cheaply they can make a nice profit because of the miniscule development costs, but they'll never be a big money maker. Systems like the cube have too small a user base to draw the sales that are needed. The GBA is so popular that if only 1 or 2 percent of the owners buy a game you end up in the black.


Why should Nintendo group their games together when they're selling enough as it is? It's all about money.

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who's like to re-selling old games to the new consoles of todays Gen-X players but for some real classic gamers like us...


Yep I'm going to nit-pick here...


I'd like to point out that I fall in to both categories... I'm not only a GenX'er but I'm also in the right age to be a Classic gamer.


Another thing to keep in mind is that in say 20 years are there going to be collections like this for the current games? Possibly, but it will be harder as there are far mor gaming companies today.


Finally, I'd rather they keep updating them to modern machines. How many games are already lost to oblivion?

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Somebody has to pay for this shit. It's not commercially viable to port the Channel F games to modern systems. You think there's more software now? That's ridiculous. No doubt hundreds if not thousands of games have been lost already. But we can't whine and hope that Sony decides to re-release the Synapse Software games for the PS2. It ain't gonna happen. Fans have to rescue and preserve these games themselves.


Even when companies like Activision try to sell to the classic gamers, they just get mixed signals. It's not good enough to preserve the games in a popular format such as the PS or PC, people start bitching because they can't play it on their GameCube or WonderSwan or whatever. Try to release a cheap self-contained 2600 toy and everyone is bitching because it doesn't have a cart slot and coaxial jacks and a new line of games. Classic gamers are a nightmare to market to because most have no sense of perspective.


BTW, Gen-Xers are also classic gamers. Gen-X is generally accepted as those born between 1965-1985. GenX were the first kids to have video games.

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Yeah but the problem is that when they re-release old games on newer

systems they change code and make it so it doesn't play, look or sound exactly

like the original which means that these games are still unreleased as far

as im concerned.


the GBA NES classics are supposed to be exactly the same from what I have

gathered but who the hell wants to pay so much for one 20 year old game

re-release? :? I'd rather try to find the real article for a fair price! ;)


Put it this way If you had a NES and a GBA and you could buy super mario

for 3 times as less on the NES, why pay that much extra for the same game? :ponder:


Honesty and truth fully here I reckon all the companies that are in existence

should think about developing for PC's and sell commercial emulator bundles

with as many (unmodified) ROMs as they can. :)


If SEGA released games like Virtua Fighter 2, Sonic R, Sonic 3d Blast and

Enemy Zero years back then whats stopping Nintendo from selling ROM's

commercially and more readily and legally available :?:

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The bottom line:

If you want the original gameplay then you have to buy the original games. Think of what the word "emulation" really means.


If we, the classic gaming fans, want to preserve those old games then we can't rely on any companies. We have to take the initiative ourselves.


Stop wishing for pie-in-the-sky ideals. Classic gaming is a low-profit niche market. The most marketable games (Activision,Namco) have already been repackaged and sold. Nintendo sells classics one at a time because they make the most money that way. The don't want the ROMs available because they want to keep re-selling the same nostalgia system after system. It's business.

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And there's an other thing I hate Gaming Company MILKING there old games for cash only, Like the Classic NES games for GBA-SP lets look at them, Here you fine that you have to first buy the SP unit thats like $99 then the games them self are what $20 a pop? They can just put like 10 to 25 NES games on one carty but NNOOOOOOOOOOO one game per cart and there's like 10 classic games?


Hey man, I totally agree with you, but Nintendo's got to make a living somehow. They know they can re-sell the same game over and over again, because the collectors out there WILL buy them. They already released the majority of the classic NES series on e-cards, and you can also access them in Animal Crossing. I guess Nintendo figured that players needed yet another way to play all those games. They should have just packed most of them onto one cartridge, but they make a lot more dough when they sell them all seperately.


By the way, a lot of those Dreamcast and N64 shaped controllers you're seeing with games built into them aren't licensed, or even legal. They've got seriously low overhead because they didn't actually pay for any of the games in the controller. Some exceptions include the TV Games by Radica and Jakks Pacific, but you'll notice that they have far fewer games on those controllers... sometimes as few as three!



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I'm not real sure where I fall now. I don't have the resources, time or space to be a 'true' collector. I love the old games (and new ones too) but I am also realistic about it. Because of my limitations, I eagerly purchase these collections. I don't really expect them to be perfect nor do I really care if this sound is'nt quite the same or the color is slightly different. The majority of the compilations are not made with the true collector in mind (after all, a true collector would buy the real thing, right?) No, instead they are made for those who wish to relive a part of their past or introduce it to their children. Believe it or not, kids will like the game if they PLAY well. Kids today are not that different. Give them a fun game and they will play. My kid still plays Freeway on my Jakks Activision (I have the butt ugly original) and LOVES it. He loves Pac man just as much as he loves Super Mario Sunshine. And Astroblast on the not-so-perfect Intellivision controller is good for him to play. The point is that this community is the fringe target and not the main target. You have to realize that the hardware that those old consoles was built is just not there anymore. Many (like the 2600) used custom chips that would'nt be very practical to make today. If they did, chances are it would cost way too much and the return would be nearly nothing. So, the next best thing is emulation. There are some really good ones and some really bad ones. It is difficult to strike the balance and I commend the wonderful programmers who have given us MAME and MESS. They have truly done something great.

As for the controllers, I think they are wonderful. Not perfect, but they work. And how many people have been exposed to something like the original Pitfall that other wise may not have been? The Jakks stuff is selling well. The Intellivision 25 in 1 kept selling out. There is a market for them.

Oh yeah, I love the Nintendo repros. I do agree that they should have put more on a cartridge, but to be able to play SMB 3 anywhere I want, that's worth the twenty bucks to me.


I'd also like to say that this is one helluva community. AtariAge is absolutely top notch and the folks who frequent it are of equal quality. I like to think that this community, willing or not, has played a big part in all of these compilations and re-issues. I may be wrong, but i don't think so.


BTW, the Blue Sky Rangers did release a collection of Colecovision 'hits' a few years ago for the PC. Activision, I *THINK* also released it for the PSOne.


Now, where the hell is that Channel F 25 in 1?


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Darn.   I was hoping for a rerelease of the original Odyssey with the option of displaying the overlays.  Imagine the options of displaying all the playing cards and instructions!  How are those games to be preserved?


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

Funny you mention that!


There was an attempt (by Paul Robson, I think) to write an emulator for the first Odyssey. Last I recall, he was asking to borrow the overlays and stuff so he could scan them and, somehow, make it all work. It was a good effort, but I don't think it went very far. You can download and play what he did do. Go over to Classicgaming.com, I think you can find it there.

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