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7800 Questions

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Been collecting for the 2600 for about a year know and of course other systems as well.


I am thinking about getting into the 7800 but I know little about it.


Does the genesis controllers work with the 7800 like they do with the 2600?


How much is a fair price to pay for one with all the hookups and some common games?


Does anyone have one they would sell/trade?



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The Genesis controllers work on about half the games properly; the ones that use only one button. On the games that use two, the genesis controller must be modified to use more than one of it's buttons. 2600 games played on a 7800 with a Genesis controller will work fine.

I don't know about a fair price for sure, I think I picked one up for about 30-40 with a couple controllers and about 10 games. But, I do have a 7800 deck, with all the chords&adapter and two working controller plus 9 7800 games and a few 2600 games for sale. $40 bucks includes shipping and handling. E-mail me for a list of games (I have to double check, but there are some good ones there!) Everything is in good working order.

OR, I'll trade for a Colecovision with all the chords&adapter, 2 controller preferable but at least one, and some games. Or maybe trade it for some 5200 stuff. Or Lynx games. or stuff for 800/XL/XE/3DO/DC/XBOX/Jaguar.


[ 02-21-2002: Message edited by: Gunstar ]

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If you can't work anything out with Gunstar, I believe I can spare a deck, controllers, cords, adapters, and about 20 games.


I am looking to start my 5200 collection. I'll trade for some of that stuff or I will sell straight up.


Cousin Vinnie

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